Whose up for being a Dodo?

Started by Anonymous, June 23, 2008, 10:26:04 PM

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This sounds like a pretty DAMN good plan.

- - - - - -

http://www.wakeupfromyourslumber.com/no ... ment-30673

Ace EyeQ | Tue, 2008-06-24 05:51

Whose up for being a Dodo?

I finally got back to this thread, there's a definite need for a reality check here. I've been at this stuff for more than 30 years and its been a learning curve all the way. So take it from me - always remember WHO brought the fight to YOU and never give THEM any quarter.

WHAT IS A Media Gate-Keeper?

A Media Gate-Keeper (G-K) is someone who controls access to the media,

1. by controlling the message given out by the Media on,

a. the deletion/spin on the facts themselves (eg American Patriots Friends Network forum & many many more).
b. addition of competing irrelevant facts or fiction (eg Moonhoax, UFO's, Shape-shifting 12ft lizards).
c. directing of the readers viewpoint (use of misdirection is relevant here) (eg its "Bush", its "the black pope", its "scientists", its "Americans")
d. organization of the resistance movement action against the Global Judaic Dictatorship (GJD) (eg Why dont we investigate the "Mormons" or the "Church of Scientology")
- has ANYONE organized ANY actual resistance? (save perhaps Rev. Ted Pike - so called hate crime laws)

2. by controlling who has access to the Media (who gets access to TV/internet/press) so,

a. who gets to be an interviewer/host
b. Who gets to be interviewed
c. who gets to post on forums (those whose posts are not deleted or have their accounts closed)
d. who gets to own a forum
e. who gets to be forum admins with deletion/censorship rights
f. whose files/torrents are hosted
g. whose web pages are hosted
h. who gets live interviews/access and who gets edited interviews/access.

A G-K controls all these things. All current media owners/hosts are therefore potentially G-Ks.


Now as I've read elsewhere on WUFYS that 300 jewish families (which make up GJD HQ - my opinion) have 95% of the worlds resources at their disposal.

So it can be concluded that the remainder, 6billion "gentile" peoples, must therefore control less than 5% of the worlds resources between them!

That means each gentile has about a piss in the breeze chance of changing anything, on their own. And most who do have the money to really assist have already taken the devil's dollar, be they mason or otherwise.

As so therefore it is totally absurd, in the extreme !!! , for ANY "gentile" to pony up money to ANY organization EXCEPT those which are wholly and solely under the control of "gentiles" of KNOWN pedigree, connections and membership (excludes persons who are active masonic, rotary movements & political orgs such as Communist & National Socialist. There are 10s of 1000s of such orgs and they need to be urgently listed).

Certainly, to donate money/resources or buy the publications/pay subscription to anyone who is of a known GJD association, is certain to be a drain on what little funds the "gentile" peoples have left.

(This is particularly relevant where the potential recipients are from a group who is obviously up to its neck in the GJD - eg Marranos)

Looking at this from a purely survival point of view - gentiles are destined for extinction unless they dramatically change their blinkered values on "fairness". "Fairness" is something friends show each other and which mortal enemies NEVER do. Of course, the GJD will continue to encourage any of you in this END-eavor.


Here's the test for "gentile" success in the last 5 years in their awareness (for most of them) to the problem of the GJD. Try it.

1. NAME in the US/Canada/Australia/New Zealand/EU based, NATIONAL/REGIONAL,

a. 1 TV NETWORK (out of hundreds/thousands)

b. 3 RADIO STATIONS (out of thousands/tens of thousands)

c. 5 NEWSPAPERS (out of tens of thousands)

d. 5 MAINSTREAM WEBSITES (out of thousands/tens of thousands)

e. 10 ALTERNATIVE INTERNET WEBSITES (out of thousands, now falling)

f. 10 ALTERNATIVE INTERNET FORUMS (out of hundreds and dropping fast)

...which gentiles proveably control?

2. HOW MANY G-K's do gentiles have? Are there ANY?


Surely, if you NOW fail such a basic test then you must realize that you DO NOT have enough money to waste on funding any Marrano jews?

Of course, members of the GJD DO have enough money to fund themselves, so "gentiles" should have no fear they will not be funded. If they choose not to fund some of their own G-K's, that will be to scare you!

Now 80% of the worlds money turnover is going through gentile hands in the form of wages.

But you always willingly hand it straight to the GJD!


1. Did you stop them taxing you more?

2. Did you stop giving money to their (any except perhaps the like of the Salvation Army - take a look at the charities offciers/execs list) charities?

3. Did you organize your own shops?

4. Did you organize your own banks?

5. Did you organize your own wholesalers/exporters/importers/growers/producers?

6. Did you buy from a gentile instead of the GJD?

7. Did you employ gentile instead of a member of the GJD?

8. Did you stop buying jewellery or make you own?

9. Do you grow you own food or buy from a gentile who does?

10. Did you do ANYTHING in the real world to significantly change the balance of power?

11. Did ANY ONE of your "Representatives" (internet or otherwise), ever tell you to organize in the manner above or below? If not, then you should be asking yourselves the question - WHY NOT? It is obvious, is it not?

12. Did any of your pet marrano's tell you how the marrano organize against you. About their orgs, their chain of command, their systems/methods of command, control and intelligence gathering? If not, then you should be asking yourselves the question - WHY NOT? It is obvious, is it not?

Their web sites should be devoted to this subject - no ? After all they are likely to be the only ones who know!

Surely they know if other marranos are bugging "gentiles" houses or work places? and the extent of it? Just for starters! Surely there are defectors?

Instead ALL you hear is SILENCE - na da - zilch - diddly squat - nothing - not a WORD - why?

Could it be that SHHHHHHH is GOLDEN (Goulden, Holden, Olden, Gould, Fould, Gold, Bold, Mold, Old)?

13. Did any of your anti-zionist jews tell you how the zioinsts organize against you. About their orgs, their chain of command, their systems/methods/technology of command, control and intelligence gathering? If not, then you should be asking yourselves the question - WHY NOT? It is obvious, is it not?

Their web sites should be devoted to this subject - no ? After all they are likely to be the only ones who know!

Surely they know if other jews are bugging "gentiles" houses or work places? and the extent of it? Just for starters! Surely there are defectors?

Instead ALL you hear is SILENCE - na da - zilch - diddly squat - nothing - not a WORD - why?

Do you really believe that committed anti-zionists are not going to give you the full and unedited details of the zionist orgs, how they operate, where they operate, who operates them and what illegal activites they've been up to.

Don't you think we'd be knee deep in criminal prosecutions of these fiends by now, if we had genuine anti-zionist jews on our side?

Its a ruse, a "get out of jail free card" for when the curtain come down on the GJD. So some survive, to keep the GJD dream alive.


So its time you organized.

1. You need a list of political/social orgs that are considered under GJD control - eg masons, communists, national socialists

2. You need a list of Media orgs who are considered to be "gentile"

3. You need a list, classified by type (Jew, merrano jew, masonic, communist, etc), of GJD Media orgs.

4. You need a list of "gentile" seed projects such as banks, jewellers, growers, shops, etc.

If not then you're handing all your hard earned cash over to the GJD.

5. You need to use you churches (for christians) and get in there and take control of them again (you can ignore the judeo-preacher and his bull) to organize from, beware of marranos and the likes.

You'll find the GJD are even using their resources via marranos etc. you cn use therse resources.

6. You need to take over your local politics and services, your town hall, police chief, major & your local gov. servants.

You'll find the GJD are taking the lions share of the local resources that you pony up for.
You'll find you can then oppose the latest GJD scams to raid you cash boxes.

7. You need 1 National Radio station in each country.

8. To start you need at least 1 Local/Regional TV station/channel in each country.

9. You need 30 internet forums in different languages (5 - English, 2 - French German Spanish Portuguese Dutch Russian, 1 - Swedish Norwegian Finish Danish Serbo-Croat Slav Polish Welsh Gaelic Japanese Chinese Arabic Hindu etc)

These must give the same general message and keep their eye on the real target. They must organize their own local areas.

Each forum should have a various parts eg GJD alert status by area, Action Required/Meets etc, Projects, Report a GJD crime/activity in your area, Backgrounder, Resources (shops, suppliers/services, education, training etc), Management Assessment of state of play)

10. You need a PRAYER and a WING - so you always REMOVE anyone from the loop who resorts to violence, malice or gross stupidity (just censor the relevant trash with xxxxxx's so people can see what you objected to, but be prepared to supply original if challenged).

Defense is one thing but if you allow the GJD controlled system to false-flag you then you will NOT succeed, they will demonize you in their media. Remember, when you get back in charge you can always change the laws to bring these people to book after you have got every drop of information out of them.


To start with you need troops - you need to reach out. With media under enemy control you need an alternative plan to get to the masses.

You need to print flyers, posters and to make cheap CD's up with the best (keep the crap out) stuff you've got. Something simple.

An outline of the 9/11, the 300 families, the jewish controllers (Politicians, Media, Law, ec) in each country, the trail of false flag, the history of jewish designed wars such as Communism, National Socialism, American Independence, American Civil War, Freach Revolution, English Civil War. Links to get more info.

CD's are a cheap, hundreds for a few dollars, use VCD quality and try to print a catchy label "Take this home and change your life" or something.

Drop the flyers, CDs and posters all over places where people frequent, nice and quiet like.

Cafe's, bars, clubs, bus depos, coach & train stations, student rest rooms and the likes. There are endless ways. Hand them out (more effective but more personal) or leave them there.

Start a chain letter to get people sending flyers to each other (they'll need to miss jews off their mailing - they'll learn the names that way).



Thats a pretty good article there Azixx ...a gentile station I can't name any but internet radio shows we've got Prothink, DBS, OG and LAV atleast these are the ones I trust the others I listen to with caution. We could also add something like the secret covenant of your owners man this should be taught in every school...it just gives it straight and simple I gave it to a few people a long with some other stuff and I have been getting shit loads of positive feedback.
\'My revolution is born out of love for my people, not hatred for others\'
Immortal Technique - Philosophy of Poverty

londongeezar (2 hours ago) Show Hide +1   Marked as spam Reply | Spam
scotch fuck israel then go and fuck your mother u long nose dirty auszwitz escaping terrorist cunt u  (the funniest comment I read on youtube)


awesome post, im thinking about it.  Ill have to go back and give it a second read.
don\'t believe that Anti-Semitic Canard.


What's up with the fortune city image?


Quote from: "aZiXx"What's up with the fortune city image?
I guess it is an image of a dodo when viewed on a Fortune City site, but when linked to from any other site, is replaced with the image you see. It is to encourage hot linking, which is considered by many to be a form of bandwidth theft.
"The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as \'international bankers.\' This little coterie... run our government for their own selfish ends. It operates under cover of a self-created screen, seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection."
John F. Hylan (1868-1936) - Former Mayor of New York City



IT was this dodo, sorry for the noob-a-tudeness. :lol:   Don't know how long it will host that image either
don\'t believe that Anti-Semitic Canard.