Holocaust debate on usenet going on NOW

Started by Igor Alexander, April 26, 2008, 09:16:47 PM

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Igor Alexander

The following threads on usenet are concerned with the holocaust, whether or not it really happened, and the morality of imprisoning people who publicly express skepticism:

"VIDEO: Find out Today that the Holocaust is a Huge Fraud" (misc.writing, rec.radio.shortwave, uk.rec.cycling, rec.sport.tennis, rec.autos.sport.f1)

"(OT) : The Holocaust + The September 11, 2001 Attacks + Attack on  Pearl Harbor = Always Remember and Never Forget !" (misc.writing, rec.radio.shortwave, uk.rec.cycling, rec.sport.tennis, rec.autos.sport.f1)

"Re: (OT) SPAM" (misc.writing, rec.radio.shortwave, uk.rec.cycling, rec.sport.tennis, rec.autos.sport.f1)

Participating in these threads is a good opportunity for activists who have studied the holocaust or who are familiar with its exploitation by Zionists to hone their debating skills and to encourage lurkers who may have never thought critically about the holocaust to start doing so.

A good free usenet reader is 40tude Dialog, available at http://www.40tude.com/dialog/

If you don't have direct usenet access, you can read these threads and respond to them through Google Groups at http://groups.google.com/ (bear in mind, though, that when you use Google Groups, your IP address will be displayed in your message's header, which may be a factor if you live in a country that has laws against questioning the holocaust; use an anonymous proxy when posting if you're concerned about your privacy)