Monnara: Chapter 8: One Must Know the Jews to Truly See America

Started by CrackSmokeRepublican, December 09, 2010, 09:48:27 PM

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Chapter 8: One Must Know the Jews to Truly See America

Part 1
I was originally planning to translate the book from cover to cover in order. This morning I was flipping through the book on the bus and I got sucked into the eighth chapter, which deals with the history of Judaism. When I set out to translate this book I expected to find some interesting perspectives or factual errors. Instead I've found a full-on anti-Semitic polemic, and various other dubious comments about race which I'll get to later. Without further ado, Chapter 8: One Must Know the Jews to Truly See America: Jews, the powerful force that moves America. My comments are in italics this color, particularly interesting portions are in red.

    Among all the countries of the world, there is only one race in which a majority of the people don't live in their country of origin (본국), and that is the Jews.
    Cartoon Korean man: "Korea = The country of Koreans."
    Cartoon Chinese man: "China = The country where 95% of the people are of the Han nationality."
    Cartoon Chinese man: "The largest population of people living outside their home country is the 40 million Chinese who live abroad. But that's only 0.3% of their home country's 1.3 billion people."
    Israel has a population of 6.2 million. There are 6.5 million Jews in the U.S.
    The nationless race of Jews (나라 없는 민족 유대인) were chased out of their homeland of Palestine in 70AD. They spread throughout the whole world for almost 2000 years.
    (Graphic shows lines radiating out of Palestine to Western Europe and subsequently to America, Central Europe, East Europe, Africa, India, Asia and subsequently China).

Is this accurate? I was led to believe that the majority of American Jews come from Eastern and Central Europe.

    The Jewish race, that advanced from Africa to China, share something with the Chinese, in that there is not a corner of the world in which either has not set down roots.
    In all the world, Korea is the only place where the Jews failed to set down roots.
    (Graphic shows a Joseon soldier in a guard tower)
    Soldier: Only in Korea, where there aren't even any Chinatowns, were Jews unable to settle.
    It's impossible to know which of the two races is the most "severe" (or harsh or sharp, "어쩌 보면 두 민족은 전세계에서 가장 '지독한' 민족일지도 몰라")
    We Koreans, who are hard-working and diligent and are sad to come in second, can amass great victories in America with our competitive spirit. But in the end each and every time we hit a barrier, and that barrier is the Jews.
    We Koreans, who don't know how to lose to any other race . . .

        ". . . [We] can never surpass the wall of Jews in American society."

    This is not only true of Koreans: Every other race and ethnicity has this in common.
    Cartoon Jew: "So many people hate us, but no one can mess with us."
    Jews make up slightly more than 2% of the American population. They control American finance and naturally the American economy controls the world economy. They twist the media to their own ends and control the world of politics. They pilot the U.S. government from behind the scenes and they even have world politics wrapped around their finger (좌지우지). They have a monopoly on Hollywood and paint a picture of the Jewish people as virtuous victims. They play the part of herald for the message that the Arabs and Muslims that they oppose are a barbarous and violent mass.
    In a word, the whites at the heart of America are called WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants). . .

        ". . .but the real group that controls America through money and media pressure is the Jews."

    So if you don't understand the Jews, you'll never understand America.
    So what kind of people are the Jews? The Jews and their current implacable enemies the Arabs are sister races, both find their roots in the Semitic language family. They both draw their ancestry from their earliest forebear Abram or Abraham. According to the old testament, Abraham's great-grandson Judah lent his name to the Jews. Jews differed from other Arab peoples in their belief in the single god Yahweh.

So he's saying that the Jews are a kind of Arab, just to be clear here.

    They believe that the Jews were chosen by God and that some day God would send a messiah, i.e. a savior, to save the Jewish people from hardship. The Jews clashed strongly with neighboring peoples over their belief that they were the chosen people, their monotheism and their belief in a Messiah. Even worse, their refusal to accept the gods of the invading Romans proved to be a huge stumbling block. Eventually in 70AD, they were expelled from their homeland.

    This is called the Diaspora, in which the Jews were chased out of their homeland, Palestine, by the Romans.

The book does use the word Isreal in cartoons depicting the modern state of Isreal. but whenever referring to the origin of Jews it uses the term Palestine, insinuating that Isreal is a modern invention, I imagine.

    From then on it was all sorrow for the Jews. They were the target of hatred and oppression as a parasite race living in other people's lands. The Jews spread out to all the compass points, but there were two main groups. One group followed the Arabian conquest of the old Roman Empire into Spain and
    Portugal. The other is the group that scattered into Germany and Central Europe.
    The Jews of Spain and Portugal and the Arab world are called
    Sefaradim. The Jews of Germany are called Ashkenazim. Even
    today there are two religious leaders, one for each group. The Sefaradim and Ashkenazim existed in equal numbers during the
    Middle Ages, but in 1492, Spain issued a complete order of deportation and the Sefaradim numbers fell.

    (Graphic shows a voice coming from under a flag and sword)

    Voice: "Since we're expelling the Muslims, expel the Jews, who are of a different religion too."
    Up until World War 2, their population didn't pass 1.5 million
    out of a total 16.5 million Jews.
    During World War 2, Nazi Germany achieved the slaughter
    of 6 million Jews. They killed 1/3 of the world's Jews in
    this act of barbarity. But why would Christians hate Jews so much?

This is nearly the only reference to the holocaust in the book.

    The first reason is that in their religion, central figures say that the Jews killed Jesus, but that's ridiculous. Jesus was a Jew, and his first believers were Jews. That's just an excuse for hating Jews. The second and biggest reason for hating Jews is that they will never give up their religion and reject Christianity, because they believe they are the chosen people and that a Messiah is coming.
    To make them a groveling race, they were not allowed to own land. They couldn't join clubs or engage in commerce and industry. They were gathered together and made to live in ghettos.

There's plenty more on it's way. The general gist is that the Jews are a particularly unpleasant kind of Arab from Palestine twisted by years of oppression into a malevolent and unbeatable force. ... truly.html


Korean Anti-Semitism

The topic of anti-Semitic texts has come up over at The Marmot's Hole, specifically through the interesting work going on at the brand-new blog Reading Monnara, which has dedicated itself to translating the work in question.

History Wing Assets Room1 Elders Of Zion Protocols-1

Anti-Semitism in Asia isn't my specialty, but I have come across some leads worth exploring in my secondary source research for my dissertation.

Basically, the historical situation I see is this – there's an interestingly strong and vibrant strain of anti-Semitism in Japan that starts in the early 20th century, and is particularly fascinating because of the historical near non-existence of Jews in Japan. If you want the guy who literally "wrote the book" on the topic, here you go, see Jews in the Japanese Mind by David Goodman and Masanori Miyazawa.

There's also a good discussion of the subject here, apparently for a class including the subject at Cornell, taught by Akiyoshi Miyake, and an associate professor in the English Department at Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan, which she mentions at the top of the page.

But to really get at the issue, you've gotta go way back in time. Here's something from a review of Goodman's book on H-Net, a respectable source in the field of history. Talking about the early origins of anti-Semitism in Japan, going back as far as the early 19th-century, the review notes:

    Chapters 2 through 4 present an historical survey and analysis of the origins of Japanese antisemitism as a powerful demonology. Antisemitism allowed the Japanese to displace the frustration at being unable to isolate themselves from foreign influence. Forcibly members of an international network of commerce, politics, culture, and ideology, they feel their identity, their very survival as a nation, to be threatened. Influences undermining the comfortable aspects of a homogeneous society, or their mythos of it, so vital to their sense of well-being, rendered the Japanese vulnerable to antisemitic myth.

    Japanese concern over the "health" (read unity, optimism, satisfaction) of their culture began before the foreigners arrived. Goodman shows that as early as 1825 (I suspect but cannot prove, even earlier) there are texts prophesying the occupation and destruction of Japan and its culture by "foreign occult" groups. After Commodore Perry coerced the opening of Japan to the West, and the modern world, this foreign cult was identified with Christianity as the enemy. Soon afterwards, in a very subtle alteration with what I consider multiple benefits to Japan, the target became Jews and Judaism.

    Goodman does not say this, but I infer it, correctly I hope, from the facts and the gist of his argument. First, it was advantageous for pure nationalist xenophobes that there were no Jews in Japan. They could hate them as much as they wanted, malign them to their hearts' content; their Christian teachers, occupiers, and models would have found little to object to in this, in as much as it imitated widely accepted Christian views of the matter. Apparently, the alien Christians did not realize that "Jews" really signified "all foreign devils," including themselves. It is even possible that the Japanese themselves were not consciously aware of the equation. No matter. Now they could at once hate Christians and the West, the modern World, and yet dress it in a Jew-hatred acceptable to the West itself. (I find this hypothesis helpful in explaining the curious fact Goodman records concerning the disinterest Japanese antisemites have so far shown in allying themselves with various worldwide antisemitic organizations.)

Without getting too far over my head, let me just outline what this means for Korea. The main compellingly interesting link here is that Japan had obviously already done the work of producing its own powerfully Japanese strain of anti-Semitism by the end of the 19th and turn of the 20th centuries.

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Yes, this was drawn by Dr. Seuss, for reals.

Given that most of the intellectual works coming from the West were all largely transmitted through Chinese and Japanese translations, which were then translated into Korean (there were few direct translations even possible then, because of the lack of capable translators, as opposed to the Western linguists and missionaries who had learned Chinese and Japanese earlier than Korea, as well as the fact that these countries had been sending more of their own people to the West for a much longer time than Korea had), a lot of the intellectual and scholarly "taints" from Japanese interpretations and interpellations of Western works were readily apparent among Korean intellectuals, the strong strains of Social Darwinism, techniques of European historiography, or the concept of "minjok" being just a few examples I can think of off the top of my head.

It would be worth exploring where some of the anti-Semitic links are, but such research would be worthy of a pretty major academic paper requiring fluency in Japanese, the Chinese characters widely used by scholars back then, as well as Korean. Whew. Anyway, this point in history is the key place to start to look for such roots, as far as Korea is concerned.

What has always surprised me in Korea was the very ubiquitousness of anti-Semitic remarks and beliefs I hear from Korean people, another nation that doesn't really have an obvious reason to have stereotypes about Jews. We're not talking stereotypes of the Jews as "cheap" or "nerdy" or some superficial stuff you might have picked up in Hollywood films over the years, but some straight-up Protocols of the Elders of Zion, conspiracy-level sneering, leering, and spewing of nearly venomous invective.

I was first treated to this on my first trip to Korea, when, every time Jews – especially Steven Spielberg and his signature film Schindler's List – I would hear stuff that would make your hair stand on end: "The only reason they made that movie is because Jews like Spielberg control Hollywood and are trying to brainwash the world."

Protocols Protoco

Huh? Am I on Cheju Island? Is this Korea, or a Klan rally? Did I just say "Korea" and "Klan" in the same paragraph? Let the flamewars begin.

Or when I visited a prominent community organization in San Francisco, where I spoke with the vice-director about a project I wanted to propose having to do with a high school student exchange, at which point he launched into a 30-minute tirade about how the Jews were evil and trying to take over the world, and didn't I agree, huh, huh? I gulped and smiled weakly, since I was just trying to think of an excuse to run away from this crazy man. I made a couple attempts at polite, "yes, but..." comments, but he was positively raving.

This has happened, mind-bogglingly enough, many times in Korea. Even in my classes of the most highly-educated kids with the most collective overseas experience of anyone in their age cohort in Korea, when teaching American history, I always run into, "But isn't it true the Jews are really running everything in American society?"

I always ask kids where they hear that, and they either tell me they read it somewhere or a teacher told them. Man, you all would be very, very surprised at all the things I've heard from Korean students that their teacher told them about the world.

I know this may come as a surprise, but hearing of such anti-Semitic texts in Korea is so not unusual that it's disturbing. In fact, in my entire life, the most anti-Semitic stuff I've ever heard directly, with my own two ears, was from Koreans.

Why is that? Well, I offer here a strong lead to pursue.

Posted by The Metropolitician on February 08, 2007 | Permalink

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Graphic shows William of Orange with a Jew)
Jew: "But you know nothing is free in this world. Instead of giving you this money at low interest, give me some rights equal in value to the money I've lent you."
William: "Be straight, you're asking for the right to mint money, right?"
Jew: "Oh, your highness, you've got a good head on your shoulders, that's just what I'm talking about."
William: "What's so tough about that." (maybe we could translate this as "No problem.")
Jew (thinks): "Stupid. He doesn't even know that national sovereignty is the power to coin money."

"The Jews who got permission in 1694 established the Bank of England.

    "The Bank of England remained a private establishment until it was nationalized in 1946."

(Graphic shows a Jew in a yarmulke waving from behind an altar or box labeled "Bank of England" with a menorah standing on it)
This was the Jews' chance to grab England's financial power, and thus had the world's finances wrapped around their fingers (이를 계기로 유대인은 영국 내의 금융권을 장악, 세상을 그들의 뜻대로 좌지우지하였어).
Jews even occupied the chair of England's Prime Minister. Disraeli and Glad Stone (글래드 스톤 ) are representative of this.

"But it's not just England. All over Europe Jewish power, based on monetary power, began to get stronger."

Representatives of that power exhibit strong power world-wide to this day as financial dynasties. We can point to the Rothschild clan. The Rothschilds were a family of Jewish international financiers from Frankfurt. They were born in Germany and so this German Jewish name was pronounced "Rothschild' (로트 실트), but we now pronounce it in the British style. They are an ultra-wealthy Jewish clan that had all of Europe clasped in their hand via their money (전유럽을 돈으로 휘어잡은 거부 유대인 가문이지).
After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring some $400 million in cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J.P.Morgan Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number of shares in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for the stock with the Czar\'s sequestered funds. In November 1917,  Red Guards drove a truck to the Imperial Bank and removed the Romanoff gold and jewels. The gold was later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York.-- Curse of Canaan