Canadian kike gets cops to arrest pro-Palestinian activist Yves Engler

Started by yankeedoodle, February 22, 2025, 04:52:49 PM

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QuoteYves' father here, providing an update about Yves who is currently detained at the Bordeaux jail until at least Monday.

Today the prosecutors refused to free him unless he would agree not to speak publicly about the case including naming directly or indirectly the influencer who filed the complaint against him.

Yves will have a bail hearing Monday 9am. He has called for supporters to attend.

The hearing will determine whether or not Yves will be freed pending trial and if he will be allowed to write in detail about what is happening to him including naming the complaint and the police officer who have accused him of harassment. He has no interest in naming the police officer but insists that he should be able to name the influencer who regularly publishes hateful anti Palestinian content online.

If you support Yves please come to the Palais de justice at 1 Notre Dame East in room 3.12 on Monday morning at 9:00am.

You can also support his work by donating at

Please do what you can to draw attention to this case. #FreeYvesEngler

This is the grotesque kike bitch that controls the Canadian police:

Dahlia Kurtz

Two reports from Yves:

I'm being charged for responding to anti-Palestinian hate on X

Tomorrow the Montreal police will arrest me for posting to social media against Israel's genocide in Gaza.

Today I received a phone call from a Montreal police officer by the last name of Crivello. She asked me to come to a downtown police station where I will be charged for harassment and indecent communication. Crivello said a complaint was submitted against me months ago by a legal firm on behalf of racist media personality Dahlia Kurtz. Crivello said I had described Kurtz as a "genocide" supporter and "fascist" on Twitter. Guilty as charged.

On dozens of occasions I've responded to Kurtz' racist, violent anti-Palestinian posts on X. Six weeks ago I wrote an article noting:

Amidst this ever-worsening holocaust in Gaza, the media and politicians want us to believe Canadian Jews are the real victims. In an egregious example, the Winnipeg Sun just published "Dahlia Kurtz mobilizing pushback on Canada's Jew-hate problem." Palestinian suffering is omitted from the long profile of an unhinged Jewish supremacist. The article describes Kurtz combating "'Free Palestine' hatefests" and selecting Justin Trudeau "winner of my 2024 Jew-Hater of the Year Award."

Over the past 15 months Kurtz has become a leader in Canada's fascist movement, posting incessantly about purported Jewish victimhood and the anti-genocide "mob" who should be "deported". A compulsive liar, Kurtz openly calls for state violence against those challenging Canadian complicity in genocide. On Friday she posted a video that appeared to show dark skinned teenagers fighting in Edmonton mockingly describing the incident as "a celebration of diversity". A week earlier she posted a photo of neo-Nazis rallying with the statement "'MASS DEPORTATIONS NOW' banner at mall in London, Ontario. Who's with them?"

A major paper profiling this fascist, Jewish supremacist, fifteen months into the holocaust in Gaza speaks volumes of the media climate.

On July 5, 2024, Kurtz quote tweeted me with the statement: Hello, @EnglerYves. I'm advising you in this one message only that you are harassing me. You're threatening and you're making me afraid for my safety. You must stop this harassment — and communication with me. Stop now."

She quote tweeted a message I posted six days earlier noting "Racist Dahlia supports killing Palestinian children. 20,000 is not enough she wants even more Palestinian blood spilled."

As an X user noted immediately and Kurtz surely knows, the platform has a mechanism for anyone who no longer wants to hear from another user. They can block that user. Kurtz has chosen not to block me but instead pursue criminal charges.

I've never met Kurtz. Nor have I messaged or emailed her. Nor have I threatened her. I don't even follow her on X (Twitter's algorithm puts her posts in my feed).

Apparently, the legal firm assisting Kurtz is that of Neil Oberman, who is running for the Conservative party in the upcoming federal election. Oberman has launched a slew of lawsuits in recent months against different institutions and individuals opposing genocide. On two occasions I've videoed myself questioning Oberman about his 'lawfare' at the service of Israel's genocide.

As part of releasing me from detention, Crivello is seeking to have me accept conditions that stop me from any interaction with Kurtz. As the father of a two-year-old and seven-year-old and author of 13 books, it's beyond absurd to suggest I'm a threat to Kurtz. But I am willing to sign this condition to avoid jail. On the other hand, the officer told my lawyer she wants to impose a condition for my release saying that I'm not allowed to discuss the case. That is a flagrant violation of my freedom of expression, but is presumably designed to protect the police officer, Kurtz and her legal team from embarrassment. I will refuse to sign this condition and may be detained until a judge decides if this is an acceptable condition.

Across the country advocates of genocide and apartheid have been using the legal system to protect Israel from criticism. They launch frivolous cases to suck up activists' time and resources. Too often the police and courts participate in this abuse of their authority.

Police should not be putting their services at the disposition of those promoting Israel's crimes against Palestinians. The charges against me for posting against Israel's crimes should be withdrawn.


Police angry at my writing about ridiculous charges, so add more

You can't make this up. Initially the Montreal police accused me of harassing an anti-Palestinian media personality because I posted about Israel's genocide. Now they are charging me for harassing the police for writing about the charges levelled against me.

At 9:30 AM tomorrow the Montreal police are set to arrest me. Today an officer told me they will detain me overnight or until I'm brought before a judge.

On Tuesday police investigator Crivello said they were charging me at the behest of anti-Palestinian activist Dahlia Kurtz. The police officer said I had described Kurtz as a "genocide" supporter and "fascist" on Twitter, which is true.

I promptly wrote about the charges and the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute organized an email letter campaign, which saw 2,500 outraged people call on the cops to drop the Kurtz-sponsored charges. Angry at receiving emails and my article — the police were seeking release conditions barring me from discussing the charges levelled against me — the police are now claiming I'm victimizing them. Today a new investigator called to say investigator Crivello feels threatened by my writing about the charges levelled against me. The Montreal police will be charging me with intimidation, harassment, harassing communication and "entrave" (interference) towards Crivello.

The police investigator also announced that they will be holding me overnight out of fear that I may "recidive" (relapse). In other words, I might once again write about the absurd charges levelled against me. Guilty as charged.

Over the past 24 hours I've received multiple messages about frivolous cases brought against others for opposing genocide. The abuse of police and legal system to target opponents of genocide is a greater problem than I realized.

I'm trying to make sense of Kurtz's bizarre bid not to block me on X but claim I am harassing her. Perhaps she is trying to monetize her status as a victim of hate. On her site Kurtz writes: "If you want to help save Canada from hate and extremism please donate by e-transfer to: [email]. After years of working for media outlets, I am now independent, so I can say the truth. This also means my personal security is under constant threat. You can make a difference. My work is funded solely by your support."

A lawyer is looking into pursuing legal action against Kurtz. But it's the police that really need to be held accountable. The initial charges were an abuse of state authority and adding new charges for criticizing them is beyond absurd.

The Montreal police apparently have no qualms about acting in service of Israel's slaughter in Gaza. More than 100,000 have been killed and almost everyone has been displaced. About 70% of buildings are destroyed and most agricultural land damaged.

The police targeting opposition to Israel's crimes is an embarrassment. The particular charges are ridiculous. The notion that someone can publicly attack Palestinians, repeatedly call Canada's prime minister an antisemite and a supporter of terror, engage a Conservative Party candidate as a lawyer to convince police to lay charges and authorities go along with it — simply incredible. Then for the police to claim they are being victimized by emails critical of the ridiculous charges — I'm at a loss for words. What parallel universe have we slipped into?


Thank you to thousands who supported me: we won

After spending five days imprisoned, I was released without restriction on my ability to discuss the charges brought against me for criticizing Israel. It's a small win for free expression and Palestine campaigning.

In court on Monday the judge effectively forced the crown to drop its bid to block me from mentioning arch anti Palestinian Dahlia Kurtz. The crown wanted to restrict my ability to mention the name of the Jewish supremacist who instigated a police complaint against me.

The outpouring of support has been heartwarming and helpful. On Thursday morning 30 joined an emergency rally to accompany me to the police station where I was detained. A similar number showed up at court on Friday and on Monday morning I was told 100 rallied at the court. Thirty were still there when I was released after 7 PM.

Protesters' presence in the court Monday morning is probably what prompted the judge to demand the jail send me immediately to court (apparently there was a mix up on the date for my bail hearing). Those who came out ensured the judge considered the free speech/Palestine issue seriously. A slew of guards commented on the number of supporters inside court and who later waited outside for my release. As a result, they treated me more respectfully.

In response to the initial call over 4000 emailed a Montreal police inspector calling for them to "drop charges against author Yves Engler". Subsequently more than 6000 emailed the Montreal police chief and mayor requesting my release from jail and the withdrawal of all the charges against me.

US folk music singer David Rovics wrote the song "What's going on here, Montreal?" about my imprisonment and Kurtz' violent anti-Palestinian views. Rock Legend Roger Waters also produced a short social media clip calling for my release and criticizing Kurtz, which was viewed by hundreds of thousands.

Pen Canada and Pen America posted messages to X about the case. On Tuesday the Canadian branch of a lobby group for persecuted or imprisoned writers wrote a letter to Montreal's mayor and police chief expressing concern regarding my arrest. Prominent international journalists Glen Greenwald, Ali Abunimah, Aaron Mate, Caitlin Johnstone and others posted or wrote about the case. Senator Yuen Pau Woo posted multiple times expressing concern about the charges. Hundreds have donated and sent messages of support.

We won the first round in this battle to suppress speech on Palestine. But it's outrageous that an author spent five days in jail to win the right to write about the person who brought charges against him. It's also scandalous the police responded to my writing about the case by claiming I was harassing them.

The crown should immediately drop all charges against me, apologize and compensate me for my imprisonment. Of course I'm not holding my breath for the system to do the right thing.