A successful art-work (vid, u-tube) leading to worthy insight--power of art

Started by apollonian, June 16, 2015, 05:18:42 AM

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Here's tremendous, outstanding work of art, vid fm u-tube--which worked for me, leading to below exposition for insight I gained by means of this most excellent work of art.  Here's the vid:

And here, following, is the immediate note I made and left at the u-tube site where I first saw the vid:

"Apollonian Apollonius   8 minutes ago   
Very good video, my good comrade--its virtue is it led to an insight I had about this whole, filthy sandy hoax psy-ops: the "horrible" event has built-up the so-called "victims," like Carly Soto, now into HUGE spokes-persons for gun-control--which sort of "reputation" these scum wouldn't have were it not for the horrific, so-called "event" of the alleged "shooting" by non-existent "Adam."  And I want to thank u ever so much for ur great effort and work--of course, u and FRR are absolutely right about the shifty-eye phenomenon/activity.  Thanks again, and take good care.  A."

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So now, my fuller exposition following fm above note is this:

ZOG's Immediate Purpose For Sandy Hoax
(Apollonian, 16 Jun 15)

What was the purpose of the Sandy Hoax event?--well, obviously, ZOG wants to (a) terrorize the people, pretending there are "monsters" like "Adam Lanza," who never existed, (b) aside fm trying to remove the people's arms, but FURTHER and more specifically: ZOG wanted to hype-up a TOTALLY CONTRIVED "CLAMOR" fm "the people," totally phony and manufactured--exactly like Carlee Soto (see the vid)--to make her out to be a "spokes-person" this status built upon idea she's "victim," who has the sympathy of lots of folks to listen to her anti-gun act--and I'm glad to note and confirm it FAILED, pretty decisively, though of course, ZOG will down-play any such failure by the Jews-media simply not mentioning it, polls showing American people are evermore certain for their right to bear arms, this even further confirmed.

Thus ZOG's idea was people would be SHAMED and embarrassed by these imposters, like Carlee Soto, out exhorting the people to give-up their arms.  But there are certain bad things that have taken place the people may not grasp at fore-front of their minds, for example, the lead-plant factories for making bullets are now removed fm USA, making bullets now more expensive, among other inconveniences and harassments ZOG has imposed.