Is Jared Kushner the Anti-Christ?

Started by yankeedoodle, September 14, 2018, 03:01:01 PM

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QuoteThis video contains content from PBS, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds. 

Didn't take long for this video exposing President/King Kushner to be removed, did it? 

What's particularly interesting is that PBS did it.  PBS stands for Public Broadcasting System, and it was originally set up - circa 1970 - to be funded by the US government, but, over the years, government funding has been reduced, and PBS has relied on contributions from the public, as well as sponsorship from large corporations.

PBS has the reputation of delving into issues that other news operations avoid, and, in general, covering the news with much more seriousness; and, like all news operations, it is heavily populated with jews.

So, the American "public interest" broadcaster has decided that it doesn't want Americans to know that President/King Kushner might be the Anti-Christ.   <:^0

Guess we can conclude that he is the Anti-Christ. 



At about 2:30, this video poses this question:  Is Netanyahu holding the keys to the antichrist?
