The Impact of LGBT Parenting & Children’s Well-Being.

Started by michaelangelo, August 07, 2015, 11:25:32 AM

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Yes. I had the same experience. And my mother is still crazy. She is very manipulative, which helped to teach me how the criminals in charge of the central bank can be so manipulative.

These type of people - people who make poor, substitute decisions - usually in that case, want to validate this false choice (and excuse) of in this case choosing a same sex partner by pushing it onto their children. Their choice stems from unhappiness, and like so many with such poor decision making, push validation of this unhappy-based choice onto other people, to find validation. Unfortunately children are the most vulnerable.

My mother's choice to have a militant, uncaring live-in lover, was the continuing result of making choices from unhappy positions. I am sure there are examples that are not strictly one man, one woman 'by the book' settings, maybe where a male has two female partners, however and above all else, in generally positive environments. I think the basic element is if the choices are made out of happiness, then in the happy environment children can do well. Many hetrosexual and most homosexual environments, in america, anyway, seem to contain some degree of unhappiness, which then rubs off on the children.

So often homosexual choices are the result of unhappiness. Plus in the modern 'pop' homosexuality, it makes the homosexual publicly a hero/martyr/saint in the media. Thus it appeals to the ego, even to make the choice in spite of the unresolved happiness.

And just as one religion gets old and tired, the new one is pan-, and a- sexual. Even trans-sexual is 'getting old'. Ultimately it's to keep people distracted from facing the sources of their unhappiness. It is central banker funded distractions. The labourer is paying for his own distraction, the central bankers having determined that people on average would rather pay for distractions than face the music.

This pattern repeats in medicine and health, with magic pills instead of life-changing patterns more harmonious with the natural clock.

Phamaceuticals are funded, started, and encouraged by the hand of central bank shareholders. And are so readily adopted by the overschooled and undereducated. And yet some pharmaceuticals have a point. This is a matter of extremes becoming commonplace, and a mindlocked constituency agreeing on them.

For this discussion, how can we respond with happiness? We cannot stop marriage of same sex. Marriage itself is irrelevant - in my opinion, a holdover of property and property transfer, arising from addictive carbohydrate (and it's companion - alcohol) farming shift as agranianism became popular, as it guaranteed a source of addictive carbohydrates and alcohol. It's history and our guts, tell us what to do. Do happy activities.

Focus on the happiness. Genuine happiness. The trick, the trap, one of them, a big one, is to get people to be in this darkness in their thoughts.