New JoeBlow Conspiracy Show

Started by TarasBulba, January 10, 2009, 02:25:47 PM

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New JoeBlow Conspiracy Show

New JoeBlow Conspiracy Show up at :​blowman


Ralph Furely

memory hole

heeh great show joe, nice to have a bit of humour in these disastorus times.

well done, like the maggot too. top notch.

Shiksa Rage

Great show. Tho' Don sounds like a borderline Black Poper. Was I mistaken or did he really say that the Catholic Church has more power than the Rothschilds?


I thought he was a Black-Poper too, though he denied it, I didn't catch him saying that. He was too much of a nice guy to be mean to him.


I think this guy Don is new to the whole thing, so there might be some potential in turning him away from the darkside (black popers) and in to the folds of reality, keep up the good work Brother Joe!
\'My revolution is born out of love for my people, not hatred for others\'
Immortal Technique - Philosophy of Poverty

londongeezar (2 hours ago) Show Hide +1   Marked as spam Reply | Spam
scotch fuck israel then go and fuck your mother u long nose dirty auszwitz escaping terrorist cunt u  (the funniest comment I read on youtube)

joeblow ... -09_CF_mp3

Download this torrent

The Rush Limbaugh Show 15-Jan-09 CF mp3

"The Doctor of Democracy"

I DO NOT endorse in any way the "JoeBlow" postings. He is an anti-semite.      

Download this torrent


HapPsy at 2009-01-15 22:00 CET:
it's funny, all liberals are racists that want to exterminate the Jews, i guess it's their hatred for Jews and their desire for genocide that allows them to put aside their racism towards each other, just to work for their goal of genocide. if Jews are ever wiped out then what, their racism kicks in and they try to wipe out each other?

xMule at 2009-01-15 22:15 CET:
Blowman's stuff on You tube was pretty pathetic. His snickering like child and stalker-like breathing into his cheap mike was only outdone by the mad session of mutual mental masturbation with his "guest".

It sometimes makes one wonder what those paranoia addicts are trying to accomplish beyond getting off on their own hate.

As always, thanks for the great uploads, jwhitt. I usually catch Rush live but it is always good to have a copy for the archives.

joeblowman at 2009-01-15 22:30 CET:

The Joe Blow Conspiracy Show - Gossip, Opinions, History, News

Tainan at 2009-01-16 00:12 CET:
Yes. I have to go with xMule on the Blowman comments. I've seen some of his material and DL'd a show to listen to...pretty sick paranoid crap.

The internet allows even the weirdest sickos to find their following. Thankfully hs fringe ilk will remain mostly sub-strata.

As always...Thanks jWhitt for your work.

trickdaddy0024 at 2009-01-16 01:50 CET:
I dont know who this guy joeblowman is. But its obvious he is an extremist...This guy is so desperate for an audience he spams everyday...Maybe if you guys ignore him he would give up...His torrents have like 4 people seeding including himself...I would say spam him right back but he has no audience.END


Kinda funny because I've gotten almost 100 downloads of my latest show (not counting DHT which I can't count, Youtube, and people sharing the mp3). :lol:

I even invited the uploader jwhitt62 onto my show to debate me, he declined: ... ns__Histor


 Trusted ognir2 at 2009-01-10 19:19 CET:
God stuff

level1online at 2009-01-11 11:45 CET:
I just listened to the show. Pretty good.

It seemed like JoeBlow was trying to make the case that the over-the-top manner in which AJ presents his research can be paralyzing to some. Well, me personally, i find his information empowering.

When I listen to these various conspiracy researchers, whether they are shilling or not, it usually places responsibility on the listener to get out there and tell someone that the TV & Gov't ain't their friend. I tell folks that not only do they have to start questioning every piece of critical information that comes their way, but also to reexamine almost everything they've been taught in life. From there, most people can figure out what appropriate steps to take next.

level1online at 2009-01-11 12:54 CET:
I checked out the JoeBlow youtube page last week. I noticed on the right-hand column, a related video called "Part 1 Embedded Language Of Manipulation:Alex Jones" You seen this one yet? comments? youtube com/watch?v=vKIpDbGsvLo

Here's the comment I posted in regards to it on the youtube page: "If AJ is really suckering the masses with sophisticated half-truths, then answer this: Why hasn't AJ ever been used to replace that Oxycontin-head Rush Limbaugh?
You do realize that from the start AJ has always been gunning for Rush Limbaugh's spot?"

There's basically a herd of chickens running around the internet trying to figure out who's and agent and who's not, when the obvious ones are in front of you everyday! FOX NEWS, CNN, ABC, MSNBC, CBS!!!!!!!

DBaum23 at 2009-01-11 15:06 CET:

Progressive talk for truth seekers !

l1t3sh0w at 2009-01-11 15:22 CET:
Why dont you guys get to the real truth, you avoid the aliens and never talk about the lizard people, AJ is a lizzard alien and he is uncovering the alien conspiracy to enslave the planet.

He always talk about documented proof, aliens dont have documents!!!! You have to expose him, that aliens are the trillionaires OMFG!!1!

Brently54 at 2009-01-11 17:50 CET:
Please get a better microphone. You can get some nice USB mics for $100. Get a pop filter too! Good luck with your show!

 Trusted jwhitt62 at 2009-01-12 22:15 CET:
I would appreciate if the poster of these torrents would stop using my torrents (jwhitt62) for advertising his/her torrents. I have jewish relatives and friends and do not appreciate anti-semitic comments. I don't want in any way to restrict your freedom of speech, but saying that, again, please stop using my torrents for advertising. Thank you.

joeblowman at 2009-01-13 00:40 CET:
why dont you come one my show and prove to me how wrong i am?

well, thats assuming that youre not a centcom disinfo agent. ... =125x75206

 Trusted jwhitt62 at 2009-01-13 05:22 CET:
Joe, really, go blow yourself and your Nazi boyfriend and stay off my torrents. You can talk all the trash you want, I don't care. God will take care of trash like you, just stay away from me, OK? Any part of this don't you understand, you little fascist nutjob.

Commenter at 2009-01-14 04:18 CET:
"Any part of this don't you understand, you little fascist nutjob."

He's an Amurricun Christchun who supports our gallant little ally in the middle-east Isruhl!

Rush told him so! Go Fox News, John Hagee, Michael Savage and let's stick it to them raghead nahzees so we can worship the jooz who will let in milllions more migrants, ridicule Christianity and the family and pass more "hate laws" and "gun control" laws, all while reducing White Americans to second class citizens!


 Trusted jwhitt62 at 2009-01-14 06:54 CET:
I thought I would let everybody know that JoeBlow advertises his show on all of my daily uploaded torrents. This may come as a surprise to Joe the Nazi, but three of my daily uploads are JEWISH talk show hosts. Their names are Dennis Prager, Michael Medved and Mark Levin. Come see them at:

 Trusted jwhitt62 at 2009-01-14 06:57 CET:

DBaum23 at 2009-01-14 13:08 CET:
All your shows blow jwhitt62

l1t3sh0w at 2009-01-14 14:19 CET:
LOL you guys are retarded, Chakra and you bunch of fools.



Brently54 at 2009-01-14 21:27 CET:
Could you reduce the amount of spamming you do? Also, let me know when you have a better microphone and I will listen again.

xMule at 2009-01-14 23:10 CET:
This should be retitled "How not be taken seriously with a crappy podcast"

No wonder he puts so much effort into his spamming.

daneraw at 2009-01-15 18:52 CET:
Not enough seeds to to download and enjoy or ... otherwise.

Ralph Furely

this shits retarded imo.  you guys find this funny?