President Idi Amin on Zionism, Expulsion of Israelis

Started by imsamhi, August 21, 2008, 08:52:04 PM

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President Idi Amin on Zionism, Expulsion of Israelis

"The following is brief excerpt I wish to share with you from a 35 page speech by President Idi Amin in a book entitled " Idi Amin Speaks: An Annotated Selection of His Speeches" as edited by Ugandan "dissident" Benoni Turryahikayo Rugyema and published by the African Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Eventually, I will have more excerpts and the speech in its entirety made available over the internet. Having stood up to the Zionist entity and refusing to recognize its supposed "right to exist" these excerpts should help to explain to you why Idi Amin is so hated and demonized by the Zionist imperialist "New World Order". We need to remember that Uganda was on of the places the early Zionist movement envisioned as a possible site for the Zionist entity."

Excerpt from "Expulsion of Israelis, Non-Citizen Asians and Some Indigenous Britons"

Ex-President of Uganda Milton Obote was responsible for the presence in Uganda of Israelis. It is unfortunate that Milton Obote's economic illiteracy did not allow him to realize the dangerous attitude Israelis took or were about to take against the economic and political sovereignty of this country.

After a careful economic analysis of Uganda I asked the Israeli Ambassador to meet me on the 17th February 1972 and I explained to him in no unclean terms the stand and policy which my Government had taken on the Middle East and the economic independence of Uganda.

I will repeat here concisely what I told the Israeli Ambassador. I told the Israeli Ambassador that my Government had taken one and only stand vis-a-vis the Middle East crisis. We wanted honourable peace in that part of the world. I categorically told His Excellency the Ambassador that we in Uganda believe the people of Palestine must have their land back, which land was usurped by arrogant Israelis. I told him that we did not and we shall never accept any solution of the Palestinian problem short of this philosophy. Of course it was obvious that the Israelis and their bed-fellows felt that because of the scanty support which Israel had in international Zionism, the same Israel would continue to police the Arabs and advance their abhorrent policy of torture against Palestinians. I told my visitor that we in Uganda rejected and we would continue to reject, come what may, this wicked effrontery of the Zionists. Uganda vehemently supports the Arab people in their just struggle for the creation and maintenance of peace in the Middle East, the Ambassador was told. Lastly, I told the Ambassador that Uganda would continue to condemn Israel in their barbaric hallucinations and intents against the Arabs. The meeting took place under the friendliest of terms. It is well known fact that I am not, I have never been and I will never be in the pocket of any leaders or country in the world. This policy of mine precipitates and forestalls my comments on a joint communiqué issued in Tripoli on 13th February 1972 which communiqué condemned the Israelis in the strongest terms possible. Jerusalem received this news with indignation and hate. But their refusal to accept the truth as contained in the communiqué was catalytic to our firm stand against uncouth behavior of international Zionism and Zionist Imperialism. The Israeli press, in conjunction with the Government of Israel, launched a malicious attack against me, the Government and the people of Uganda. After a very careful and systematic analysis of the Uganda-Israeli relations I concluded that the Israelis who were resident in Uganda were about or had in fact started engaging or being helpful to engage in subversive activities against the peaceful and stable Republic of Uganda. There were no alternatives left at my desk but to request the Israelis to leave this country.

Since I expelled the Israelis I have never regretted the action I took because the future revealed to me and to all Ugandans that I, indeed, rescued Uganda from the jaws of Zionist machinations, imperialist designs and economic sabotage.