Hidden Human History

Started by 0th0d0xypr0xy, November 13, 2012, 09:23:42 PM

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Here's the right valiant Cornish Man,
Who slew the Giant Cormilion


If someone could tell me how to correctly place youtube videos so that the link comes up and it is not just a wordy mess that would be great!
Here's the right valiant Cornish Man,
Who slew the Giant Cormilion



at Youtube click 'share' then click 'options' then click 'long link' ...copy the address it gives you and paste it in your post.
highlight it in your post and select the 'youtube' button.


Well I tried to watch that but as soon as it got to the Hebrews and the Martians and how the Hebrews actually were 'a benefit to our evolution' and the Martians where the bad guys...well ...f' that ...it smacks of Jewish bullshit - once again. The truth about the Jews has already been told and guess what?; it fits! This is B.S. which is probably produced by those same snake creatures that we have the misfortune of sharing our planet with. ... Benefit  ...yeah right! Just imagine how far along we'd be now if NOT for this 'benefit'.

Sorry, but I don't think I can stomach the rest of this crap. It doesn't belong here but would fit perfectly on some Zeitgeist fan boy web site.


Haha, I thought the same thing - although towards the end the video recommends the audience to read the Talmud as "seems to suggest they're not from here"
Granted, the video is ridiculous - seeing Thoth as some omnipotent being, martians and Hebrews being a 'benefit' - also the Luciferian doctrine is explored and is viewed as 'neither negative nor good' so it is a bit weird. I just thought it was informative regardless and offered interesting insights - particularly regarding Atlantis..
Here's the right valiant Cornish Man,
Who slew the Giant Cormilion