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Started by Ognir, February 29, 2016, 06:40:44 AM

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Most zionists don't believe that God exists, but they do believe he promised them Palestine

- Ilan Pappe



UK artist posts quenelle, questions gas chambers to spite 'Zionists'British police confirm complaint against Alison Chabloz after she tweets image of herself performing the anti-Semitic salute

British police have received a criminal complaint for incitement against a musician who performed the quasi-Nazi quenelle salute to spite "Zionists," and suggested that the Nazi gas chambers during the Holocaust did not really exist.

The Campaign Against Antisemitism group reported Wednesday that an unnamed party filed a complaint this week against Alison Chabloz, a performer at the Edinburgh Festival — one of the Scottish capital's main cultural events — after she posted to Twitter a photo of herself performing the quenelle.

She also published on her blog an essay by Robert Faurisson disputing the use of gas chambers by the Nazis and another paper entitled "Did six million really die?"

As blogs and local publications reported on the actions of Chabloz — a singer-songwriter who has lived in Egypt, among other countries — she published another blog post, explaining that her gesture was a "massive up yours" as a reaction to being "hounded online by a small group of hardline Zionists."

Chabloz has been criticized in recent months for suggesting on Twitter that "it would appear that Anne Frank's diary was mostly fabricated," and that British organizations teaching about the Holocaust were "indoctrinating children."

In her defense, Chabloz wrote that "nobody denies that the Jews and other groups suffered horrendous atrocities," but added that, "if people dug a little deeper into the issue they may discover some interesting facts regards the presumed existence of homicidal Nazi gas chambers

Most zionists don't believe that God exists, but they do believe he promised them Palestine

- Ilan Pappe