Romania demands reparations

Started by yankeedoodle, March 08, 2023, 06:19:08 PM

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Researching the holocaust caused by the Bolshevik Jews

This is an excerpt containing the last half of this very long article that seems to repeat itself, and that can be found here:


QuoteWe demand reparations of 200 (two hundred) billion euros, and we consider it necessary for the current representatives of the international Jewish community to recognize that along with the atrocities against the Jews, the Jews themselves should jointly appropriate the deeds of their predecessors from the Bolshevik period, including the time of the Second World War, and in the years of communist rule of post-war Romania.

The Bolshevik revolution in Russia was made by the Jews. At the top of the Bolshevik institutions of Soviet Russia, 86% were Jews. So that in:
– the Council of Commissioners there were 17 Jews, out of 22 members (77%),
– the War Commissariat 33 Jews, out of 43 members (77%),
– Foreign Affairs 13 Jews, out of 16 members (81%),
– Justice 20 Jews, out of 21 members (95%),
– Public Instruction 6 Jews, out of 6 members (100%),
– Labor 7 Jews, out of 8 members (87%),
– Ministry of Provinces 21 Jews, out of 23 members (91%) ,
– Press 4 Jews, out of 4 members (100%),
– in Red Cross missions, in fact the propaganda mission in foreign countries 8 Jews, out of 8 members (100%).
A total of 129 Jews, i.e. 86%, out of 151 leaders of Bolshevik Russia.

On April 12, 1919, M. Cohan wrote in the newspaper Le Communiste, from Kharkiv:

"We can affirm without hesitation that the Great Russian Revolution was carried out by Jewish hands... We and we alone were the ones who led the Russian Proletariat towards the international dawn and even today the Cause of Bolshevism rests in our strong hands... The symbol of Judaism, the five-pointed star , is now adopted by Bolshevism... and in this sign the bourgeoisie will be exterminated".

The policy of total extermination of the ruling class began in Russia, with the Revolution of 1917, and in Romania it took place between 1940-1964 (with an interruption between 1941-1944).

In 1918, the Romanian people reunified their country, establishing the unitary Romanian national state. But now, against this holy, fulfilled ideal of all Romanians, to live in one country, terrorism began in Romania, through the Jew Max Goldstein, who planted a bomb in the Romanian Parliament, an attack that resulted in dead and wounded.

In 1921, the Communist Party of Romania, also called the Romanian Communist Party, was founded in Romania. He acted against the territorial integrity of Romania, for a very clear reason, because Romania was successfully opposing the advance of Bolshevism on its territory. The Bolsheviks had been particularly successful in Germany.

In Hungary, in 1919, they take power. The government of the Soviets in Hungary was overthrown by the Romanian army in 1919, which, after entering Budapest, retreated, returning inside Romania's borders. The communists in Romania decide to divide a large part of Romania between Hungary, Bulgaria and Soviet Russia, so that Romania can no longer separate the Soviet Union from Hungary or from Bulgaria.

In this way, the Soviet Union would have spilled over into the Balkans, the Mediterranean and the whole of Western Europe. This imperial territorial expansion plan of Bolshevik Russia was thwarted by Romania in all the years after the Revolution of 1917, until the end of the Second World War.

In 1939 and 1940, the Romanian Communist Party continued to firmly support the abolition of "imperialist" Romania, by displacing Bessarabia, Bucovina, Dobrogea, Transylvania and Banat from its body.

In 1940, according to the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, the USSR annexed the eastern part of Romania (Bessarabia, Herţa County, northern Bucovina). Those who decided and executed the genocide (holocaust) against the Romanians here, were the Jews, as a communist decision-making political will.
The genocide was directed both against the ruling class and the common people, it was also about an ethnic cleansing, to replace the Romanians with some Soviet citizens from other parts of the USSR.

So that there is no doubt and no possibility of evasion of the communist Jews, as perpetrators of the holocaust against the Romanians, here they are, in 1940, each according to his name.

Table no. 1 with members of the Communist Party from Romania, from Bessarabia and Bucovina, recommended by the Central Committee of the PCR to be granted the status of members of the Communist Party of the Bolsheviks from all over Russia:
1. Bruhis (Kofman)
Srul Pinhusovici
2. Faierstein Raia
3 Kofman Iakov
4. Djureak Dmitri Mihailovici (Vladimirovici)
5. Morgherstern Izrail Markovici
6. Zighelbaun Srul
7. Burlacenko Serghei Danilvici
8. Luca Leaslo
9. Korotkov Iuri Aleksandrovici
1o. Scvorţov Mihail Iakovlevici: Leibovici Srul Abramovici
11. Oighenstein Lev Nikolaevichi
12. Goldforb Abram Isaakovici
13. Petrov Piotr Ivanovichi (Guzun) 14.
Roitman Fanea Isaakovna
15. Tarandaş Malea
16. Korotkova Natalia Isaakovna
17. Satovskaia Roza
18. Rabinovici Fanea Iakovlevna
19. Revici Iakov Moiseevichi
20. Visecauţan Polea Efimovna
21. Budeshtskaia Ester
22. Cioklo Mordko
23. Kolpakci Iakov Aronovici
24. Shteinberg Froim
25. Boguslavskaia Polea Iakovlevna
26. Romanenko Nikolai Nikolaevich
27. Pastir Zasea Leibov
28. Gudis Lev Smulevichi
29. Rabinovich Şoil Oiezerovichi
30. Orlih Mark Semionovichi
31. Boguslavski Iakov Tovici
32. Zighelbaum Abram
33. Voloh Abram
34. Limon Srul Greşovici
35. Grinman Isaak Iosifovici
36. Pejor Iosif Aronovici
37. Weisman Sara Iosifovna (Seindel).

Table no. 2 with members of the Communist Party of Romania, from Bessarabia and Bukovina, whose party membership must be registered at their current place of work.
Chisinau County: 1. Şafran Raisa Semionovna
2. Leib Nahman (Noiman Leibovici)
3. Diner Eti Iakovlevna
4. Protodiakonov Vsevolod Mihailovici
5. Malerp Maria Kisilevna
6. Voinberg Niuka Markovici
7. Shor Lev Ilici
8. Zaru Ivan Ilici
9. Oirik Avram Moiseevichi
10. Derevicii Ippolit Gheorghevici
11. Şandrovskaia Ita Beniaminovna
12. Goldfarb Zeilik Borisovici
13. Kuperman Isaak Moiseevici
14. Shvartsman
15. Konstantinov Konstantin Stepanovici
16. Glikman Gitlea
17. Sinitivker Fritz
18. Grinberg Ida Izrailevna
19. Şehter Roza Borisovna
20. Zislis Vonver Lvovici
21. Izu Fruhtman
22. Lupan Andrei Pavlovici
23. Bravar Liuba S.
24. Švetskaia
25. Makler Ciaka Isakovna
26 Ida Avramescu
27. Hresonskaia Etea Iosifovna
28. Rubinstein Aleksander
29. Geboveţer Riva Simonovna
30. Gofman Mordko Iakovlevici
31. Silvestrov Ivan Antonovici
32. Kemelmaher Bliuma Naumovna
33. Goldstein Iosif Pinkusovici
34. Gherenburg Roza 35. Ihilovici Maier
36. Sikorski Gheorghi
37. Iancu Janetta
38. Tukerman Mark Borisovich
39 Tudoraki Lena Aronovna.
Soroca County: 40. Cemortanu Matvei Grigorevici
41. Şoimu Ivan Samuilovici
42. Kolokolnikov Evgheni
43. Pavlov Mihail
44. Guţul Constantin
45. Leahovski Mihail
46. Guţu Pavel
47. Gruzin Aleksandr
48. Zaidman Leib
49. Zelţer Rahil Ihilovna
50. Golovatii Ivan
51. Gherşman Srul Beirelovici
52. Dolear Malea Ihilovni
53. Akkerman Leib Iankelevici
54. Harmi Eva Iankelevna
55. Şoimu Samuil
56. Livšitz Haim
57. Klimov Ivan Ivanovichi
58. Mer Leib
59. Doktorovici Anna (Enea)
60. Abramovici Abram
61. Chehover (Tarasov) Oba Rahimilovici.
Balti County: 62. Reidenboim Rahil Isaakovna
63. Masisi Moisei Iosifovici
64. Erji Leibil Nahmanovici
65. Voitman Berko Iakovlevici
66. Reidel Rahil
67. Palaria Riva Davidovna
68. Rab Eva Isaakovna
69. Rab Ivan
70. Oighenstein Niunea Iakovlevna
71. Goldman Bela Abramovna
72. Goldman (Baciu) Ida Mironovna
73. Iampolski Buka
74. Oighenstein Mihail
75. Kotlear Lev.
Bender County: 76. Shymkov Ivan Fiodorovici
77. Sisimov Mendel 78. Revenealî Serghei
79. Reddenboim Smil 80. Dikler Ester
81. Dvoiritz Aron Matveevici.
Orhei County: 82. Ciornaia Nataşa (Burlacenko).
83. Krasnopolski Monea Iakovlevici
84. Malcik Riva Favelevna
85. Averbuh Jena Livovna
86. Vainštoc Nuhin Rubinovici
87. Munder Lev Abramovici
88. Kojušneanu Abram Iakovlevici.
Hotin County: 89. Kuşnir Semion Ilici
90. Kovalciuk Vasili Mihailovici
91. Botoşanski Avram Itzkovici.
Ismail County: 92. Gherşkovici Silea
93. Gherşkovici Jenea (after husband Georgescu)
94. Şabin Anrei. Chernivtsi County:
95. Finkel Evghenia (Vais Anna)
96. Kurţman Mozes
97. Vittner Eva
98. Vittner Norbert Leonovici
99. Kraizler Naftalii Userovici
100. Shlomiuc Reia Aronovna
101. Gheigher Artur Irevici
102. Gadiak Anton Iakovlevici
103. Rainer Racella Natalovna
104 Magkovski Vasilii Onufrievici
105. Srefiuk Evghen-Lev.

Table no. 3 with members of the Communist Party of Romania who must be left with the right to be members of the fraternal communist parties and obtain additional information about their activity in the Communist Party of Romania.
City of Chisinau: 1. Spektor Ester Peisovna
2. Berstein Simha Pinkusovici
3. Gherstein Haim Srulevici
4. Mirza Evghenia Borisovna
5. Feldman Riva Isakovna
6. Şteiberg Etea
7. Goldberg Iosif Davidovici
8. Bubis Isaak Markovici
9. Bubis Isaak Markovici
10. Shmulevici Liza Aronovna
11. Beloterkovici VS
12. Torban Iosif Iakovlevici
13. Grekov Stepan Danilovichi
14. Kašelnik Ivan Ivanovichi
15. Lazar Izabela Iosiifovna
16. Vinberg Isaak Leizerovici
17. Barenboim Ioşe Iankelevichi
18. Bukur Ghenea Miniminovna
19. Ohštat Ghenea
20. Blekher Lev Meerovici
21. Moisei Lvovici Reider
22. Shprinţen Fanea Lipovna
23. Rubinstein Berta Vladimirovna
24. Lifshitz Efimovichi
25. Ghilman Froim Moiseevichi
26. Bleher Iakov Moiseevichi
27. Solomovichi Fanea
28. Vasilenko Vladiimir Sergheevici
29. Nisenblat Vitea Naumovna
30. Abraham Sonea Grigorevna
31. Kaufman Fanea Isidorovna.
The city and county of Soroca: 32. Oleinik Maxim Stepanovici
33. Timofei Grigorii Mihailovici
34. Melişen Ivan Nicolaevici
35. Navroţkaia Anna Panteleevni
36. Navroţki Mihail Iosifovici
37. Mişişin Alexander Antonovici 38.
Navroţki Andrei Iosifovici
39. Navroţki Piotr Filippovichi
40. Meşişen Vladimir Mihailovici
41. Meşishen Nikolai Grigorevich
42. Kordebanovski Frantz Iosifovici
43. Boiko Ivan Makarovici
44. Mocindcea Vasilii Markovici
45. Reşednik Dionisii Ignat
46. Boredeniuk Mihail Vasilievich
47. Bihovski Vasilii Abramovici
48. Takii Diordii Fiodorovici
49. Tokmeak Ivan Vasilievich
50. Saragov Semen Fiodorovici
51. Weisberg Isaak
52. Oleinik Petr Feodoseevici
53. Kolesnik Afanasii Ivanovichi
54. Ghebedniuk Timofei Fedorovichi
55. Morgun Pantelei Fedotovichi
56. Tisminetski Buzea
57. Sharogradski David Seshomov
58. Goldenberg Abram
Lazar 59. Buhman Abramovici
60. Ciumak Mihail
61. Roitman Iakov
62. Stolear Hana Srulevna
63. Cerkbz Vsevolod Arkadievici
64. Goldštern Şişmon
65. Dumbravă Anatolii
66. Bilkis Ilia Isaakovici
67. Şteinbuk Smil
68. Faierstein Iancu Aronovici
69. Goreşnik Itık Meerovici
70. Şulman Froiim
71. Magazinik Riva Leibovna
72. Magazinik Gherş Leibovici
73. Milman Moişe
74. Makogon Sonea
75. Kotler Hanakii Iankelevici
76. Kotlear Mendeii Iankelevici
77. Kotlear Şmerl Itzkovici
78. Palii Vasilii
79. Balan Isake
80. Ghilas Haralambie
81. Stariş Silvestre
82. Gogu Profirii
83. Koftenyak Vladimir
84. Deaur Dimitri
85. Harkovei Afanasii
86. Lefter Dionisii
87. Tihoţki Valentin
88. Kolker Boruh
89. Kravţov Ivan
90. Naumov Alexei
91. Gherşenzon Sulea Moiseevici
92. Trahtman Idel
93. Pastushenko Grigorii
94. Derkautsan Aizik
95. Şehtman Ţalik
96 .
108. Yasinski Vasilii Ivanovichi
109. Kalmaţui Ştefan
110. Kozman Timku
111. Haralamb Buhor
112. Ciporneak Vanea
113. Ciporneak Haralamb
114. Zelţer Zolea
115. Postolake Vasilii
116. Bezbeda
117. Maceak Ivan
118. Eriomenko Grigorii Fyodorovichi
119. Švet Dmitrii Mihailovici
120. Poliţiuk Şişma
121. Strahov Kalinik
122. Samanaki Alexandr Ivanovici
123. Ciobanu Marcu
124. Guţu Dimitrii
125. Kvatkovski
126. Štrahman Sunea
127. Bruma Semion
128. Halkin Sima
129. Buris Sima
130. Nedelea Ambrozis
131. Shmunis Itik
132. Revulet Grigorii
133. Spivak Şlik
134. Ţentis Pavel
135. Drobnika Fedor
136. Savka Efim Dmitrevici
137. Kaplan Mioka 138.
Hoiut Iosif
139. Sosna Haim
140. Kaplan Avoris
141. Tîmbaliuk Kuzma
142. Ciumak Semion.
Orhei County: 143. Sakara Evghenia Vasilevna
144. Brizma Cearma Aronovna
145. Şnir Ghenea Livovna
146. Lener Frima Iakovlevna
147. Lefter Roza Avseevna
148. Lerner Opşip Kipelovici
149. Şaparina Pelagheia Isakovna
150. Zamislovskaia Peloaghelia Moiseevna
151. Şapoşnik Izrail Rubinovici
152. Lerner Venea Markovna
153. Rakul Constantin Gheorghievici
154. Tartovski Solomon Moiseevichi
155. Ghelman Riva Haskova
156. Rezingof Sara Haimovi
157. Dizingof Naum Haimovici
158. Malis Motel Abramovici
159. Cebotari Peisih Haimovici
160. Grivokopatel Haim Iosifovici
161. Vaiser Haia Iosifovna
162. Moitlis Moisei Šumovici
163. Ciobotaru Sara Iosifovna
164. Iaruga Isaak Abramovici
165. Goldman Polina Pavlovi
166. Goldman Isaak Pavlovici
167. Fişman Rahil Davidovna
168. Fişman Estera Davidovna
169. Gerş Dafa Davidovna
170. Daici Ghitlea Shlemovna
171. Brezman Ecaterina Aronovna
172. Popusku Mira Mendelevna
173. Berekovici Adela Isaakovna
174. Jesan Vasilii Ivanovichi
175. Zisler Iankel Talikovici
176. Shmukler Leib Borisovici
177. Kogan Beleamia Moiseevici
178. Tarlev Hana Ioaakovna
179. Ghinzburg Lipa Tudicovici
180. Averbuh Basea Livovna.
Bender County: 181. Ertsberg Amika
182. Burlak Fyodor
183. Slipakov Nikolai
184. Tabanov Elifer
185. Gabdzea Feodosii
186. Bazarov Dmitrii
187. Taran Iakov
188. Kovtunenko Ivan
189. Bicikov Victor
190. Bicikov Boris
191. Zavada Victor
192. Grinberg Hava
193. Kofman Zelma
194. Kofman Fanea
195. Mozeş Evghenii
196. Sisman Frida
197. Goldstein Iakov Shmulevichi
198. Haikim Idel Ghershkovici
199. Zelter Zaiveid Leibovici
200. Roşko Rahman Davidovici
201. Kîsa Hristofor Ivanovichi
202. Kelmenciuk Zinovii Ivanovichi
203. Borisova Zinaida Ivanovna
204. Shlapakov Nikolai Abramovichi
205. Pronoza Evgenii Ilyich
206. Brodskaia Dora Zaharovna
207. Koroli Boris Iakovlevici
208. Brodskaia Janna Zakharovna
209. Leah Ivan Zaharovici
210. Dmitrieva Şeifa Iosifovna
211. Prokopet Moisei Iosifovici.
Balti County: 212. Kolker Moisei Mihailovici
213. Birinboim Zolea Nutoviei
214. Barenboi Abram
215. Lerner Lona Idelovna
216. Rabenko Alexandr Israilevici
217. Rapaport Beeno Boris
218. Kuşnir Semion Aronovici
219. Goldiş Abram Isaakovici
220. Garber Sioma Ovşi Iankelevici
221. Weisman Toivi Şaevici
222. Rozenblat Moişe Lipov
223. Roll Valter Livovici
224. Kuşnir Haia Eftimovna
225. Brinboim Monea Nutuvici
226. Kat Oscar Gerş-Berovici
227. Kevilevin Ihil Moşkovici
228. Kiseleva Şeiva Zisileva
229. Pejor Tatiana Iakovlevna 230.
Ghelman-Vaitraub Fanea Pinkrovna
231. Roizman Nlemi Borisovna
232. Harak Polea Zelmovna
233. Grinberg Misha
234. Ghelman Ivţe Itzkovici
235 Şerman Moise Beilovici
236. Fux Naftul Abramovici
237. Rîlskii Grigorii Afanas
238. Haot Niusin Ghershovici
239. Zhukovskii Boris Iosifovici
240. Ţuprik Aizea Davidovici
241. Rudima Anton Gheorghevici
242. Kleiman Moise Isaakovici
243. Pogorelovskii Mihail Samuilovici
244. Babinetskii Ivan Pavlov
245. Zernovoi Ivan Ivanovici
246. Reaboi Andrei Anufrievici
247. Stratiiciuk Iakov Stepan
248. Gomeniuc Ivan Eliseevici
249. Grinberg Haia Solomonovna 250.
Grinberg Fira Izrailevna
251. Leabis Tatiana Isidorovna
252. Vikinskii Fyodor Ivanovichi
253. Gavriliuk Petr Petrovichi
254. Golik Ivan Andronovichi
255. Glinberg Moise Grigorevich.

Table no. 4 with members of the Communist Party from Romania, from Bessarabia and Bukovina, who arrived in the USSR as political emigrants (former volunteers of the Republican Army in Spain, etc.), whom the CC of the PCR recommends to be transferred to the Communist Party of Bolsheviks from all over Russia:
1. Tismenetski Leon Moiseevichi
2. Telmer Elias
3. Kleiman Moisei Solomonovichi
4. Vihrev Abram Naumovichi.

From the eastern part of Romania, the Romanian army had withdrawn without a fight, so there were no painful consequences caused to the Romanians or the Jews here, due to the armed clashes. And yet, in 1940, against the retreating Romanian army, armed Jews humiliated and liquidated, by shooting, Romanian officers and soldiers. The Romanian army had been ordered not to respond to provocations. It is obvious that these Jews had allied themselves, gun in hand, with the invasion army of the USSR, against their own country, Romania, thus fitting into the program and activity of the Jewish communists up to now, against the Romanian state. The only Romanian who was at the head of the Communist Party, until after the Second World War, was removed from office in 1924,
On the families of Romanians who took refuge from the Russian occupier, the Jews indulged in robberies and murders.
From Bessarabia, Herta Land and northern Bucovina, the death trains set off for Siberia, starting in 1940 and from 1944, until the years after 1950. Dead on the road, in cattle wagons, due to lack of air and water. Sickle death in the extermination camps. Real ghosts, human skeletons. Hundreds of thousands of Romanian civilians.

The few survivors suffered only from persecution, until death. All this in the east of Romania that fell under the Bolshevik occupation. But in Romania (between today's Romanian borders), what happened between 1944 and 1964?

In 1948, the communists had taken over all the political power in Romania. The total liquidation of the ruling class in Romania, of all the elites and many other Romanians, from the common people, takes place. In the whole of Romania, from 1921 until the Second World War, there were approximately 1000 (one thousand) communists, in the great majority allogenes, the leadership belonging to the Jews. From 1948 to 1964, over two million Romanians were imprisoned in Romania and over two hundred thousand were liquidated in prisons and camps. The only political decision-making force in Romania was the communists. Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party since 1948: Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej - General Secretary, Ana Pauker- Secretary, Jewish, Vasile Luca- Secretary, Jewish, Teohari Georgescu- Secretary, Jewish, Lothar Rădăceanu- Secretary, Jewish.

It is necessary to specify that the minister of the interior of the new communist order in Romania was also Jewish, Teohari Georgescu. And others, security chiefs. In this context, it can be better understood why colonel Alexandru Nicolski, a Jew, is the typical example of a security officer guilty of genocide against Romanians.

A noteworthy phenomenon appears. In public life, the Jews in the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party, after taking power (see, for example, the year 1948), appear with Romanian names - with one or two exceptions. Communist Jews from 1940 have their Jewish names.

The phenomenon of Romanization of names, after the war and during communism, also spread among other categories of Jews, so that, apparently, by name, some Jews disappeared. It does not mean that there were no Jews with Jewish names. They did not have any kind of difficulties for social, political, professional affirmation, neither some nor others. On the contrary, the Jews, the overwhelming majority, were assured leadership positions in Romanian life.

We continue to give a list of Jews who formed the leadership of Romania during the first years of communism, the data being extracted from The Plot Against the Church, by Maurice Pinay, from p.73-77 (Cf. Traian Golea, Cum se regizăra the condemnation of a people, Romanian Historical Studies, 1996, ed. II, p. 7-9).

Jews in the Government of Romania:
1. Ana Pauker, alias Anna Rabinsohn, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Moscow's agent no. 1 in Bucharest.
2. Ilka Wassermann, the real director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
3. Iosif Chişinevschi, alias Jakob Broitman, vice-president of the Council of Ministers and member of the Central Committee.
4. Teohari Georgescu, alias Burah Tescovich, Minister of the Interior.
5. Avram Bunaciu, alias Abraham Gutman, Secretary General of the National Assembly, the real leader of the Assembly.
6. Lothar Rădăceanu, alias Lothar Wuertzel, minister.
7. Miron Constantinescu, alias Mehr Kohn, originally from Galati, Minister of Mines and member of the Central Committee.
8. Moises Haupt, general, military commander of the Capital.
9. Laurian Zamfir, alias Laurian Rechler, general, head of the Security, originally from Brăila.
10. Heinz Gutman, head of the Civil Secret Service.
11. William Suder, alias Wilman Suder, head of Counterintelligence.
12. Colonel Roman, alias Roman Walter, father of Petre Roman, head of the Education, Culture and Propaganda Service of the Army.
13. Alexander Moghioroş, Minister of Nationalities, Jew from Hungary.
14. Alexandru Badan, alias Alexander Braunstein, head of the Aliens Control Commission.
15. Major Lewin, Jew, former officer in the Red Army, head of Press Censorship.
16. Colonel Holban, alias Moscovich, head of Security in Bucharest.
17. George Silviu, alias Gersch Gollinger, secretary general in the Ministry of the Interior.
18. Erwin Voiculescu, alias Erwin Weinberg, head of the Department for Passports in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
19. Gheorghe Apostol, alias Gerschwin, president of the Labor Union.
20. Stupineanu, alias Stappnau, head of Economic Espionage.
21. Emmerick Stoffel, Jew from Hungary, ambassador of Romania in Switzerland.
22. Harry Fainaru, alias Hersch Feiner, head of the embassy in the United States Embassy.
23. Ida Szillagy, Jewish, friend of Ana Pauker. The Royal Head of the Embassy in London.
24. N. Lăzărescu, alias Burach Lazarovich, charge d'affaires of Romania in Paris.
25. Simon Oieru, alias Schaeffer, undersecretary of state.
26. Aurel Baranga, alias Ariel Leibovich, Inspector General in the Department of Arts.
27. Liuba Chişinevschi, alias Liuba Broitman, president of the Romanian Anti-Fascist Women.
28. Lew Zeiger, Jew, director general in the Ministry of Economy.
29. Doctor Zeider, jurisconsult of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
30. Marcel Breslaşu, alias Mark Breslau, general director of the Arts Department.
31. Silviu Brucan, alias Bruekker, editor-in-chief of Scântea, led the entire campaign aimed at disappointing the people regarding the reign of communism. At the same time, he led the staged anti-Semitic campaign in Romania.
32. Samoila, alias Samuel Rubenstein, managing director of Spark.
33. Horea Liman, alias Lehman, second editor of the Spark.
34. Engineer Schnapp, Jew, managing director of the newspaper Romania Liberă.
35. Jehan Mihai, alias Jakob Michael, head of the Romanian film industry.
36. Alexandru Graur, alias Alter Brauer, general director of the Romanian Radio Society.
37. Mihai Roller, Jew, unknown before his arrival in Romania, from the Soviet Union, President of the Romanian Academy, author of the falsified history of the Romanians.
38. Professor Weigel, the tyrant of the University of Bucharest. He led the purge operation of anti-communist students.
39. Professor Lewin Bercovich, another tyrant of the University of Bucharest, who controlled the teaching staff, came from Russia.
40. Silviu Iosifescu, alias Samson Iosifovich, the one who censored Eminescu, Alecsandri, Vlahuţă, for the content that did not harmonize with communism.
41. Joan Vinter, alias Jakob Winter, the second Marxist literary critic of Romania.
42. Three predecessor general secretaries of the General League of Labor were Jews, Alexander Sencovich, Misha Levin and Sam Asriel (Şerban).

The left-wing extremists and the atrocities committed cannot escape the verdict: holocaust, genocide, crime against humanity.

We believe that the Romanian people must be offered the sum of 200 (two hundred) billion euros from the Jewish international bodies, from the Jews everywhere and from the State of Israel, for the Holocaust committed by the communist Jews against the Romanians.

Matatias Carp, a Jew from Romania, in the Black Book, Bucharest, 1946, vol. 1, p. 48, writes "assuming or pretexting insults or offenses that would have been brought to this army by the Jews, on the occasion of the withdrawal from the territories ceded in 1940, the Romanian Army, reconquering these territories in 1941..."

So, according to Matatias Carp, the Jews, in 1940, did not demonstrate in any way against the Romanian military (assuming or pretexting insults or offenses that would have been brought...) .

In 1944, although the Romanian army had stopped all fighting with the USSR, the Romanians being engaged in battles against the German Army, the Soviets deport the 180,000 Romanian soldiers from the front line to the USSR. They had never fired a single shot against the Soviet military. They were not prisoners of war. Many sleep their eternal sleep in the land of extermination camps. Communist terror covers all of Romania. Communist Jews gradually take power under the protection of the USSR Army, so that in 1948 they are the absolute masters of Romania. No one dared to have a different opinion about the holocaust (genocide) against the Romanians, from 1940 and the first half of 1941, from the Romanian territories annexed by the USSR and from the years after the war, from Romania with today's borders, without the risk of being sentenced to life imprisonment, or liquidated. Forged documents appear, testimonies and statements under blackmail, threats and torture.

The American historian Nicholas M. Nagy–Talavera, a Jew born in Romania, in The Green Shirts and the Others, Hoover Institutions Press, Standfort, California, 1970, p. 305, in the English edition, from Romania, of 2001, p. 427 and in the edition in Romanian, from Romania, with the title Fascism in Ungaria si Romania (the English subtitle, Fascism in Hungary and Romania, becomes the title), from 1996, on p. 414, it says:
"The Russians demanded the surrender of Bessarabia and northern Bucovina. The ultimatum was terse and without any equivocation. In the chaos that followed, generated by a disorderly Romanian retreat, many things happened that should not have happened. The Jewish and Ukrainian population, in the excitement generated by the departure of the Romanian authorities, who had made this province the worst administered part of the country, treated the retreating Romanians in a way that would cost them dearly another year Late."

A quarter of a century had passed between the work of Matatias Carp and that of Nagy - Talavera. Those were other times. Nagy-Talavera no longer had the courage, like his predecessor, to deny the atrocities committed by the Jews in 1940.

So "many things happened that should not have happened. The Jewish and Ukrainian population... treated the retreating Romanians in a way that would cost them dearly a year later."
It is obvious, in the quote above, we are talking about shocking acts, committed by Jews against Romanians, in 1940, otherwise the author would not have considered them as the cause of what followed later, in 1941. He also admits that it acted both on the Romanian army and on Romanian civilians. The text also shows that the Jewish population is to blame, not only the communist Jews. However, Nagy-Talavera also does everything he can, so that these few lines about the genocide of the Jews (the Holocaust) from 1940, against the Romanians, are lost in the hundreds of pages of the work. And not specifying the "things that shouldn't have happened", the reader skips over these just a few words, as if the Jews were not to blame for crimes against humanity. That it is so and not otherwise, it is unequivocally clear, right from the title of the chapter in which even the well-versed reader can hardly discover these few lines: The Legion against Carolist Romania - Legion against Carlist Romania. In other words, legionnaires against Carlist Romania. However, the quote I reproduced means Jews against Romania - a real "black book" of the Jewish genocide against the Romanians.

If in the first part of this material intended for the mass media, we avoided reproducing some documents, in order not to bring to light the deep wounds, open in the being of the Romanian people, we are still forced to retain a few. All can be found in the archive of the Ministry of National Defense and in some specialized books.

For example, see Alex.- Mihai Stoenescu, Armata, maresalul si evreii, RAO International Publishing Company, 1998:
"In Chisinau, 400-500 communist Jews formed into a gang, some armed with rifles and revolvers, and others with stones and sticks, they asked the director Ioneţ, the doctor of the children's hospital, that his building be handed over immediately. When the doctor tried to calm the spirits, they shot him, after which they stormed the hospital, completely devastating it, and the hospitalized children, killing them and throwing them out the windows."

"The Jewish population everywhere had a hostile and defiant attitude, mocking the officials, assassinating some of them, stealing the treasury of the state institutions, etc."

"In Cetatea Albă county, Jewish communist gangs tortured priests, burned their beards with cigarettes, devastated churches."

"The population and especially the Jews armed themselves with weapons taken from our units. The Jews of Bessarabia continued to attack isolated factions, sheltered by Russian troops."

"The Jewish population helped disarm."

"The exodus of the Romanian population is an indescribable drama. The Jewish residents organize everywhere - even in Galatia - a real rebellion with robberies and murders."
"Clashes between the Romanian troops and the Jewish population that wanted to seize the evacuation trains also took place in Ungheni, resulting in dead and wounded soldiers."
"At the urging of the Soviet troops, some minority soldiers from the 4th and 3rd Romanian Armies deserted with their weapons and ammunition. Later they were organized into armed gangs and acted against the former units."

On July 6, 1940, the losses of the Romanian Army (it had received an order, in order to avoid war, not to respond to provocations) were as follows: killed, wounded, missing - 356 cadres and 42,876 soldiers and rank and file.

"In Bolgrad, the communists walked the streets with the 6-pointed Jewish star and a red ribbon as their distinctive sign."
"Jews from Chisinau raised red flags, demonstrating on the street and barricading the streets to the train station in order not to allow the withdrawal of the Romanian officials; they also occupied the premises of the institutions, commissioners Pascal Nicolae, Mateescu Constantin, Severin and Stol were executed by the Jews in the street."

"Red flags were raised in all the villages and especially the Jews..."

The documentation is rich, but in a press article, few documents can be reproduced. Some, which highlight the sadism of the Jews, during the Jewish rebellion of 1940, against the Romanians, were avoided, but it is never too late. The words of Nicolae Iorga are edifying in this sense:
"They gather and grow by seeing with their own eyes the documents and materials, official documents and sworn statements. High magistrates and brave officers, who risked their lives to defend with their strength the withdrawal and exodus of the Romanians, saw with their own eyes countless acts of savagery, the killing of innocents, stoning and booing. All these infamous and criminal gestures were committed by the angry Jewry, whose waves of hatred were unleashed as if under an unseen command (sn).
Why so much hate?
Is this how our kindness and tolerance are rewarded?

We have accepted the Jewish takeover and rule for many decades and the Jewishness is taking revenge in the difficult times we are living. And out of nowhere a disavowal, a vehement and public break with the exploits of murderous sectarian gangs. The madness organized against us encompassed fairs, towns and villages (sn). Our brothers leave their sick children, old parents, fortunes agonized with toil. In their misery they would have needed a kind word, at least a shred of mercy. Warm support and an understanding word, even if only sentimental, would be gratefully received. Bullets were served to them, they were hacked with axes, many of them gave their lives. Their clothes were torn off and they were robbed of what they had with them, and then they were subjected to the treatment of vandalism and vandalism (sn). This Romanianness, of a foolish kindness towards guests and complainers, deserved a more humane treatment from the Jewish people who boasted until yesterday that they have warm and brotherly feelings towards our nation in misfortune." ("Why so much hatred?", in Neamul Romanian, from July 6, 1940).

Even Jewish lawyers, called by profession to defend the unjust, participated in the genocide against the Romanians, were leaders of groups of criminal Jews, drew up lists for assassinations: "In Soroca gangs of Jewish communists led by the lawyer Michael Flexer

after they occupied the town hall building and the police assassinated Commissioner Murafa and his assistant Eustaţiu Gabriel in front of the statue of General Poetaş."

"In Chisinau, the execution lists were drawn up by Jewish communist intellectuals, the lawyer Carol Steinberbg, the lawyer Etea Dinar and Dr. Derevich."

"Today was the last day of the evacuation and it was decided to be a day of national mourning. The Jews and the communists behaved horribly. The murders and molestations..."

The reader himself can complete the list with the horrors committed by the Jews. Thus, from Paul Goma, Red Week, June 28 - July 3, 1940, or Bessarabia and Jews, Vremea XXI Publishing House, 2004:
"Not a few were armed and circulated black lists, threatening the punishment of those listed there."

In Cernăuţi "Jews shot the priest of the Catholic church, several guards. Young Jews (15-16 years old) disarmed soldiers, made them undress, then stabbed them with their own bayonets."
"Immediately after the departure of the Romanian soldiers, the Jews, in the number of several tens of thousands, apart from the fact that they committed all kinds of crimes, they opened the prison gates, armed the prisoners, they furiously began to massacre the Romanians on the streets, they robbed the banks, private houses, burned the churches and palaces.
"Here are the names of Jews from Chernivtsi, the leaders of the murderous Jewish gangs, during the anti-Romanian genocide: Marek Ficher, Filip Beer, Max Weissman, Bruell, Dr. Zuflucht, Dr. Kehr, Dr. Saşa Pimensohn.

Or young Jewish assassins: Aufleger Feibis, Fisher, Abacumov, Eisinger, Sigi Bainer (Sigismund Brainer, or Bayner, Beiner - we later find him, during the communist regime, in Cluj, at security, a real torturer, deputy head of the investigation service at the Directorate Regional Security).

And in Chernivtsi, the Jews take over the local power: Salo Brül - commissioner, Glaubah - mayor, Hitzig - assistant mayor, Meer (Beer) - prefect. So the leaders of the anti-Romanian program are known, through assassinations on the spot and by loading cattle trains, with Romanians, towards Siberia. The same happened in other localities. In Chisinau, the lawyer Steinberg - the leader of the communal soviet. At Chilia Noua, Dr. Robinovici, primary physician of the city, head of the local committee. In Soroca, Leizer Ghinsberg - the leader of the terrorist action. The list can continue with other Jews, with the hundreds of Jews in the communist leadership, political and decision-making factors, together responsible for the genocide against the Romanians.

"Jewish children themselves, some of whom were even guards, waited in the stations for the refugee trains, to curse them and throw stones and any objects that fell within reach, creating a horrible impression."

"Priest Bujakovski from Tighina was shot by Jewish terrorists."
For a broader documentation, the reader can also refer to Gheorghe Buzatu, "This is how the holocaust began against the Romanians", Bucharest, Majadahonda Publishing House, 1995: "Incidents, especially with the Jewish population, took place everywhere. Because of this, evacuations were impossible in many places. Officials were shot, even military units were attacked."

The reader, if he wishes, has at his disposal a book made up only of documents (128 in number), reproduced according to the originals from the archives - Lieutenant - Colonel Alesandru Duţu, Dr. Constantin Botoran, Situation of Jews in Romania, 1939–1941, Our Country Publishing House, Uniunea Vatra Românească, Bucharest, 2003 (Book banned and sent to be melted down):
"In all the cities of Bessarabia and North Bukovina... groups of armed Jews were formed, mostly young men of both sexes, who immediately started the terrorist action. Court clerks, police officers, altar servers, and financial clerks were shot with preference, the latter on the occasion of the looting of various state cashiers... There were cases when the executions took on the aspect of a sinister manhunt, in which everything that could constitute a representative Romanian element stimulates the bloody activity of young Jewish terrorists."

After the last day of the evacuation of Bessarabia, northern Bucovina and the Herţa Territory, by the Romanian Army and some Romanian families, the Jews continued another evacuation, filling animal trains with Romanians for the extermination camps in Siberia. Ethnic cleansing by mass holocaust. In Romania, since 1948, prisons have been filled with millions of Romanians, hundreds of thousands of whom will be liquidated.

For many Romanians it is a great enigma, why the Jews behaved this way towards the Romanians, but history records facts that fully explain this hatred of the Jews for the Romanian majority in these territories. Thus very few Romanians know about the intentions of the Jews to have a state in Europe. European Israel was a project of the Jewish community to create a Jewish state.

Radu Mihai Crişan says that the idea of ​​creating a European Israel on Romanian territory dates from the time of the French interior minister Isaac Adolphe Cremieux (1796 – 1880) who was a great supporter of it!

Paul Goma also talks about the same thing, who showed that at the Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920), American President Woodrow Wilson supported a plan for the formation of a European Israel made up of:
"Galicia, Slovakia, Maramureş, Bucovina, Moldova, Bessarabia, and part of Ukraine - the capital in Lemberg (Lvov)".

When, "on March 23, 1924, the trial of the so-called Students' plot against their own government begins at the Court of Jury in Bucharest, the famous deposition of witnesses from the side of History and from the side of Divinity by Prof. Dr. Nicolae Paulescu takes place, from which we quote:
"The cause before your Lordships is the conspiracy of the world's Occult Forces to take away our right to sovereignty and to found the European Israel here in the Carpatho-Ponto-Danube area. European Israel: a bi-national state with the Jews as the ruling and exploiting class as the victorious nation and with us, the Romanians, as the subordinate and exploited class as the defeated nation".

When the idea of ​​creating a European Jewish state arose, the Jewish protochronists invented a theory that would give them the right to demand such a thing. That "theory" claimed that the Jews would have colonized Dacia several centuries before the Roman colonization. It was also claimed that Jews were in Dacia in large numbers even before the formation of the Romanian people.

Among the inventors and supporters of such theories, we should mention: Schwartzfeld Elias, Johan Kaspar Bluntschli or Bernard Stambler who are currently contradicted by the work "Sources and testimonies relating to Jews from Romania 1986, XXI-XXII" - Gyémánt 2004. The idea of ​​creating an
Israel European on Romanian territory made its presence felt both at the Berlin International Conference in 1878 and at the one in Paris after the First World War, through the pressure exerted on Romania to "accept the unconditional appeasement of any Jew" who wanted to settle in Romania.

It should be mentioned that although there are no documents by which these Jewish populations were invited, the arrival of Jews in Romania after 1830 meant that in Moldova, in the main cities, the majority of the population was Jewish: Orhei=57.8%; Soroca=56.9%; Balti=55.9%; Hotin=50%; Chisinau=45.9% and Fălticeni=57%; Dorohoi=53.6%; Iasi=50.8%. Moreover, in 1933 the Prime Minister IG Duca signed an international agreement by which he accepted the entry into the country of another 300,000 Jews.

One of the tools used to carry out the plan was the communist party.

Therefore, when the communist revolution broke out in Russia in 1917 when the status of Bessarabia was beginning to change, the Jews tried to resist.

They campaigned for the "unitary character of free Russia" and were against the call of the Romanian army to stop the "revolutionary" chaos that reigned.

It should also be highlighted that during the period 1917 - March 27, 1918, the Jews demanded that only Russian be spoken in the revolutionary committees.

The position of the ethnic minorities regarding the status of Bessarabia in the period 1917-1918 is presented to us by the historian Rodica Svetlicinăi, who states that the Germans, Poles and Jews supported the autonomy of Bessarabia, and the Bulgarians and Ukrainians wanted the union with Ukraine.
The same historian tells us that:

"during the years 1918-1924, the estimate by nationality showed that the Germans and Poles accepted the Romanian government, while the Russians, Ukrainians, Gagauzians, Jews and Bulgarians wanted to unite with the Soviet Union".
So that some of the members of the Council of the Country, in its first configuration, wanted Bessarabia to remain part of Russia and opposed the call of the Romanian army to restore order. These were the members of the Bund: Grindfeld Nadejda, Grinfeld Veniamin, G. Grinberg, Grinstein, Lando Gutman, but also NS Rabei (Rabbei), AZ Rabinovici, Seinberg, but especially Iakir Iona and Levenzon Filip.

The national Jewish political organization Bund propagates two basic ideas: Jewish national cultural autonomy and the maintenance of Bessarabia as part of the Russian Empire.
After the union of Bessarabia with Romania on March 27, 1918, the Jews continued to fight and hope, and thanks to their lobbying they succeeded in having American President Woodrow Wilson support a plan at the Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920) of the formation of a European Israel made up of:
"Galicia, Slovakia, Maramureş, Bucovina, Moldova, Bessarabia, and a part of Ukraine - the capital in Lemberg (Lvov)".

Since W. Wilson's plan could not be fulfilled, all energies were channeled towards the version of a Soviet republic, so that "starting with August 23, 1939 - the Stalin-Hitler pact! - the firm promise began to circulate among the Jews that soon their Comrade Stalin would turn Romanian Bessarabia into the Jewish Soviet Socialist Republic.

That is why, when by the dictate of June 26, 1940, Soviet Russia (USSR) reoccupied Bessarabia, but also stole Northern Bucovina, "the Jews of Chisinau greeted the Soviets with slogans like: "Welcome! I have been waiting for you for 22 years!". Moreover, after June 28, 1940, the Jews also demanded Transnistria (Ukraine between the Dniester and the Bug).

Alexandru Şafran (chief rabbi in Romania), half-heartedly acknowledged what had happened by declaring in 1946:
"The Soviet ultimatum of June 26, 1940 and the annexation of the territory between the Prut and Dniester to the Soviet Union was greeted with joy by some Jews from the left wing and communists".

On April 7, 1944, during the Second World War, when the Soviet army entered Botoşani, the Jews who controlled the city at that time and who had formed their own administration declared the Jewish Soviet Autonomous Republic.

Most of the population as well as the Romanian administration had been evacuated to the south of the country before the entry of the Soviet army into Botoşani, so the Jews took over the leadership of the city and declared their own Jewish Soviet Republic.

Later the Soviets installed another communist administration according to the policy they had in mind.

However, Stalin kept his word and in accordance with the spirit of his own nationalities policy that he promoted, he founded in 1928, in the USSR on the border with China, the Jewish Autonomous Region, thought of as a Jewish national home.
Previously, "there was a project to create an autonomous republic for Soviet Jewry on the territory of Crimea, but as the Jews did not want to turn their country into an unsubmersible airfield of the USSR", the version stated above was reached, of an autonomous region.

It is necessary to establish a commission to study the holocaust (genocide) of the Jews against the Romanians and to publish the works resulting from these investigations.

Source: Bucharest - Chisinau Cultural Society / Gheorghe Gavrilă Copil