“Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil” - by Gerard Menuhin

Started by yankeedoodle, February 17, 2025, 04:53:10 PM

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Here is a link to "Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil" by Gerard Menuhin:

Here is a link for much more information about Gerard Menuhin:
Gerard Menuhin Explained https://theinfounderground.com/tiunew/index.php?topic=31309.msg99666#msg99666 

Here is a summary of the book:
The Holocaust myth debunked by Gerard Menuhin in his work "Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil"

The myth of the Holocaust debunked by Gerard Menuhin in his work "Tell the truth and shame the devil"

Politically Incorrect
November 3, 2021

The Holocaust myth debunked by Gerard Menuhin

The Holocaust myth debunked by Gerard Menuhin

in his work "Tell the truth and shame the devil"

Via Think.org:

Gerard Menuhin's work "Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil" appeared in 2015, resuming the discussion of the much controversial issue of the so-called Holocaust with all its implications, some unsuspected by many of us. G. Menuhin is one of the 5 sons of Yehudi Menuhin, the famous violinist, former student of George Enescu. As a Jew, he reserves the right to tell the truth about the Holocaust, bringing irrefutable evidence.

It is a great relief to learn that World War II did not leave such a heavy legacy, and that all the talk about the Holocaust is just talk about certain esoteric beliefs. It is therefore a fundamental work that should be known by all lovers of truth throughout the world. In the first 20 pages of his work, Menuhin presents enough details to refute any hypothesis of the existence of the Holocaust.

On page 9, he quotes from a prestigious journal. It is an article by Robert Faurisson, entitled Detail (Alleged Nazi Gas Chambers), published in The Journal of Historical Review (March-April, 1998, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 19-20). Here is what Faurisson tells us:

"Three of the best-known works on the Second World War are Crusade in Europe (New York: Double Day (Country Life Press), 1948), by General Eisenhower, The Second World War (London: Cassel, 6 vols, 1948-1944), by Winston Churchill, and War Memoirs (Paris: Plon, 3 vols, 1954-1959) by General de Gaulle. In none of these works is the gas chambers mentioned in any way.

Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe is a 559-page book, Churchill's World War II has 6 volumes, totaling 4,448 pages, and de Gaulle's War Memoirs, 3 volumes, totaling 2,054 pages. In this mass of writings totaling 7,061 pages (excluding the introductory parts), published between 1948 and 1959, there is no mention of the Nazi "gas chambers", nor of any genocide of the Jews, nor of the "6 million" Jewish victims during the war" (cf. Menuhin, p. 9). Quite conclusive!

Next, we learn from Menuhin that the figure of 6 million (Jews) was frequently circulated long before Hitler and the National Socialist Party came to power, having an esoteric significance, as we have shown, in Talmudic writings, taken up by the Western press from the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. On page 10, the author shows that:

"The figure of 6 million in connection with the alleged suffering of European Jews has appeared regularly in North American newspapers since at least 1915 (The Sun, June 6, 1915), probably to prepare the ground among emotionally labile readers for the time when a testimony of such claims would be advanced. The use of the word "holocaust" in this context was introduced as early as 1936 (New York Times, May 31, 1936).

"For a long time, the rulers of the Russian Empire distrusted the Jews and did not allow them to settle in the western part of Russia, starting with 1790. From about 1880, the Western press exaggeratedly claimed that pogroms, massacres and mass murders had taken place, the total number of victims of which would have reached the figure of '6 million.'" The New York Times periodically published such information. See, for example: January, 26, 1891: "Rabbi Gottheil tells us something about the persecution of the Jews: 'about 6 million persecuted and miserable wretches.'

September 21, 1981: "A charge of Russia... a total of 6,000,000 is more correct", June 11, 1900 (In Russia and Central Europe) there are 6,000,000 million living, suffering, bleeding arguments in favor of Zionism". March 23, 1905: "We Jews of America (sympathize with) the 6,000,000 brothers in Russia". March 25, 1906: "Amazing reports of the future condition of the 6,000,000 Jews in Russia". This situation caused the former president of B'nai B'rit to exclaim prophetically: "Simon Wolf asks how long the Russian Holocaust must continue" (November 10, 1905 (Inconvenient History).

Forty years before the Holocaust legend gradually took shape around 1942, both the number and the exact terminology were already in use:

'Amazing reports of the future situation of the 6,000,000 Jews were presented on March 12 in Berlin at a meeting of the Central Jewish Relief League in Germany by Dr. Paul Nathan, a well-known Berlin publicist who had returned from a long trip through Russia as special emissary of Jewish philanthropists in England, America and Germany, for the purpose of arranging the distribution of a relief fund of $1,500,000, after the massacre of the previous fall. He left St. Petersburg with the firm conviction that the policy of the Russian government with regard to the "solution" of the Jewish problem was that of systematic extermination' (New York Times, March 25, 1906).

The question arises: who were these "philanthropists" who sent the benevolent doctor on a mission?

The figure of 6 million even appears in advertisements for the relief of Jews in Russia: "Call – to save 6 million men and women of Eastern Europe from extermination by starvation and disease. Obligation – it is the duty of every person in New York to give as much as he can to relieve the gravest need the world has ever known (advertisement, New York Times, May 5, 1920) (cf. Menuhin, p. 12).

Regarding the various sacrifices found in the Jewish religion, Menuhin says: "The Bible is full of 'burnt offerings' that are clearly pleasing to God (Leviticus 1:14-17 details all the talk about burning sacrifices). It seems that Jewish prophecies in the Torah call for 6 million Jews to disappear before the state of Israel is formed: 'You shall return with 6 million fewer.' Those 6 million were to disappear in 'heated furnaces.'"

Thus, 6 million Jews had to be gassed and put into hot ovens to fulfill the prophecies and satisfy the dogmatists of the Talmudic Torah, a necessity adjacent to the financial entrepreneurs, of the legitimacy of Israel in accordance with the covenant made with their God.

On page 13, the author quotes Ben Weintraub (The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism: Keystone of the New World Order): "The Jewish dogma of the Holocaust is a piece of the history of Jewish religious belief and doctrine adjudicated by the rabbis in accordance with Talmudic Law and Kabbalistic Tradition."

Beyond the Talmudic doctrine of the 6 million victims, one must see what actually happened. Menuhin further shows that: "An estimate based on documents in the custody of the International Tracing Service of the Red Cross reaches 74,000 deaths at Auschwitz based on the "Auschwitz Death Registers". These registers are the original ones compiled by the Germans during the war which were captured by the Soviets towards the end of the war and hidden in the Soviet archives until 1989 when Mikhail Gorbachev handed them over to the Red Cross.
The International Red Cross made many visits to Auschwitz (during the war, nn):

"We were unable to discover any traces of facilities for the extermination of civilian prisoners. This fact is corroborated with a report we have already received from other sources (USA-Today, Friday, May 2, 1997, page, 14A).

In addition, there is, from 1979, a document from the Bureau of Vital Statistics in Arolsen, which lists the deaths recorded in each concentration camp during the Third Reich (a total of 271,304 deaths, of which 52,389 in Auschwitz). (Bureau of Vital Statistics Arolsen. case officer Herr [redacted]. Az.1/V-050-Schw. May, 11, 1979)."
Many died of natural causes (being old, nn).

Auschwitz was a labor camp. Workers received pocket money (Lagergeld), which they could spend on cigarettes, in the canteen, or even in a brothel (Paper Money of the World Part I: Modern Issues of Europe by Arnold Keller, Ph. D, 1956, pp. 23-25/ Das Lagergeld der Konzentrations- und DP-Lager: 1933-1945). Among other facilities, Auschwitz had a hospital, swimming pool, and sports fields (for a tour of the benign parts of the camp, see www. fsfaraz.com).

In April 1945, with the war almost over, the prisoners were given the choice of either waiting for the Soviets or leaving with the camp staff. Most chose the latter. This seems to be sufficient evidence that "liberation" by the Russians was a less pleasant alternative than continuing to remain in the company of those who, according to legend, had spent the last three years exterminating them.

According to Jewish historian Gitta Sereny, "Auschwitz was a terrible place, but it was not an extermination camp" (London Times, August 29, 2001)."

Therefore, in all 13 Nazi labor camps there were 271,304 deaths, most of them from natural causes or due to contagious diseases, including 52,389 in Auschwitz alone throughout the war. It is also necessary to mention that in the 13 camps not all the prisoners were Jewish. In addition to the Jews, there were also Gypsies, homosexuals, political opponents of the Nazi regime, as well as other ethnic or social categories. Unfortunately, official documents do not mention which of the dead were Jewish and which were not.