Donald Trump The Song

Started by yankeedoodle, February 17, 2025, 11:22:51 AM

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Donald Trump The Song

I knew a man.
"The Donald," he was called.
If you knew what I know.
I think you'd be appalled.
He's a wrestling pro.
Donald, who can you be? Who can you be?

He'd drain the swamp.
Gave us Bolton and Barr.
For America first.
Set the stage for more war.
I want to believe,
But Donald, who can you be? Who can you be?

With Fauci, you locked us all down,
Gave us clot shots at warp speed,
Gave us all the wrong advice to heed.

I knew a man.
"The Donald," he was called.
If you knew what I know.
I think you'd be appalled.
He's a wrestling pro.
Donald, who can you be? Who can you be?

performed by Alfred Inscoe at Suno Studios
written by DC Dave
video by BuelahMan