My Klassmate the War Kriminal: Zionist Douglas Feith

Started by FrankDialogue, December 16, 2012, 01:35:49 PM

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Here is an essay I presented on my website, KULTURE/AMERIKA a few years ago...It is a true story....Douglas Feith was Bush II 'National Security Adviser' ans a signer of the infamous PNAC document...Feith also was deeply involved in the 'Iraqi Reconstruction Project' heist.

My Klassmate, the War Kriminal

Feith on Time Magazine Cover

I went to High School in Philadelphia, City of Brotherly Love. The school I went to was, at the time, rated either #1 or #2 as the 'best academic High School in the nation'. 95% of our graduates went on to college, many to Ivy League schools, other sto big colleges like UCLA or to big state colleges like Michigan, Penn State and the like. I took a different path in life, one which I sometimes question, but that's the way life is.

One of my classmates, in fact he was in my History class, was the neo-con chicken hawk and opportunist Douglas Feith. Feith became Under Secretary of Defense in the Bush Administration, and also National Security Advisor. He was also a signatory of the infamous PNAC (Project for a New American Century) document, the document which laid out the agenda for 9-11, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the 'War on Terror' and, ultimately, the final implosion of the American economy. Feith has prospered greatly from ass-licking, bureaucratic weaseling and a general lack of respect for humanity along with a disconnect from reality. He is a dual Israeli-American citizen.

I had forgotten about Feith for years. In fact, it was only when a former classmate who I am still in touch with brought him to my attention a couple of years ago that I made the connection: It's THAT Doug Feith!

Central High School, Philadelphia

Feith was more or less a non-entity personality wise when I was aquainted with him. At our school, he belonged to a clique of 'upwardly mobile Jews' that stayed to themselves primarily. He belonged to the debate-club, and a couple of Jewish organizations. Interestingly, Feith didn't even live in Philadelphia, which supposedly was a requirement for attending our school. He lived in Cheltenhan, a Philly suburb, that was also the home of another famous Zionist, one Binyamim Netanyahu, future Israeli Prime Minister. Feith, as I said, was a bit of a 'non-entity', but he was 'pushy', like his clique of friends.

I was never friends with Feith, because we 'moved in different circles'.  :lol:  He wasn't in my homeroom. But, he was in my history class. And, ironically, he didn't seem to have much real interest or perspective on history back then. But he was just a kid.

Feith was usually quiet in History class. Our history teacher was Mr.Berlin. Berlin was a bit manic, and he his classes were sometimes the scene of heated debates. Mr. Berlin was a full-blooded Zionist Jew, and when the subject of Israel came up, you could expect at least a 20 minute rant. At the time, my opinion on Israel was basically neutral. One time, a Jewish friiend of mine named Mikey, who was also in the class, challenged Mr.Berlin on Israel's 'legitimacy' : then the fireworks really started. Berlin called Mikey a 'traitor and a piece of shit', and Mikey, who was one of the original 'punks' told the teacher 'Fuck You!'. They almost came to blows, and we had to pull them apart. Mikey was expelled from the class. As I remember, Feith said nothing.

In fact, the only notable words that I ever heard come out of Feith's mouth, came during a discussion of the Vietnam War, which was reaching a peak at this time (1967-71). Now, most of my friends and myself opposed this war: because of the pointlessness of the slaughter, the nebulous reasons for our being there, and because all of us were eligible for the draft right after graduation. During one particular discussion, Feith started talking about 'bombing Hanoi back to the Stone Age' (probably heard that from Nixon), 'wiping out the Communists', and 'stopping them there, before they come to our shores'. Of course, all this talk was complete nonsense, but since Feith was not a deep thinker, he probably believed it. Remember, this was about the time that some former 'red-diaper babies' or Trotskyites started morphing into 'neo-conservatives'. The former Trotskyites had made good money in various 'bourgeois' professions, and now they were 'changing'. Anyway, Douglas was not an original thinker.

So, in 1971, we all graduated. Most of the class went on to college. Feith went to Harvard, and later to Georetown. He did get very good grade in school. He worked hard; he pushed. Feith, of course, was never eligible for the draft, getting a deferment for going to Harvard. In this he was a 'bird of a feather' with the rest of the neo-con 'chicken hawks' who never ever served this country, other than feeding at the public trough, sucking up money from various foundations and corporate sponsors, or 'lawyering' for 'connected' law firms. But they have been good at a few things: Sending the children of America to their death in wars for profit & Israel; the wholescale slaughter of innocent Arabs & Muslims; treason against the country that made them rich and powerful; and having a general disdain for humanity.

Read the rest:

Feith and Iraq contracts:

Iraq 'Reconstruction': A Kosher 'affair': Even some liberal Jews object!

And here, please:

For instance, there was the Undersecretary of Defense, Doug Feith, largely credited for fabricating the tales that got the US into the war to begin with, along with his fellow neocons and best buddy, Ahmed Chalabi.

Feith was a partner with Marc Zell, in the Feith & Zell, DC law firm before joining the administration. After he left for the White House, Zell renamed the firm, Zell, Goldberg & Co, and teamed up with Salem Chalabi, Ahmed nephew, to solicit contracts for clients in Iraq. This scam operated under the name, "Iraqi International Law Group."

Mozel tov!

At the time, the National Journal quoted Salem as saying that Marc Zell was the firm's "marketing consultant" and had been contacting law firms in Washington and New York to ask if they had clients interested in doing business in Iraq.

According to its web site back then, the IILG was made up of lawyers and businessmen who "dared to take the lead in bringing private sector investment and experience" to the war-torn country and offered to "be your Professional Gateway to the New Iraq."