A Jewish mega-fund conquers the European real estate market

Started by yankeedoodle, December 30, 2023, 06:22:17 PM

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A Jewish mega-fund conquers the European real estate market
According to Blackstone, for example, the European housing market is now very attractive, because the unexpectedly explosive interest rates have driven local real estate investors into a serious crisis.

The world's largest owner of commercial real estate, Blackstone, led by US-based Jew Stephen Schwarman , has invested more in European real estate than in any other sector in 2023. Blackstone has taken advantage of low-cost targets to ruthlessly exploit Europe's financial woes.

The number of property deals collapsed this year amid sharp rises in interest rates, weighing on an industry heavily dependent on cheap loans. According to MSCI data, the volume of trades had halved in the third quarter of the year.

This year, more than 55 percent of Blackstone's global investments were targeted at European destinations. In general, the company invests most in the United States.

The Jews profit from the crisis of the Europeans
Indebted owners, including listed companies and private investors, are feeling increasing pressure to sell their assets to the Zionists to cope with increased interest rates and loan repayments. Because of this, the Jewish Blackstone is now an even more important landlord in various parts of Europe.

Kathleen McCarthy , head of Blackstone's global real estate business , told the media that the Jewish fund has $40 billion of "dry powder" — funds raised but not yet invested — and is targeting the parts of the real estate market that have "the strongest cash flow growth trend and a favorable balance of supply and demand."

According to Blackstone, for example, the European housing market is now very attractive, because the unexpectedly explosive interest rates have driven local real estate investors into a serious crisis. During the year, Blackstone made deals in Europe for a total of about 5 billion euros, which portends difficult times for the customers of the cold-blooded landlord, whether they are companies, individuals or representatives of the public sector.

Source: Financial Times  https://www.ft.com/content/0a86763e-6fad-4d1a-a120-1c1f1c13503b