Started by yankeedoodle, January 20, 2023, 02:39:34 PM

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From the Wide Awake Gentile at NWO Broadcasting Corp


QuoteAlthough the reparations clauses achieved the desired result of forcing the Germans to fight a Second World War, the primary result was the formation of a"front" world government, the League of Nations, while in the background the conspirators established their real governing body, the World Order, through the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and its American subsidiary, the Council On Foreign Relations.


All the drama that goes on in the "United Nations" stage is plain and simple drama by "leaders" like Modi for example or Trump or Biden or Bolsonaro after being "injected with the conclusions of bodies like the Council of Councils which in turn are "guided" by the NWO grandees

The membership of the Council of Councils includes leading institutions from twenty-four countries, roughly tracking the composition of the Group of Twenty (G20). The network facilitates candid, not-for-attribution dialogue and consensus-building among influential opinion leaders from established and emerging nations. A list of member organizations is available on the Council of Councils roster page.

The G20 is composed of most of the world's largest economies, including both industrialised and developing nations; it accounts for around 80% of gross world product (GWP), 75% of international trade, two-thirds of the global population, and 60% of the world's land area.

QuoteMission Statement

The defining foreign policy challenges of the twenty-first century are global in nature. To help direct high-level international attention and effective policy responses to these threats and opportunities, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has created a Council of Councils (CoC). The CoC is composed of twenty-eight major policy institutes from some of the world's most influential countries. It is designed to facilitate candid, not-for-attribution dialogue and consensus-building among influential opinion leaders from both established and emerging nations, with the ultimate purpose of injecting the conclusions of its deliberations into high-level foreign policy circles within members countries.

Observer Research Foundation is funded by the Ambani family which also funds India's Prime Minister Modi

Chatham House (RIIA) The founders of the RIIA were Rothschild's principal South African agents;Sir Otto Beit, trustee of Rhodes Estate ;Percy Alport Molteno, John W. Wheeler-Bennett, who became Gen. Eisenhower's political adviser at SHAEF London 1944-45; Sir Julien Cahn; and Lionel Curtis,

Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI Spanish acronym) is funded by Governments or multi-govt organizations

Lowy Institute Australia is funded by Israeli Australian Zionist Jew Frank Lowy

In addition to an annual conference, the Council of Councils provides an ongoing exchange for research and policy collaboration among its members, including during regional conferences hosted by members. The group also considers long-term structural reforms that would enhance the global governance capacity of leading international institutions.

The Council of Councils initiative is funded by a generous endowment created by the René Kern Family Foundation and by the Robina Foundation as part of its support for CFR's International Institutions and Global Governance program

The Robina Foundation will spend down its assets of more than $200 million within a time frame of roughly 20 years. The Foundation was formed by James Henry Binger an American lawyer who became Chairman and CEO of Honeywell Bingers wife was the daughter of William L. McKnight of 3M whose McKnight Foundation has a much larger corpus of 3 billion US dollars The Rene Kern family foundation seems to be smaller with a corpus of just 6 million but it seems to get an annual sum of one million from"unknown sources"Rene Kern is a Advisory Director at General Atlantic