TFC: Friday, 3 December, 2010 - DBS / M. Rafiq

Started by Helphand, December 15, 2010, 03:20:49 PM

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TFC: Friday, 3 December, 2010 - DBS / M. Rafiq ... 3-2010.mp3

DBS: more people willing to speak up, new potential interviewees being identified, focus on solutions; people are proposing gold backed currency as a good thing; not so, most national gold has been disgorged to the criminals who would be able to manipulate the money supply through their control of the relative volumes of the gold that backs it. {see Frederick Soddy: The Gold 'Standard' Snare (1935): viewtopic.php?f=33&t=13264&p=51451#p51451 } But personal holdings of gold and silver coins will have value for preserving wealth. DBS recommends being all in silver, traditionally the price relation of silver:gold has been 16:1, currently it's 48:1 so silver price has plenty of catching up to do. Also silver's industrial uses expanding.
MR: bit under the weather, back from travelling. Critical for people to understand that the criminals are preventing the testing of possible alternative solutions in finance etc. The criminals must be identified and incapacitated and all is in vain till that happens.
DBS: Ellen Hodson Brown's work contains amateur analysis in some ways {can you amplify this comment, it's been made before; but her book "Web of Debt" seems to have inflamed one Gary North at among others so it seems to be on the right lines}. However Bank of North Dakota having survived for 100 years and supporting farming and community based projects at lower cost with lower unemployment rates suggests a local accountability model works. One example of a solution, not a model for regional/international trade.
MR: it's a good solution. Also important to note that the bank also provides interest-free student loans for locals.

DBS: other effects; N. American Indian Lakota Nation (Sioux) previously impoverished has benefited from access to lending by N. Dakota Bank. Rodney Shakespeare (interview coming up), he espouses two tier system: interest rate and fees charged but profit goes back to the local community so the usury charge is in effect sterilised. Shakespeare's argument is that providing roads, infrastructure etc should not be done at interest; his system proposes that government should spend new money into existence on projects, interest free.
MR: agreed, there should be no interest on the money because the government creates it; or rather it should, since the legislative model we currently have allows private institutions to create the money which they then lend back to the government at interest rather than government just issuing the money itself interest-free! IMPORTANT: Quantitative Easing is the creation of money by government at no cost which money it in effect gives to the banks at very low cost (low interest) and then actually borrows back from the banks at a higher cost! {pointless then in the case of the UK's RBS and Lloyds, being almost exclusively publicly owned since the bailouts?} But the legal and technical mechanisms are now in place for the creation of money by government at no cost so half the job of preparation has been done already. Therefore money reformers simply recommend government not to give the money to the banks but to spend it into supply on public works/services that are needed and destroy any inflationary effect by withdrawing the excess from circulation through applied taxes and not reissuing that withdrawn money. "Excess money spent over the optimum economic activity level of money for facility trade and commerce and functioning of society is destroyed."
DBS: Ireland: Euro600mio in interest alone p.a. to be paid on the money borrowed to bail out the banks (some/mainly foreign) for their counterparty risk {just like TARP, see videos of "B.S." {quite!} Bernanke being quizzed by U.S. Congressional Committee in the person of Representative Alan Grayson (Democrat-Florida--Orlando etc.)} so the new money isn't even benefiting the Irish population who are being debt enslaved to repay it with interest. In the UK the National Debt is permanent.
MR: the first Bank of England loan was for 5 years or thereabouts and the National Debt was cleared off for a short period but soon re-established so yes it's effectively permanent.

DBS: let's recap on who these bankers are who have been responsible for the debt imposition. Cromwell financed by the Dutch (Jewish) bankers; ploughing of the Irish under Cromwell; William of Orange; Jewish infusion into aristocracy from Battenberg and other lines; Pembroke etc are Jewish families. Are they Sephardim or Ashkenazim or a mix? Some Sephardim moved to Netherlands when slung out of Spain; or are they just all Sabbateans?
MR: the differences of the Ashkenazim and Sephardim are swallowed when it comes down to doing business [at the expense of the Goyim]. Not much evident history of shared worship or intermarriage up to Victorian times when London synagogue attendance was kept segregated between the two groups.
DBS: Jewish bankers in Aegean region and on opposite coast of Italy, Venetian/Florence bankers migrated to France with the Medicis, these were the Shylocks of Shakespeare: primarily Sephardim.
MR: correct, around c12th the Jews of Lombardy and the Jews in other parts of Italy lobbied the Vatican to legalise their use of usury in Vatican lands when it invented the concept of Purgatory as a place where Christians who dealt in usury would go for a period before being allowed into Heaven. This led to the development in Lombardy of bills of exchange financing usurious trade in Europe, after 200 years these had spread to other areas of Europe where Protestant populations lived and who resisted the acceptance of usury. Usury was socially abhorrent in Christian society 600 yeas ago. A sea change since in acceptance of interest.
DBS: lack of morals in northern Jewish group called Frankists (followers of Jacob Frank) and his predecessor Sabbatai Zevi who claimed to be the Jewish Messiah but was rejected by Sephardic Jewish controllers in Jerusalem. His followers were mainly in Ashkenazi circles but many did not accept him even there.
MR: he had over a million followers at end of c17th, both Ashkenazi and Sephardim, a huge following relative to the population of the time. He preached the doctrine that the Jewish law was there only for the unenlightened and now it was time to cast it off.

Jews following him burned the Torah and the Talmud and thenceforth he said they need follow the Zohar only hence their being nicknamed Zoharites. His vicars/caliphs including Jacob Frank converted Moses Amschel Bauer to Zoharite beliefs hence his adoption of the name Rothschild. Mainstream Sephardim and orthodox Ashkenazim rejected Jacob Frank because of his bizarre demands on his followers to prove their belief in him as the Messiah by committing acts of incest to show they understood them no longer to be prohibited acts.
DBS: did they still do this on some annual occasion?
MR: there is such a night which is well known among the Donmeh Jews. For this reason the State of Israel would not give right of return/residence since they could not prove their lineage. But the rigor of the criteria has been relaxed.
DBS: in Bohemia there were communities of these people who came to be called New Bohemians, living on the edge of morality.
MR: Sabbatai Zevi called them the new enlightened not living under the curse of the law -- under Zoharite law doing evil in the world is simply working the left/black hand of God, which they regard as equal to doing express good. Zevi allowed them to profess outwardly any belief system so long as internally they truly believed in him and espoused Zoharism.
DBS: Zionism originated from leadership in the Zoharite community. But many of the Jews were orthodox and still followed the Talmud which even though filthy in disregard of non-Jews does not reach the same level of depravity as the Zohar, so there was opposition within Jewry. This opposition was overcome in the 1930s by engineering the Second World War, the advent of the State of Israel for those compliant Jews and the extinction of the non-compliant Jews in the Nazi work camps. Proof: The Transfer Agreement; coins with the Swastika on one side and the Star of David on the other; the existence of German ships shipping people, food etc from Europe to Palestine in the early 1930s at the urgings of the Nazi Party.
MR:  neturae cartae rabbis engineered a deal with the Nazis to get Jews out of Germany to NY and approached Isaac Grunbaum head of Jewish Agency's Rescue Committee; he replied to rabbi Weissmandel "no" -- no Jews to go anywhere other than to Palestine.

DBS: that group was firmly ensconced in USA leadership both in Prohibition era and especially after WW2. Kennedys, Bronfmans etc but the top was still composed of Frankist Zoharite Jews.
MR: use of masks is always part of their modus operandi e.g. by using Gentiles to front their business operations: Rothschild backing Cecil Rhodes; backing Marx, Hitler, Napoleon. {"The Great Red Dragon" (1890) by Woolcroft.} See the evidence presented at But the internet has shone a light on their methodologies.
DBS: also the funding of Jacobins and in Scotland the Jacobites -- Jewish money was used to support this rebellion against the Roman Catholic Church; likewise Calvinism, Calvin's name was an elaboration of Cohen {See source quoted in among others, A.M. Ramsay's "The Nameless War". Calvin being Jewish in spirit and doctrine even if not actual racial/ethnic inheritance is backed up by numerous sources including L.S.E. Professor the late R.H. Tawney's "Religion and the Rise of Capitalism": ("Calvin's system was more Roman than Christian, and more Jewish than either."). }
MR: also they change their names in order to have their own people involved direct.
DBS: like John Kerry (politician in 'Irish' US state of Massachusetts), of the Kahn family... Kahn Loeb, Dominic Strauss Kahn... his heroic deeds were pure fantasy. Likewise the retelling of Sarkozy's family history, presented as a poor man from Hungary who rises from nowhere. But his grandfather who raised him was a direct descendant of one of the rabbis in Salonika in Greece who overthrew the Ottomans. Schiklgruber family and Hitler; his sister in charge of a Jewish agency in Austria. {"His sister, Angela, was a cook in a Charity Hall for Jewish Students in Vienna: to such degradation do these foul parasites force the women of our race! The Leader has made her his housekeeper..." Anon.: The Strange Death of Adolf Hitler (1939)}
MR: if it's a Jewish agency you can be sure it's headed up by Jews every time!
DBS: so how does a lowly corporal rise from nowhere... where did the big money backing him come from in the early 1930s. Ezra Pound; his protégé Eustace Mullins and his research in the Library of Congress, many of the books since delisted even there. Finance always the vehicle to the power which is their ultimate objective. Current financial system failure is not a major concern to them since they have used it to buy up real world assets like 70% of the water systems in America which are now owned by US Filter, a Veolia company. Eon {ENEL?} the old Italian central electric generating and distribution company was sold off and now owned by EDF whose ownership in turn has been sold off to private interests. Around 1991 DBS discussing with academics Warburgs' trust arrangements, their paper value being several millions of money; but it transpired the assets they controlled ran to the 100billion region even then.

MR: Duke of Westminster richest UK private landowner after the Queen; when interviewed he said the land was in trust and he just considered himself a caretaker of the trust property. Avoids inheritance and income taxes {so the elite are protected from the Marxist-Communist progressive income tax and inheritance taxes/death duties which were designed to eliminate the middle class and lead to polarisation of society between the elite and the impoverished masses.}
DBS: in the USA they also use tax free foundations like Ford/Carnegie Mellon Foundations, influencing education etc {see June Grem: "The Money Manipulators" 1971); see also Norman Dodd, Director Of Research, US House of Representatives: Report to the Special Committee of the House of Representatives To Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations (the "Reece Committee") (1954, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 54-11186).}
MR: these structures are legally bullet proof and shield the principals' names even though they are economically the beneficiaries. The minions who act as trustees are well paid for their services.
DBS: Henry Ford knew who the controllers of international finance were {publication of articles comprising "The International Jew" in the Dearborn Independent and his cars came shipped with bound copies!}; but the Ford Foundation two generations later was controlled by Jewish interests! Henry J. Kaiser shipbuilder etc: Kaiser Trust, etc. Likewise Michael Jackson previously worth a fortune died in debt and exemplified the syndrome also typified by Ted Turner after he sold out control of his media interests and found he was no longer anything like an equal partner and also lost a lot of money in the process.
MR: Michael Jackson was turning to Islam.
DBS: Hate Me, Kike Me, Always try to Strike Me... an MJ lyric.
MR: they are cunning and know how to identify weak points and to attack in manipulating situations.

DBS: Pierrepoint Morgan worth only 7-8million when died and in control of 20million which was much less than his reputed wealth in his lifetime. Rothschild his seed money source. Same with Andrew Carnegie and his steel interests, the railway builders in the US. Today it's the internet entrepreneurs like Jeff Bezos and Larry Ellison -- the returns from the business go back to the seed capital providers. South African gold mining companies: 70-80% common stock ownership goes back to NY bankers, higher with the preferred stock. Correa President of Ecuador: share deal Aurelian. Society is poised to reintroduce the idea of moral hazard.
MR: no concept of moral hazard in Zoharite mentality. Same with Talmudists so neither should play any active part in the general social order.
DBS: modern psychology defines this as being psycopaths! Kaganovich diverting Ukrainian food from the kulak peasant farmers who were starved {Ukrainian Holodomor} and reserving it for export against hard currency -- shows the sociopathic mindset.
MR: dual citizen status is widespread and if the persons concerned were e.g. from Mongolia there would be endless questions about how they could owe allegiance to both countries. But being Jews the question is no longer asked.
DBS: 4.5million Irish owe Eur 1 trillion!
MR: there are solutions that can be tried and today with industrial production there is no excuse for poverty. {J.C. Scott -- "Hidden Government" (1954) page 41 regarding the scarcity cult.
  • Note also the incessant drum-beat on BBC news and programming about how to live on 5p a day, how we must conserve this (in reality common and abundant) commodity, that and the other...}[/i]
    DBS: more awareness growing but some like Alex Jones persisting in falsehoods like saying 2-1/2 weeks ago that Hezbollah is massing on the Mexican/US border.

    Motivation for the fight is preservation of future generations. Control apparatus already in place ready for total lockdown. Touch and go whether the opposition will be neutralised. Spread the word by making fliers, YouTube videos, posting links...
    MR: it's a spiritual battle of those with morality against those who do not have it. Let's hope the rank and file aren't as far gone as their leadership.
    DBS: people starting to see through the Antisemitic tag and a lot of the claims put out. {"As Mr. Douglas Reed has clearly shown, the term 'anti-Semitism' is meaningless rubbish--and as he suggests it might as well be called 'anti-Semolina'." --From Ramsay's "The Nameless War".}  Wikileaks exposes are beneficial to aspirations of Israel and worldwide Jewry. Assange and singe: monkey.
    MR: lots of the new info leaked is not on the Wikileaks website and deals have been done with newspapers for releasing advantageous bits. It's all anti-Pakistan material and nothing earth-shattering. Also nothing about the reality of 911 or 7/7 so it must be controlled content.
    DBS: second largest city on DBS's website visits statistics list is Washington DC, with NYC first and third is London. Lots of hits from small townships in Virginia which can only be those hosting intelligence communities. Hopefully the operatives on the ground are going to take heed of what is said here and start acting on it to protect from further depredations by the wreckers and subversives.
    MR: yes, he imagines much use of secretsurf and ultrasurf etc from these areas to reach
    DBS: recommend strongly John Carpenter's film "They Live" {1988}.  MR please listen to upcoming interview on TFC with Rodney Shakespeare to review for possible solutions / critique.

  • {    "A certain notorious American Jew propagandist named Vogt wrote a treatise, "Road to Survival", in which he savagely attacked those who dared to proclaim the truth of plenty for all; and, mark well, plenty for all under a Christian financial system could be obtained without taking anything from anybody, either by taxation or in any other way.  Successive governments aid and abet the sacrilegious maxim of Protocol 3 by the persistent speeches of Members of Parliament about the "necessity for sacrifices".  While giving lip-service to Christian principles, Cabinet Ministers, et alia, are yes-men to The Hidden Government.  
   The preface to Vogt's diatribe was written by the world famous American Zionist financier and "elder statesman," Bernard Baruch, regarded generally as American Jewry's leading banker and unofficial spokesman in all matters of real import.  This sacrilegious propaganda is for the purpose of retaining and increasing the control of the people through a financial policy based on the scarcity falsehood.  The aftermath of war, with its dislocations, is exploited to the full for keeping up the make believe.  The fact that Baruch wrote the introduction to Vogt's book clearly exposes what the finance tyrants most dread-namely the realisation by Christendom that plenty for all is a plan in God's Creation."}