Who did 911?

Started by Ognir, September 11, 2008, 02:29:25 PM

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My Rip


 Turn the volume down and read the text at the bottom, growing movement points to Israeli involvement

Category:  Education
911  Israel  TiU  Radio
Most zionists don't believe that God exists, but they do believe he promised them Palestine

- Ilan Pappe


my mujahadeen jihadi brothers did it,

long live the infidels


the muslims even in puppet govts like egypt and jordan are still ahead of ya'll europeans... CATCH UP!

i bet the numbers are much greater than that

who woulda thunk it...

it's only been 7 years...

they will have trouble doin another attack and blaming a boogeyman


Wow!  I never expected people from Europe, Southeast Asia and areas of the Middle East to be ahead of Americans regarding who was responsible for 9/11.  Guess they aren't as fluoridated as we are, huh....


I'm surprised the number is so low with the Palestinians in the poll.

Ralph Furely

thats what i was thinkin.  that kinda throws the whole entire thing off for me.  all the numbers are probably bullshit going by the fact that this poll is trying to tell us that only 19% of the Palestinians believe the obvious?  bullshit.  i just cant buy that.
therefor i call shenanigans on the whole poll.


I agree that the number of Palestinians and Jordanians is very low, they probably used paid stooges of the Mubarak, Abdullah and Abbas regimes.

Also the number of Egyptians (Me included) would be atleast 80-90% and thats not a guess, I know Egyptians from all walks of life, they even talk about it on mainstream TV here. We know the evils of israel we fought them in 4 wars! If you go to other Arab countries from Iraq to Morocco the numbers would be even higher. Our governments are bought and paid for yes, but the people aren't stupid we know how the jew operates, I knew about the USS Liberty, the Lavon affair and the jews ruling the banks, media and politics back when I was a kid! If you don't learn it in school, you learn it from your parents, if not from your parents then from books and word of mouth. Thank God we don't have hate laws yet, even though we don't have freedom of speech. The only people I would say are israeli firsters in Egypt other than mubarak and his cronies are a few elements from the bedouins of Sinai, the jews send their jew whores to marry them and then write the land in the child's name in which case the child is a jew! Sinai which we bled for is being given away for sexual favors...what a world.
\'My revolution is born out of love for my people, not hatred for others\'
Immortal Technique - Philosophy of Poverty

londongeezar (2 hours ago) Show Hide +1   Marked as spam Reply | Spam
scotch fuck israel then go and fuck your mother u long nose dirty auszwitz escaping terrorist cunt u  (the funniest comment I read on youtube)

Ralph Furely

thats interesting, thanks for the inside info.
good to know so many of you guys know whats up in these countries you mention as well... its reassuring...