The UGLY Truth About the ADL.

Started by SacriFICE-TRUspeak, May 01, 2008, 03:11:45 PM

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QuoteThis broadcast was taken in whole or in part from investigations conducted by the CAJI News Service, and the Intelligence Service, and from reports published by The Executive Intelligence Review entitled "The Ugly Truth About The ADL", and "Dope Inc.".

Folks, tonight's program is based upon a report by the "Executive
Intelligence Review"--a special report by the editors of the "Executive
Intelligence Review".

This report was first published in 1992, entitled "The Ugly Truth About
the ADL".  It has taken CAJI this long to duplicate the research and
verify that every single fact in here is absolutely, 100% correct and true.

The fact that none of the people, nor the ADL, has ever sued the
"Executive Intelligence Review" over this information further
substantiates the value and the truthfulness of this report.

And folks, it is baloney.  Someday you will all wake up to that fact.

Gangsters and traitors from the start, ladies and gentlemen, the ADL had
been founded shortly after the turn of the century as a Jewish defense
arm of the B'nai B'rith--at least that's what the Jews were told--the
nominally Jewish secret society which is sponsored and controlled, in
all actuality, by the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and by some of the
leading British and American families who are not Jewish at all, but
subscribe to the British Israelite philosophy.

B'nai B'rith Washington, D.C. representative, Simon Wolf--the man whom
Lincoln's Secret Service Chief, Lafayette C. Baker, had arrested as a
Confederate spy and Union blockade runner during the Civil War--was now
working closely with President Theodore Roosevelt in mobilizing Jewish
American support for the overthrow of the Russian Czar.

According to Wolf's 1918 autobiography, he had met secretly with
President Roosevelt in his Sagamore Hills estate in New York, and had
launched an international drive to brand the Czarist regime as, quote
"anti-semitic", end quote.

They've done the same thing to me, ladies and gentlemen, as you all know.

After a series of meetings and correspondence with Russia's Prime
Minster, Count Sergei Witt <sp?>--arranged by Roosevelt--Wolf had
denounced the Russian regime for reneging on its promises to curb
anti-Jewish pogroms--after which American Jewish organizations, led from
behind the scenes by the B'nai B'rith, began funneling guns to the
anti-Czarist insurrectionists.

Read it all:

If you all haven't read The HHoT research database in full... do it.