
Started by gurdgieff, May 13, 2009, 01:25:33 PM

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Hello again
fellow "antisemites"?.Im sure you have experience with freinds,family and neibours. when you critisize jews,they say simple minded non thinking garbage like"wasnt jesus a jeW"or your a nazi antisemite.
I say to them what did jesus say abot the jew And jesus said they are the synagogue of satan.
And when they call me an antisemite,I say"well wasnt jesus a semite. And look at my tattoo on my arm and look what jesus said about these people.Its over there heads they just think Im crazy.
I have a good Idea, I been listening to RBN and rick adams has a religious guy on called joe church And joe calls these fake jew people the kainites,the kainites are the offspring of kain the first murderer.
Jesus said ye are from the seed of youre father the devil and have been murderers since the begining.
Jesus said know a man by his fruits
So lets not call ourselves antisemites let us call ourselves antikainites.

Rest in peace jim from texas