Hitler was a British Agent

Started by rmstock, June 10, 2015, 11:13:20 PM

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There are certain things which can never be proven if one demands
written proof based on hard fact evidence  and at the same time rejects
someones oral (or later typed out) affidavit. Two explicit examples of
this are the truth about Sandy Hook and the truth about Adolf Hitler.
In the case of Sandy Hook it seems one can publish at will because in
the end the ramifications for the responsible Government officials are
only marginal. It looks like Sandy Hook is being used as some sort of
thermal diagnosis of the psychiatric condition of the general
population. In Hitler's case one can add into the official write-up of
Hitler's Bio things like the affidavits of the cold-war spy-masters and
spy aces and come to interesting results like Greg Hallet's "Hitler was
a British Agent" a book which was published almost ten years ago. Below
are two interesting interviews by Cloak and Dagger. Soon afterward
cloakanddagger.de became under heavy siege and disappeared three years
later. Recently Mike Piper had announced he would publish a book about
Hitler because certain truths should be made accessable. Sadly enough
Michael Collins Piper died before finishing that job. I wonder how many
truther's have had attempts on their life because of their work on
Sandy Hook.

After nearly 10 years the two interviews below with Hallett, in particular the 2nd, 
stand more solid than ever.

``I hope that the fair, and, I may say certain prospects of success will not induce us to relax.''
-- Lieutenant General George Washington, commander-in-chief to
   Major General Israel Putnam,
   Head-Quarters, Valley Forge, 5 May, 1778


Quote from: rmstock on June 10, 2015, 11:13:20 PM
There are certain things which can never be proven....

Rmstock: I listened to the first int-view, 37 mins--utterly worthless waste of time.  As I understand this issue u have no proof whatsoever, but that Hitler had relatives living in England and that there's a period in Hitler's life which isn't too well documented, so therefore, gee whiz, he MIGHT have made a trip to England, etc.--it's all speculation.

The people involved in the int-view are mere couple of moronic gossips, the interviewer being a Jew named Lennie Bloom (or maybe Blum), according to the first vid.

Hitler was quite poor after WWI, so he might have taken money fm lots of diff. people--that doesn't make him agent of Brits.  And besides, don't forget Hitler wrote his philosophy in "Mein Kampf"--which doesn't confirm idea he was Brit. agent.  And there's no proof Hitler was descended fm Jews either.

Hitler was nationalist and socialist, and his party rec'd lots of money fm higher-ups to oppose communists and Jews, part of the plot to start another world war to consolidate Jew-dominated world gov. dictatorship, as we know fm Antony C. Sutton's "Wall Street..." series and Perloff's "Shadows of Power."


Aren't Lenny Bloom and Stefan Grossman Jewish names?  How the living hell does a discussion about Hitler have fuck all to do with Sandyhook?

The only significanse to Ssndyhook is that everybody is wasting their time on it, which is the plan.


Quote from: yankeedoodle on June 11, 2015, 12:45:21 AM
Aren't Lenny Bloom and Stefan Grossman Jewish names?  How the living hell does a discussion about Hitler have fuck all to do with Sandyhook?

The only significanse to Ssndyhook is that everybody is wasting their time on it, which is the plan.
Stefan Grossman, the Frankfurt based attorney, disappeared mysteriously in 2008 . He had the website gallerize.com . Lenny Bloom continued some time with a woman called Mrs. Steel on the website bloomandsteele.com. Both have of them are no where to track down.
It has become nearly impossible to reveal the truth on both Hitler and Sandy Hook.

``I hope that the fair, and, I may say certain prospects of success will not induce us to relax.''
-- Lieutenant General George Washington, commander-in-chief to
   Major General Israel Putnam,
   Head-Quarters, Valley Forge, 5 May, 1778


Quote from: rmstock on June 11, 2015, 05:52:49 PM
Quote from: yankeedoodle on June 11, 2015, 12:45:21 AM
The only significanse to Ssndyhook is that everybody is wasting their time on it, which is the plan.
It has become nearly impossible to reveal the truth on both Hitler and Sandy Hook.

Sandy hoax is not that difficult to understand, really, if u just focus for a few seconds: (a) observe there's NO DIRECT EVIDENCE--no bodies, no blood, no pictures--everything else is hearsay and assertion on part of those who insist there was "real shooting(s)."

(b) But we know there was "capstone" event drill that day--"capstone" referring to most elaborate-type sort of drill done by ZOG, which goes up all the way to White House level--this was heavily produced and hyped PSY-OPS, including all the mass-corp. Jews-media.

(c) Crisis actors were used and phony web-sites were set-up before the event.

(d) Further, observe houses were given-away FREE to many of the crisis-actors and "players," this along w. STUPENDOUS pay-offs in way of Fed grants and other sort of pay-outs.

(e) I highly recommend the short-n-sweet vids of "Operation Chaos," at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChfx41-rPBUP3DsTm_HvoNw/videos.  Choose any one of those vids; they're all good and entertaining.  Start w. the shortest ones first and work ur way up to the longer ones; u'll be impressed and entertained at same time, seriously--the guy is most excellent artist as well as expositionist.

(f) Perhaps the BEST over-all exposition on Sandy hoax is to be found at Fetzer's blogs as at http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2015-06-03T14:19:00-07:00&max-results=1&start=4&by-date=false.  There are many other articles at this blog; plus Fetzer has other blogs too--see http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com/ for numerous radio-shows he's done.


It was quite successful, wasn't it?   They had a group of people that were, possibly, on the verge of actually making headway on 911, so, what did they do?  They conceived of this incident - real or not - and then overlayed it with obviously phony bullshit - 911 tapes, for example - thus creating an argument that never seems to end, does it?  And, suddenly, 911 is forgotten.

It's called throwing the dog a bone.


As for full-of-shit perfesser Fetzer, don't bother expecting anything of his to be watched or listened to.


Quote from: yankeedoodle on June 11, 2015, 11:21:32 PM
It was quite successful, wasn't it?   They had a group of people that were, possibly, on the verge of actually making headway on 911, so, what did they do?  They conceived of this incident - real or not - and then overlayed it with obviously phony bullshit - 911 tapes, for example - thus creating an argument that never seems to end, does it?  And, suddenly, 911 is forgotten.

It's called throwing the dog a bone.


As for full-of-shit perfesser Fetzer, don't bother expecting anything of his to be watched or listened to.

Revolutionary Counter-Stroke Requires Plan, Hence Analysis
(Apollonian, 11 Jun 15)

Perhaps, as u say, above-quoted--BUT never forget this is only what's to be expected fm ZOG which literally is capable of just COUNTERFEITING out all the funds they need to buying everyone--and extorting and assassinating anyone else--which is what's happening.  Don't forget their public execution of JFK in broad daylight in front of everyone's eyes.

Our (Christian, anti-satanist opposition) ONLY CHANCE will come after definitive collapse of the currency--even then, there will be chaos, starvation, and anarchy and nothing is certain.

U couldn't be more wrong about sandy hoax--we have ZOG dangling on a string, "slowly, slowly in the wind," ZOG desperate to cover-up and trying to distract w. evermore incidents, but consistently getting exposed w. every next move they make--remember the CIANCIA hoax at LAX whence cops were BLATANTLY shown wheeling away a mannequin?--ho ho ho ho.  Then there was Boston Marathon bombing hoax--ZOG screwing-up and being exposed EVERMORE--note then, this is all we can really do, ZOG being INVINCIBLE long as their money machine keeps cranking-out infinite funds to financing the police-state and queers and Satanists of hip-hop music, etc.

Fetzer, as well as Alexei Jones (InfoWars.com), have their problemos, sure, but we just have to make use of them for all they're worth.  For remember: ZOG has won the war, long ago--they've swept the field, literally.  At this pt., all we can do is hope the master-minds at top fall-out w. one-another, this upon principle of "NO HONOR AMONG THIEVES."

U need to getting a grip for clearest broad view of things in order to calculate and plan--history is CYCLIC, and we will only have a chance for serious counter-strokes against ZOG at the right timing as we weather present storm of Spenglerian "Decline of the West."  First, immediate problem is consolidating the Christian volk--dealing w. and neutralizing TRAITORS of "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) heretics, ZOG's primary accomplices still in Jew S A.



Quote from: yankeedoodle on June 12, 2015, 12:08:49 AM
Point made.

Thanks much, I do appreciate ur consultation and appraisal--BUT be sure to ck out Operation Chaos vids, as I note just above; u'll truly be entertained and amused--the guy is a real artist--start w. the shorter ones.  The operator takes a more artistic avenue, rather than just prosaic sort of expository.