The Art of Infowar

Started by joeblow, May 23, 2011, 11:13:28 AM

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joeblow ... of-infowar

If you want to overcome their mind lock you need to destroy their shutters before they come down on you

How can you defeat an enemy with centuries (if not millenniums) of experience in all sorts of warfare and virtually unlimited resources? The answer is obvious, even to someone who hasn't studied the Chinese classic 'The Art of War': Avoid up-hill battles and attack the enemy with overwhelming force where he is weak.

The weakest point of our ruling crime families is their reliance on the complicity of our brightest and best, and the ignorance or indifference of everybody else. The latter is the easiest to exploit, but we shouldn't ignore those 'house slave' types, who think they are more clever than everybody else and have sold their soul to the devil, in return for their privileged life style.

Let's talk first about those 'smartest kids on the block'. One reason why they are hand-picked and groomed is that they are obsessed with 'success', money and perceived power. Another reason is that they are good at selling the illusions our artificial reality is based on. They are brilliant actors. And last but not least, quite a few of them have some major character flaw such as a sex addiction, homosexuality, paedophilia, or worse, making them vulnerable to blackmail.

That doesn't mean though that they don't have any conscience. I'm pretty certain not all of them are psychopaths. It's just that their have learned to overcome their bouts of 'nerve weakness' through the abuse of drugs and alcohol, by talking to their Jewish shrinks or by telling themselves that they are part of some kind of elite, destined and entitled to treat the rest of us like cattle. Any resemblance with the attitude towards Gentiles in the Babylonian Talmud is no coincidence.

Regardless of their coping mechanisms, one thing is for sure. If you get through to them at the right angle, they will realise that they can no longer get away with doing the wrong thing, stop doing it, or even switch sides. Nobody likes losing face. Given their power and influence, every single desertion or conversion amongst those guys is a huge victory for our movement. The trick is to approach them at the right spot and the right time.

But let's follow Sun Tzu's advice and focus the bulk of our scarce resources on those battles where we can attack with overwhelming force. As I said, for our enemy to be successful, he needs the ignorance or indifference of the vast majority of ordinary people. To be precise, they need to control the minds of such a high percentage of the population, that it's easy enough to isolate 'trouble-makers'. The only difference between places like North Korea, Bahrain and Western 'democracies' is that the latter allow dissent to the extent that it makes no difference and poses no threat to the evil plans of our ruling crime families.

The challenge for us dissidents is to overcome the mindlock of a critical mass of citizens for the hundredth monkey effect to kick in and the entire population suddenly agree with us. Most of my fellow dissidents will know though from personal experience how difficult it is to get through to those 100 monkeys. It doesn't matter what topic it is: 9/11, Palestine, global warming, you name it. As soon as you bring up any one of them, it only takes a couple of sentences, for the majority of people to block you out. No more invitations to play dates and birthday parties for your kids.

What I'm proposing is to make maximum use of the one or two sentences they are listening to before writing us off as conspiracy theorists or anti-Semites. We need to pack sufficient explosives into those infobombs, how I call them, to destroy their shutters before they come down. Let me give you a couple of examples.

The other day, I had a discussion with a group of blue pillers about the birther movement. The guys parroted the mainstream media, insisting that Obama shouldn't have to prove that he is born in the U.S. because no other U.S. president before him had to do so, and asking him to do so was racist. The answer that got them thinking was my question whether they would still argue the same if Obama - after spending over 100 million USD on legal fees to avoid producing a 25 USD copy of his birth certificate - suddenly produced a digital version that was proven to be a fraud. How I knew that it was a fraud? Because the PDF published in the New York Times article when opened in Adobe Illustrator contains layers that show that it has been edited, and because the document quoted the term 'African' as the race of his father, when back in 1961 all birth certificates referring to black people still used the now politically incorrect term Negro.

Here an example to the topic of man made global warming. My favourite infobomb is the question whether they know why the Vikings settled inhospistable Greenland, off the coast of north-east Canada, and why they named it Greenland when it is all snow and ice. So far nobody could give me the answer: because at the time the Vikings settled there, over 1000 years ago, the land was so warm and fertile, that they could produce and export cereals. Most global warmists have no clue that earth is coming out of a small ice age and that over the past 2000 years there have been many periods where the climate has been much warmer than it is now.

The trickiest subject is obviously the "Holocaust". Even the slightest utterance of doubt makes most people shut you out immediately. I've tried asking people to watch 'One Third of the Holocaust ', a brilliant documentary that shreds the Holocaust into pieces like nothing before. I've tried recommending Ryan Dawson's equally brilliant 'Most taboo subject in politics: the Holocaust', a shortened and less exhausting version. It didn't work, because most people are too brainwashed to dare watching anything that heretic. If they watched it at all, they had to stop after 5 minutes. The cognitive dissonance was just too much.

My best success so far I had with the following infobomb: How long do you think it takes to kill yourself with the Diesel exhaust fumes of a Toyota 4WD? They never know the answer: It can't be done, because Diesel exhaust fumes don't contain sufficient concentrations of carbon monoxide to harm you, which is why diesel motors are used in underground mining. What does that have to do with the "Holocaust"? Well, about one third of the Jews allegedly murdered by the Nazis, were supposedly gassed by the exhaust fumes coming from the diesel engine of a captured Russian tank.

Don't say anything else, or you will lose them. Infobombs will not convince them right away. But they allow you to get through to them with valuable information without them shutting you immediately out. The next step then is - whenever they are ready to find out more - to point them to a good documentary, article or book on that matter.

Infobombs can and should be used in writing too. The best way to do so is to use them as subtitles or as captions under pictures. The idea is to make them easily memorable for our readers, not only to convince THEM, but also for them to use when talking to THEIR family and friends.

How many people, you might ask, do we have to convince individually that way? Well, in my opinion the critical mass of people we need to convert for the hundredth monkey effect to kick in, is about 20% of the population. That sounds like a lot, but if every fellow dissident convinced only 10 people, and those 10 converts convinced another 10 each, and so on, that pyramid can quickly grow to an enormous number of people. Give it a go.

I'm fully aware that some readers will think that this would be a great article if it wasn't for the part on the "Holocaust". I'm sorry guys, but all that proves is how brainwashed or what cowards you are.

Uncle Tom's Executive Home or the House Nigger Mentality of Middle Class ... ddle-class


I hope this turns out to be a great thread with lots of good ideas.

There are three major weak points I believe.....

 2. The "Holocaust"
 3. The Bolshevic Revolution.

Most people still believe the planes did it. Tell em you will give them $10,000 if they can melt 20 tons of steel using 5 litres of parafin (jet fuel). They can use any technology they like to do it.
          It goes like this 200,000 tons of steel 50,000 litres (fuel capacity after take off and climb to cruising altitude)
A guy I talked to recently who fancies himself as a bit of a know it all, (he runs the local boat yard and has a career in mining drilling/exploration, came out with a theory of intense heat funneled up the building etc. I looked at him as if he was a complete idiot. I think he kinda got the message. I am already known as a holocaust denier because I say the Holocaust is bullshit at every opportunity. I notice a kind of new respect whenever he meets me. His name is Bateman which may or may not etc.

2. You have to have a smile on your face for this one. Just every now and again sing in public, "The Holocaust is bullshit. The Holocaust is bullshit." Make up your own tune. Watch the faces !  It has the power of an atom bomb !  People will come up and ask. I reply quoting David Irving, "You have to take the package but you must not open it. If you do you will find it to be the biggest lie of the 20th century." They might even say, "What do you mean?"
This technique is powerful because you are not telling, but they are asking.

3. Sometimes I do get carried away about the Jewish Criminal Network. Another guy, who plays snooker with me together with a bunch of other guys, a civil engineer and also the British representative for this locality, said in a kind of a smart Alecy way,
"Why don't you write a book and then we can all read it ?"
 At the time I just happened to have the list in my car of the Soviet Government 1919 with all the names. ( EG Trotsky... Bronstein.. Jewish etc. Nearly the whole lot are Jewish !)
So I said to him, "That's funny because I just happen to have part of my manuscript in the car. Hang on a sec. I'll go and get it."
 As soon as he saw what it was he put his hand over it and refused to read it. Ever since his snooker game has gone to crap !

It is important to have a smile on your face and keep an element of humour going otherwise you are lost.
Just my two cents !

Michael K.

Don't forget that people need to hear about the kind of solution you are proposing in a clear manner, in 25 words or less.  Without a solution to offer in place of the fear and hopelessness these fact-attacks create, we can only traumatize and demoralize.  And that is not good enough, and if that's all you want to do you might as well leave the sheep in peace and go somewhere with the other miserable people and gripe in private.  No offense intended, because what is being proposed is a good idea, too.