NYCCAN 911 March 9/27/09

Started by Tomas O'Crohan, September 27, 2009, 10:00:47 PM

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Tomas O'Crohan

For those of you who don't know, NYCCAN (New York City Coalition for Accountability Now) collected 60,000 signatures on a petition seeking to place on the ballot in November in NYC the opportunity for voters to require a real 911 investigation with subpoena power, etc. The city immediately disallowed 30,200 signatures on a ballot initiative that only required 30,000 signatures. Shortly thereafter, the city must have realized how obvious such a move was and reversed itself by allowing the signatures but then contested the validity of the petition itself. It argued in its legal pleadings that the city didn't have jurisdiction! Three thousand ordinary Americans are incinerated within city limits but the city "government" doesn't have jurisdiction. How do like them apples? Get this: "Judge Lehner" will rule next week on the decision issued Friday by the "Court Referee" recommending that the "Court" rule in favor of the city's disallowance of the petition. Just when you thought I gave you the bad news first, this is to inform you that I have not.

There was a march today from Battery Park past ground zero, past the City Clerk's office and on to the State Supreme Court building. Turnout was low (I'm guessing 100-250) which one organizer attributed to the weather (there was a light drizzle). Of that small turnout, 45% were jews with another 5% also being jews who were holding camera equipment and were busily involved in "documenting the event" (remind you of anything?). The march itself reminded me of street theater and I heard people praising Alex Jones. One guy stuck to me like you know what and wanted my name. I gave him my first name and he then asked for my surname as well. I told him that my full name was "Fuck Off." The march was accompanied by overweight "New York's Finest" who nearly outnumbered the marchers and who were driving motorcycles that looked like "Crotch Rocket" Suzukis. I don't know about you but I like my cops on Harleys not crotch rockets. It did add to the street theater feel of the whole thing so who am I to criticize?

We heard a lot of "Bush Cheney, Bush Cheney" and in the introductory remarks, one speaker claimed that US "government" was repeatedly warned that "bin Laden was planning an attack" and that the Mossad warned us of this beforehand. This is what controlled opposition looks like up close and personal. If your "comrades" don't do you in, the "courts" surely will. An actor and the father of a 911 victim did give good speeches at the end however. The actor especially let it rip and accused the "government" of being nothing short of criminal. This wasn't, as best I could tell, a Charlie Sheen type actor.

The one good thing is that I've checked off one more "civil remedy" that I have attempted without "redress of grievances". The last remedy is acted on when the civil remedies have all been received with scorn. Yep, we've got our work cut out for us.