The Jews and their future

Started by yankeedoodle, July 21, 2023, 02:42:09 PM

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From the Ion Coja website in Romania
The Jews and their future

Mechanically translated from Romanian

Hello, hello, brothers and sisters. Since the week started with some DEMONIC temperatures, and today, July 20, we celebrate Saint Elijah, a great hunter of DEMONS, my message below for you will be about these EVIL ENTITIES. In addition, I will highlight the essential connection (for the history of mankind) between demons and their favorite hosts - I mean the JEWS, of course, and the Jews, that is, the non-Jews whom the Jews manage to pervert.


Non-existence acts against existence like a BROKEN MIRROR. Non-existence does NOT absorb existence (otherwise it would no longer be truly non-existent), but rather MIRRORS IT back. The way in which non-existence mirrors existence is a DISTORTED one, because non-existence still leaves its mark on the reflected images (that is, it contaminates them with the degradation, with the destruction, with the annihilation that characterizes it). Non-existence is a negative equivalent of God, it does not create anything, but only returns to creation PERVERTED IMAGES of the entities created by God that it mirrors.

Non-existence mirrors back into existence Christ (the angel who assists the evolution of life on Earth) in the form of a perverted image of him called ANTICHRIST. The Antichrist IS NOT A PERSON (because, I repeat, non-existence brings back into existence ONLY IMAGES - and those, perverted), but A SIMULATION OF A PERSON. Besides the fact that he is not a person, the Antichrist does not have the good intentions of Christ at all. Non-existence mirrors Christ's plan for the perfection of souls (perfection that brings immortality) and the transformation of the planet into a "Garden of Heaven" in a plan of the Antichrist for the complete elimination of life on Earth. Fortunately, the SUCCESS of Christ's plan is also mirrored pervertedly, in the FAILURE of Antichrist's plan, so that Christ will GUARANTEED win the battle between the two.

Non-existence mirrors back into existence the thoughts of Christ (and it does so in a perverted way). These thoughts of Christ (which we can ask for and receive through prayer) can be called POSITIVE SPIRITS, because they are a combination of information of order and vital energy absolutely necessary for a being to continue living (the received information of order and vital energy allow that being to EVOLVE, i.e. to be MORE COMPATIBLE WITH LIFE). The positive spirits of Christ are mirrored in a perverted way by the non-existence of DEMONS, that is, in the NEGATIVE SPIRITS of the Antichrist. These negative spirits have associated DISORDER, instead of order, and ENERGY HUNGER, instead of energy. Demons DO NOT BRING ORDER into a being's life, but DISORDER, and they DO NOT PROVIDE VITAL ENERGY, Demons come to PARASITE the soul of an individual by HITTING the tendency to search for God that that soul has (a hijacking that makes even the demon become the god of that soul). This misappropriation is achieved by CAPTURING the DESIRE for PLEASURE that the individual has. A PRIMITIVE, UNEVOLVED individual will not seek the pleasures of God. For a primitive individual, that is, for an individual very oriented towards sensation, towards matter and towards the body, the very sensual, very material and very carnal pleasures of demons are MUCH GREATER than the very spiritual pleasures of God. In addition, the same unevolved individual STILL DOESN'T KNOW THE COST associated with demonic pleasures, a cost given by the SELF-DESTRUCTION brought by the disorder and hunger for energy that the demons bring. In order for an unevolved individual to begin to appreciate God's pleasures, he MUST first experience the PAIN brought by demonic pleasures. This PAIN will force the individual to evolve, i.e. to become much more oriented towards the soul than towards the body, which will change both the TYPE OF PLEASURES they are looking for, as well as the PROVIDER of those pleasures.


The Jews are an absolutely special group of individuals for the Antichrist and his plan for the complete destruction of life on Earth. The Jews constitute a middle species between animal and man, and this species has a major anatomical problem: a VERY REDUCED development of the pineal gland, the organ of communication with God. This very reduced development of the pineal affects, of course, the respective communication, and then it IS IMPOSSIBLE for the Jews to maintain a permanent and consistent contact with God INSIDE their souls. They thus become the favorite target of demons (of any type), because demons need not only an absence of communication with God (an absence that they could also find in animals), but also a somewhat human mind, which they can exploit.

The very consistent parasitism of the Jews by demons makes them servants of the Antichrist, servants who try to parasitize, in their turn, humanity. The history of the Jews is a multiplication-parasitism-destruction type cycle that has been repeated over and over again. Moreover, the history of the Jews DETERMINED, practically, the HISTORY OF HUMANITY, because the EXTRAORDINARY DESTRUCTIVE influence of the Jews was essential for the production of ALL historical events. The Jews are the ones who destroyed the UNITY OF THE INITIAL GLOBAL CIVILIZATION of humanity (the Heaven we had initially), first by perverting this unity into a revolt against Christ, the creator and leader of that civilization (by delivering AN ILLUSION to the other individuals on the planet, namely, the illusion that if those individuals choose them, the Jews, as rulers of the Earth instead of Christ, the situation of mankind will be much better) and then by dividing that unity into DISTINCT and INCOMPATIBLE cultures and beliefs after the catastrophe that followed the departure of Christ (that is, after the flood, the first Apocalypse). The Jews are also the ONES WHO PREVENTED THE RECOVERY OF this initial global unity, something that determined ALL THE WARS SO FAR among the other peoples (and the only major events that history contains outside of those wars are the wars of the respective peoples even with the Jews, when they were fed up with Jewish parasitism). the situation of mankind will be much better) and then by dividing that unity into DISTINCT and INCOMPATIBLE beliefs and cultures after the catastrophe that followed Christ's departure (that is, after the flood, the first Apocalypse). The Jews are also the ONES WHO PREVENTED THE RECOVERY OF this initial global unity, something that determined ALL THE WARS SO FAR among the other peoples (and the only major events that history contains outside of those wars are the wars of the respective peoples even with the Jews, when they were fed up with Jewish parasitism). the situation of mankind will be much better) and then by dividing that unity into DISTINCT and INCOMPATIBLE beliefs and cultures after the catastrophe that followed Christ's departure (that is, after the flood, the first Apocalypse). The Jews are also the ONES WHO PREVENTED THE RECOVERY OF this initial global unity, something that determined ALL THE WARS SO FAR among the other peoples (and the only major events that history contains outside of those wars are the wars of the respective peoples even with the Jews, when they were fed up with Jewish parasitism).

At the moment, the Jews are spread over a large part of the world (the part that supports Zelensky), and they are trying to conquer the whole planet and restore the original global unity of mankind, again under their control (that is, they are again trying to transform that unity from a pro-Christ unity to a pro-Antichrist one). The plan, however, will be turned upside down, because the other peoples can no longer bear the EXTREMELY HARMFUL EFFECTS of being infected with the demons that parasitize the Jews (they die massively), and then the Jews will begin to be expelled to their home, in Israel. Next year the Jews will lose Ukraine (genuine Ukrainians will revolt very soon against Zelensky,

In the first 3 years (out of a total of 7) of the second Apocalypse, the Jews will be exiled to their home in Israel, and the West and the East will be reconciled to each other again. Also in the first 3 years, a particularly consistent indictment will be made against the Jews for all the monstrosities committed by them from the Holocaust until now, and based on this file, a West-East united military force will go to Israel in 2027 to demand the surrender and indictment of many individuals. The Jews will refuse to do this gesture (because those individuals will be their leaders), moreover, they will attack the West-East military force even with the help of the Antichrist (false Messiah), an autonomous artificial intelligence to which the Jews will be entrusted with the defense of Israel (and that artificial intelligence will be made autonomous precisely to be able to resist and successfully attack the united West-East force). At that moment Christ will return to Earth and destroy the Antichrist (otherwise the Antichrist would destroy all the other beings on the planet), following that in the other 3 years of the second Apocalypse (the apocalypse which will be the last) the Jews will be judged and will (fully) accept Christ as the true Messiah...

PS: Why will the second Apocalypse be the last? Because Christ will never leave Earth again, the Jews will become (really) human, and the road ahead, to immortality and to the (re)transformation of the planet into a Heaven, will be a very, very short one.