Let's Help DBS at CII!!!

Started by LordLindsey, April 26, 2009, 03:28:32 AM

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I have called and e-mailed CII asking them to have DBS be on for more than just once a week, and they were so happy that CII had me speak to the program director; these people LOVE DBS and want more and more people to tell how they feel about having DBS have more of a voice on CII!!!!   :!:  :P

I am very, very proud of you, Daryl, and "I" am doing what I can do to help you; I know that you are on TIU and I want you to know that there are more people who support you personally than you know; I SPOKE TO THEM AND I HAD THE GENUINE FEELING THAT THEY LOVE YOU FOR EVERYTHING THAT YOU DO TO HELP THE WORLD.

Here is the contact information to CII, so PLEASE use it to tell them that Daryl needs more airtime than he has; PLEASE be very polite and appreciative that they have Daryl on as a host and how much of an asset he is to CII and how much good his information does to the world, ESPECIALLY the listeners to CII.  It felt very good to talk with them and even better to know that it is possible that DBS may get more airtime if more and more people do contact them.

http://www.ciinetwork.net/broadcasting/ ... 1e5773a148

Tel: +27 11 494 7000
On Air: +27 11 494 7007
Fax:+27 11 494 7029
UK Office
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Tel: 078 411 404 60
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Let's do everything that we can to help DBS at CII!!!

The Military KNOWS that Israel Did 911!!!!
