ZOG Geoengineering Proven

Started by Michael K., April 15, 2015, 08:23:39 AM

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Michael K.

We have probably all heard the story of how natives of the Yucatan could not perceive the Spanish ships when they first arrived on their coasts.  We are told that they had no problem with their eyesight, but that they were in denial of some sort which caused them to filter out the stimulus from their consciousness.  At least until it became the sort of problem which literally slapped them in the  face.

Anyone who denies aerial spraying operations and the obvious effect they have on weather is in much the same mode as the Indians in the story.  They are in denial of the facts to their own peril. 

If you are a skeptic, watch the video.  There is incontrovertible one hundred percent proof.

I know many people reading are already aware of the fact that inflation, what economists blandly refer to as if it were a force of nature, is really theft through counterfeiting.  Yet when they stole a third of everything we own this way in 2009, most people seemed to let it all pass while continuing to vehemently argue over minute taxation policy issues of one or two percent. 

Similarly, the radical left has been effective at pushing the narrative that carbon emissions from human use are responsible for the weather we have been seeing.  And people have been willing to accept this despite the fact that increasing volcanic activity under the oceans and on land is an overwhelming source of carbon and heat.

Yet the most outstanding single factor which effects climate from day to day here in America, which I witness personally, is the aerosol spraying going on.  Manys the day which starts with blue skies and upon which descend row after row of spreading, persistent clouds coming out of jet aircraft.


The dismaying reality of diligent efforts - Yankee Doodle tells anybody and everybody he can - to inform people about chemtrails/geo-engineering is that the stripes and consequent milky-white ruination of the beauty of a blue sky are ephemeral, and rely on constant replenishment.

Thus, where Yankee Doodle lives, and where he has, for some years, been keeping a record of casual daily observations - not looking for sprayed stripes, but recording when they are seen in daily activity for perhaps the last 5-6 years - he has seen a marked decline in spraying activity.  Several years ago, 10-15 observations per month were common, and now the number of observations per month are perhaps 2-3, and the current spraying activity is not nearly as intense as before, i.e. you see a few stripes, but not enough to blot out the blue sky.

So, have they been listening, and are they curtailing their spraying activity in answer to our wishes?

It's doubtful.  In reality, now that they have people aware and spreading the alarm, all they have to do is stop, or sharply curtail, they spraying, whereupon they have made their case, i.e. what spraying?

You see, they have us in the position where we cannot prove there is spraying - and that there has been spraying for years/decades - because, conveniently, they've stopped, or sharply curtailed, their spraying.

We should be happy the spraying has lessened significantly, of course, but do we trust them?  Hell no.

Perhaps they've accomplished the damage they intended.  Or, perhaps they will resume spraying in a few years, after the controversy dies down, and they have tricked us into portraying ourselves as "conspiracy theorists" who point to the sky and cry out "look, the stripes, the spraying, the chemtrails, the clouds" when, all of a sudden, the stripes and spraying and chemtrails and clouds aren't there any more.  They will make seeing and talking about chemtrails similar to seeing and talking about ghosts.

We're dealing with evil devious bastards.   

Michael K.

Yankee, I have seen a lot of aerosol spraying over the Maine coast.  It comes and goes erratically, but here it is usual to see them weekly or more. 

One thing I have noticed is that they seem to spray some formula which becomes invisible after a few moments.  Yet the sky slowly changes to sick aluminum gray. 

They don't always use this formula, and quite often I wonder if that quick dissipating stuff is actually biological liquid.

Anyhow, I see that I have been correct to estimate that UV levels are way up.  It's much the same as an ozone hole now.


Will have to check that out, and pay more attention to see if planes are up there, but with minimal trail.

Might be right.  Jack Blood has been saying on his radio program that they've changed the formula.

Have heard a lot of people claim that the spraying brings the rain, because they've noticed that, after days with intense spraying, often stormy days follow.

But, that's not true.  The fuckers are reading the weather reports, and they only spray on clear blue-sky days, and don't bother spraying on days that they know are stormy or that will be overcast with natural cloud cover.  Of course, perhaps they are up there spraying above the clouds where the trails can't be seen.  And, of course, this was the case a few years ago, but not so much so now, with the spraying either 1) being reduced or 2) being done with a different formula that isn't so obvious.