TFC Friday 27 August 2010 DBS / Irene Gravenhorst TM

Started by Helphand, September 04, 2010, 12:40:32 PM

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TFC Friday 27 August 2010 DBS / Irene Gravenhorst

Typed as listened - by the time I got to the end of 1-1/2 hours I knew I shouldn't have bothered. But see note at end on the possible source of the "freeman" analysis.

      Freewoman on the Land
(by her "agent for the corporation of the capitalised version of that name") (1) (Plaintiffly whining)


      ZOG, L.L.C. (2) (by its Long-suffering Lowly Clerks)

Some types of Jews do statistically have a higher level of certain mental illnesses than the average population (inbreeding), least if Eustace Mullins in Mullins' New History of the Jews (1968) can be believed (+other sources). This "Miss" may or may not be a Jewess but either way she is eccentric and sad to say, possibly delusional. Also more to the point, a  PITA.

Took a trip to the local library for a coupla hours and dipped into fun legal encyclopaedias. Just a couple Fruits of Philosophee interspersed from my delving.

She says the Tax Court is above the Federal Appeal Court of Canada. Let's have her legal authority for this statement.
Here's one of the main Canadian online legal databases

25 minutes - Vice President - this is cack. Everyone who's been in business knows V-Ps are ten a penny in banks, it's a rank fairly near the bottom rung and doesn't even exist formally in English corporate law as far as I can tell. Maybe it's got some more formal status in the US. It doesn't mean Vice-Chairman or something! Nowhere near the Board or even a regional committee.

29 mins - no clerk would (could?) delete a customer insurance number from the bank records because they are obliged to keep money laundering identification files like lots of other businesses so this sounds garbled.

35 minutes - uh-oh we're into the UPPER / Lower Case BS or should that be bs? Says she has trademarked her name - but what TRADE is she carrying on, identified with the name,  which she is trying to protect by a (TM)? And is it unique to her or is there another Irene Gravenhorst out there who might be confused with her in whatever trade it is?

She loves the notary and has the Notarial Apostille formalising the notary's signature confirming her name and photograph. How romantic. Would that be a provincial  notary or a scrivener (now defunct), a notaire or an avoue? Has she got into consularising yet?

Canadian ....(?) Elizabeth Cross is grande dame of tax refuseniks in the "Freedom Force Movement". Irene's hero is Jordan Maxwell ???? Yikes. There's a thrower of lines and a babbling brook of bullshit and folk-etymology.

49 mins - says she's dealing direct with Jacob Rothschild????? Letters from her get returned saying "no longer here"  :D
At 50:36 her reported speech of Bernanke saying Fed Notes "not even back by gold". Shit, not the gold-is-good BS / bs again.

58:30-ish DBS mentions Robert Maynard (?) who is this guy?

1hr: She invokes laws of Karma against Jacob Rothschild, she says he's said to be in control of that "subsidiary"!

1:06 mins the registered lien is the power which keeps you out of the courts; it notifies them you are the creditor and registering agent for the secured party which is your corporation. (How does she get there?)  "A verbal claim to the party on notice: I am the agent for the corporate name, the notice is $3mio for infringement and next time I get information from you you'll be sent a bill".

"TermSpeak is the language of the Khazarian Zions use". She avoids using it....

1:17:12: she had to leave her multimillion Dollar home with a swimming pool...

1:28:08 she's filed criminal charges with RCMP in Ottawa against the Bank of Canada and its Board of Directors and received a file number but awaits hearing that action is being taken... she thinks the file has been closed on grounds of kookery of complainant...

Her website is something like?

VERDICT: a Dog and Pony Show. She's got off in practice by being a lippy  PITA - or being recognised as non compos mentis - but if she pushes it or there's a big amount of cash involved, she will be squashed like a bug or more likely, sectioned.

The REAL litmus test for this casuistry and verbal fakery would be getting a release for the likes of the imprisoned Two, whose unorthodox views on the [Jewish] Holocaust ("Tales of the Holohoax" etc) have earned them a few years in prison in England despite their web server being located in First Amendment USA. On the other hand, ever thought WHY those guaranteed rights came in as Amendments, and not from the start?  ;)  

Is she classified as a "vexatious litigant"   yet or being kept on the back burner for distraction purposes? DBS will get her back on, (perhaps with Dr. Banks?...)

I have begun doing some sporadic research on the net on this whole freeman issue which seems to differ in scope and emphasis according to country. So far I've found the only substantial pieces in Eustace Mullins' 1989 book "The Rape of Justice", notably Chapter 15, "Mullins on Equity", pages 481-531. I've wrapped this with an extract from Icke's 2003 book Tales From The Time Loop.

A couple of old US textbooks are cited in the text and some court cases. The argument which I haven't read fully and certainly not yet absorbed is highly abstract and may be tendentious. Was Eustace ill around 1989?

Glancing through this Chapter of Mullins', I find in it most of the stuff on the internet that I've read is half-understood repetitions from it and completely idiotic extrapolations have been seeded on those. That said, there are a few soupcons of beguiling plausibility mixed in here and there. But currently I feel faint from the overpowering smell of extraordinary popular delusions if not outright BS.

I suggest that DBS ask Ellen Brown if she has a take on this issue (being an attorney and therefore better qualified than us to do so, assuming she doesn't feel affronted after having her views on the unlikeliness of hyperinflation vilified on-air); and if not, see if she can give an impression - privately only if necessary - once she has read Chapter 15 of Mullins' book if not all of it. It is said that Eustace had a sense of humour, maybe this was an example of it?

If you feel like acquiring a taste for legalease, time's better spent on following developments regarding the UK's Bank of England Bill or the money reform and Health Bill issues in the US before the November elections.

Another good program would be a revisit about exposing Common Purpose, although I'm sceptical about Brian Gerrish who seems either naive or in with the likes of Dr Stan Monteith, etc. I haven't checked very recently but I think he's also dropped the freeman on the land links to "bbc5tv" which isn't the bbc (both seem to be purveyors of disinfo).


I also have mixed feelings about that interview.

Thanks for your insights, Helphand.

Ps. that fellow's name is Robert Menard and his sit is or something (sorry my tabs aren't working so i can't confirm)