ADL Issues Nice Press Release For Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax Film

Started by maz, March 15, 2014, 01:34:32 PM

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It's actually quite funny. The ADL are literally reading and watching everything we do. I'm not entirely sure the ADL put stuff like this out because it definitely helps them justify their scam fund-raising operation, or that they are truly interested in supressing Holocaust information. Either way, Eric Hunt is out there complaining that the video got pulled from YouTube.

Holocaust Denial Movement Abuzz Over The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax Film
ADL Jews
March 13, 2014

Eric Hunt, a Holo­caust denier known for attack­ing Nobel Peace Prize win­ner Elie Wiesel, released a new Holo­caust denial film on March 5 titled The Jew­ish Gas Cham­ber Hoax, which is being widely pro­moted by other Holo­caust deniers.

In the film, which describes the Holo­caust as "the great­est hoax of human his­tory," Hunt uses clips of Holo­caust sur­vivors' tes­ti­monies from Steven Spielberg's 1998 doc­u­men­tary The Last Days and from the USC Shoah Foun­da­tion Insti­tute for Visual His­tory and Edu­ca­tion (estab­lished by Spiel­berg in 1994), por­tray­ing these tes­ti­monies as "fraud­u­lent." Hunt used the same tac­tic in his pre­vi­ous film The Last Days of the Big Lie (2009).

On the March 8 install­ment of "Sat­ur­day After­noons with Car­olyn," hosted by Holo­caust denier Car­olyn Yea­ger on The White Net­work, which describes itself as "Whites talk­ing to Whites about White inter­ests," Hunt pro­moted his film to Yea­ger and The White Network's audience.

Dur­ing the inter­view with Yea­ger, Hunt elab­o­rated on his the­ory that Jews use the Holo­caust "to jus­tify every­thing that they've done and are doing since World War II." He con­tin­ued, "Their attacks on other nations keep grow­ing larger and larger, and they keep bring­ing up the Holo­caust." He added that because of the "Jew­ish suprema­cist fairy tales," the West is "essen­tially com­mit­ting sui­cide wor­ship­ping this hoax." Yea­ger agreed with Hunt's analy­sis stat­ing that the Jews "destroy things. They destroy peo­ple. They destroy whole peo­ple and nations. They destroy per­fectly good ideas."

Later in the show, Holo­caust denier Charles Krafft, who received main­stream media atten­tion due to con­tro­versy over his Holocaust-themed art­work in Feb­ru­ary 2013, praised Hunt's film, and Hunt thanked Krafft for being "instru­men­tal," offer­ing his input "through­out the project."

Hunt, Yea­ger, and Krafft then had a dis­cus­sion about pro­duc­ing more mate­ri­als, but lamented the fact that they lack funds. Krafft sug­gested that they seek fund­ing from Mus­lim nations stat­ing they should "get those oil sheiks that are sup­posed to be anti-Zionist to pony up."

Krafft also rec­om­mended that Holo­caust deniers pro­duce more mate­ri­als like Hunt's film to "cap­ture the imag­i­na­tions of these young hip­ster types with media rather than lit­er­a­ture," adding that no one wants to read the long "schol­arly" Holo­caust denial works of years past.

Below is a sam­pling of some of the main points of The Jew­ish Gas Cham­ber Hoax:

•There is "no evi­dence" of deaths from the gas chambers.
•Holo­caust sur­vivors who gave eye-witness tes­ti­monies are "fraud­u­lent Jew­ish witnesses."
•The death camp Tre­blinka was not a death camp but rather a tran­sit camp where Jews were given "dis­in­fect­ing showers."
•"Zyk­lon B was actu­ally used to save Jew­ish lives."
•Bod­ies seen in actual footage from after the con­cen­tra­tion camps were lib­er­ated were the bod­ies of those killed by the Allies' bomb­ing and not by the Nazis.
•Gas cham­bers could not have existed because vic­tims of the gas cham­bers should have been "bright cherry red," but Holo­caust sur­vivors sup­pos­edly more fre­quently describe the skin of vic­tims as blue or grey. Friedrich Berg, who pro­duced Hunt's film, has an entire web­site ded­i­cated to this theory.

Tags: ADL, anti-defamation league, Carolyn Yeager, charles krafft, elie wiesel, eric hunt, friedrich berg, holocaust denial, the jewish gas chamber hoax, The White Network


ADL at work again, if it wasn't for them
I'd not have known about
The Jew­ish Gas Cham­ber Hoax video

Their work is never done

Most zionists don't believe that God exists, but they do believe he promised them Palestine

- Ilan Pappe