JoneSTEIN and Baba booey are at it again

Started by Rockclimber, April 23, 2009, 01:57:34 AM

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While I certainly don't like infighting with allies, I personally do not consider those who work against us allies, ie, JoneSTEIN and Bermas, aka, baba booey

120 minutes in to about 140.

I left this at the Conspiracy Central comment section for the Bermas torrent:

The guy who called baba booey last week calls again to defend himself and baba booey starts to go off on him (again). JoneSTEIN (as a guest)  pipes in and does his usual spin and attack, not on the guy but on anti-zionists in my view. Essentially the bottom line is if people don't agree with JonesSTEIN and Baba booey's analysis of ALL things regarding Zionists and Israel than we are anti-semites, jew-haters, the usual baseless nonsense. It's called manipulation. They both feed you their watered down version-it's there way or the highway. Anyone who disagrees or exposes zionism or evil jewish leadership on a grand'er scale than theirs is obviously disinfo, jew-haters, etc., (NOT TRUE, this is clever manipulation)  but I repeat myself. Just listen. Jones uses his power by numbers to continuously keep the herd in the gate and jealously guards them. It's not about jeaulousy JoneSTEIN, it's about truth. Let it flow where it may-don't hold it back. Expose all.

If you have no idea what's going on with Bermas (baba booey), I refer you to this link: