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Resistance Report

Started by CrackSmokeRepublican, September 22, 2009, 01:12:08 AM

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This may be offensive to some but I see this guy is on top of what is going on.


Welcome to the Resistance Report.

The purpose of this website is to offer an alternative viewpoint on racial issues then to the one that is pushed and popularized by the corporate controlled news media. Although the material here is directed toward people of European descent, it is not intended for those White people who are currently programmed with a White guilt complex. While this is not a "hate" site, it is also not one that subscribes to the double standards that are promulgated by the news media regarding race and racial organizing. Double standards where non-Whites can organize themselves along racial lines to advance their racial interests, as well as to express racial pride and identity without being attacked by the news media as "racists" or "supremacists"

In every nation where White's live with non-Whites there is a racial bias in the corporate mass media against people of European descent. For example, we know that Blacks, Hispanics, and Jews can form racial organizations that represent their group interests. But when White people try to do the same thing they are attacked as White supremacists, racists, and haters by the media, thus proving their hatred of White people.

These attacks not only come from the news media but also from non-White racial groups, and the U.S. government.
It is the intent of this website to explain the purpose of this bias, as well as to identify who is behind it. It is hoped that if enough White Americans know the truth, they will be in a much better position to prevent the decline and fall of European mankind in this country, and possibly around the world.

The reality today is that people who organize themselves along racial lines have more influence on governmental policy than do people who organize themselves by religion or political party, and those groups that understand that are out competing and disenfranchising those who don't understand it. That is the main reason why non-White racial groups like La Raza, and the Jewish ADL always defame White interest groups with words like "racist" or "hater"; they want to embarrass White people in to staying away from groups that represent their own racial interests. And by keeping White people fooled, they are able to keep White's at the mercy of the minorities on issues such as immigration, employment, job promotions, higher education, government assistance, foreign policy, etc.

They [the minorities] always use the argument that because non-Whites are a minority, they need the right to organize in order to defend their rights while Whites do not. But there are many areas of the country where Whites are in the minority, and they still are not treated with the same respect and rights accorded to non-Whites. Even in countries like South Africa where Whites are only a small minority can't form racial organizations without the press attacking them as White supremacists. Non-Whites know that in racial unity there is strength, and they want to keep that strength for themselves.

African-Americans have organized along racial lines, and as a result have achieved not only equal rights, but special rights. When they pressured lawmakers into passing Affirmative Action laws (with the help of the Jewish controlled press) they forced employers to discriminate against White Americans in hiring and in job promotions, and to show bias in favor of Blacks.

Jews too have organized racially, and have been able to secure U.S. government grants worth billions of American tax dollars to Israel every year. Even though Israel is a race based State that oppresses and kills Palestinians, and causes the Muslim world to hate America more with each passing year, they still get their yearly stipend without any questions or criticisms from America's news media or political leaders.

Mestizo Hispanics also have race based organizations including one called La Raza, which in English means 'The Race'. As a result of this racial teamwork, many mayors throughout America have instituted policies that turn their cities into "sanctuary cities". Generally, sanctuary policies instruct city employees not to notify the federal government of the presence of illegal aliens living in their communities. The policies also end the distinction between legal and illegal immigration, so illegal aliens often benefit from city services too.

The Mexican/American border is kept wide open and millions of illegal aliens are allowed to come in, and they are only allowed to come in because they are non-White. If the situation were reversed and Whites were invading the country by the millions, any White American who defended those illegals would be called racist. Whites who show favoritism to Whites are called racist, but non-Whites who show favoritism to their own race are called 'civil rights activists'.

It is time for White people to begin asking questions such as:

1. Why are they being singled out for this treatment and double standard?

2. Why is it acceptable for political leaders who are running for office to openly state that they will represent the Black, Jewish, or Hispanic communities, but never the White community?

3. Why does the news media have an anti-White bias?

4. Why are Whites portrayed negatively in the entertainment industry while non-Whites are portrayed positively?

5. And finally, if White men controlled the news and entertainment industry, would there be an anti-White bias?

Questions 1 and 2 can be answered this way. Organizing based on race provides people with a means to get more power, opportunities, rights, and government benefits. Non-Whites understand this and they want to maintain their political advantage over Whites, so they and the press will attack and vilify White people whenever they show signs of organizing. They want to keep White people from getting together because they know that if they do, they will no longer be able to continue to take jobs, government grants, and other advantages away from White people. If Whites formed large racial organizations like many non-Whites have done, and used them to lobby and pressure lawmakers to represent the White community and America as a whole, there would be no illegal aliens in the country, no Affirmative Action, no more wars for Israel, no more billions of tax dollars given to foreign governments, no more free trade with cheap labor countries, no more acting as the worlds policeman, no more lifetime of welfare benefits for those that are healthy but don't want to work, and no more racial bias in the news media. And that would be just for starters.

For questions 3 and 4. There is desire by those that control the news and entertainment industry to inculcate a White racial guilt and inferiority complex within White people. The purpose behind this is to make White people feel and think of themselves as racist monsters if they have any feelings of solidarity with their own people. This is a divide and conquer propaganda technique, and it has prevented any serious White resistance to the invasion of America, or the subjugation of European Americans by non-Whites.

As for question 5. It's obvious that if White men controlled the news media it would not be biased against White people. So who controls it? Jewish people. And they make sure the news is reported in such a way as to keep their greatest potential competitor (White people) out of power by labeling all Whites who organize as racists and hate mongers. Jews use non-Whites for their own political and racial advantage by disenfranchising White people. The Jewish idea is to break down their greatest racial competitor (Whites), throw some crumbs to the non-Whites, and take everything else for themselves.

Forced racial integration, non-White illegal immigration, Affirmative Action, biased reporting of hate crimes in the press, and TV/Hollywood produced White guilt propaganda films all inflict harm on White Americans, and that is why the Jews support these things, it weakens one race of people while benefiting another.

As you can see, there is racial war taking place. The reason why the Resistance Report's main focus is on race, and with a special emphasis on the Jewish race, is because the people that attack Whites do think racially, and they organize themselves along racial lines. Therefore, the only way White people can defend themselves is also to think racially and organize themselves along racial lines. Unless White people start thinking racially as their attackers do, Whites will not be able to obtain representation in the government, fairness in the courts, or defense in the streets, and in the long run will not survive genetically as racial mixing and the non-White percentage of the population continues to increase.

Everything placed on this website is supported with observational or other supporting evidence. In other words for something to be credible it cannot be just on paper or on the Internet, it must relate to an actual occurrence or event, and must have corroborating evidence. For example, there are some who will say that the most powerful group in the world today is the Illuminati. But talking about or criticizing the Illuminati will not get you fired or put in jail. However, criticizing the behavior of Jews or Israel can in some countries get you fired or put in jail.

If some people are using the word Illuminati as a code word for Jews so that they won't be called anti-Semitic, that is understandable considering the power that these people have at the moment. After all, nobody wants to get fired, or in the case of Canada or Europe be imprisoned for "anti-Semitism".

Other corroborating evidence regarding Jewish power would be:

Questioning the holocaust of Armenians by the Turks is permissible, but questioning the holocaust of Jews by the Germans is at the very least offensive, and in some countries illegal.

Publicly stating that Italians control the Mafia is just fine, but comments about Jews controlling the news media and Hollywood are "anti-Semitic" and hate speech.

The governments of the United States and Europe demand that Arabs allow nuclear weapons inspectors into their countries to verify that there are no WMD's, but they veto any demand made by the Arabs to search Israel for the same thing.

Jews are allowed to organize for their mutual benefit, but Jewish organizations attack White people with accusations of racism and anti-Semitism when they try to do the same thing. And which side do the major news networks like FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS take? Take a guess.

If you want to know who is in power in any country, simply ask who you cannot criticize.

It is for these reasons and many more that we can assume that the most powerful group in America and in the world today is the Jews. The laws and how they are applied, the double standards used in the press, the names of the men who control most of the top seats in the media and the banking industries, and the way that non-Jews who work in government or the media never criticize Israel or Jewish groups like the ADL.

All of these facts point to one group of people that are at the top of the pyramid. And they have this power because they stick together, and they use all of their money, political power, and media control to prevent White people from doing what they are doing in order to keep this power.

The following image is a breakdown and an explanation of the size and power that each group has in the United States today. The top has the most power but is least in number, and the bottom has the least power and is the most in number.

1. The Jewish elite believe that Jews are superior to all other races, and therefore have a right to reign supreme over them. They control the corporate news media in the United States, Canada, Australia, and most of Europe and Latin America, and through that control have the most influence over the political leaders in those countries. They also control most the international banks so they can make or break a nation's economy by refusing to offer loans through their International Monetary Fund, or by ordering their puppet politicians in other countries to an initiate economic embargo.

These Jews not only manipulate Gentiles, but their fellow Jews as well. By injecting in to the Jewish people the idea of "Jewish Persecution" they fool their fellow Jews in to believing that everyone hates them and is out to get them, and that unless they stick together they will end up in another Holocaust, so therefore to be a "good" Jew you have to help and protect all other Jews. This line of thinking leads Jews to provide cover in terms of money and morale support to their fellow Jews whether they are in the right or wrong. Jews who provide cover for Jews that do wrong against other races will not decrease anti-Semitism, but increase it. This cycle has happened throughout history, and is taking place today. Anti-Semitism is on the increase because Jews will not hold their own people accountable for the crimes that their fellow Jews are committing against non-Jews. Unless this changes the Jews will once again be viewed as a collective threat to freedom, and a healthy society. But based on the historical record it is unlikely that Jews in any large number will oppose what their fellow Jews are doing.

The history of Jews in Europe has been a pattern of the following - Jews move in to a country - help each other to rise on the economic and social latter - take control of the press and all other avenues of information - use financial and media power to back political leaders that are beholden only to them - work to racialize the Jewish population and de-racialize the host population through media propaganda - create Jewish organizations to attack any political arguments made by non-Jews by equating it with "hate" - institute laws against free speech so as to prevent the truth from getting out - increase the corruption of the government and of society as a whole - work to create alienation and division among the population by increasing racial diversity so as to keep the people divided and weak - extract as much wealth from the treasury and of the population as possible with high taxes and government debt - pass more repressive laws (hate crime laws) as needed to keep the desperate population from organizing - when laws are no longer effective in keeping the population under control, create a police terror state, when that fails, leave or be forced out of the now impoverished and decimated country, and relocate to where more wealth and prosperity exists - after relocating, write and tell tales of how they (the Jews) were the innocent victims of persecution and were forced out by anti-Semitic hate mongers.

2. The Gentile globalists are composed of two types, the naive fools following a utopian dream, and the morally and ethically corrupt criminals that have no caring or concern about other people. It is the latter that the Jewish elite choose to support for higher office because people with those defective character traits will do whatever they are told to do because they are psychopathic, and don't care about anyone but themselves. People such as Bill and Hillary Clinton, George Bush, John McCain, Barak Obama, and Ted Kennedy are examples of such people.

Also, the Jewish elite will not support someone for President, and usually not for the Senate and Congress, unless they have evidence of criminal activity or embarrassing behavior committed by the that person in order to hold over his head, just in case the new political leader decides to do things his way after his election. To receive financial support and positive press coverage, most people running for office must have engaged in one or more of the following crimes or immoral acts: drug use, rape, murder, corruption, bribery, homosexual acts, child rape, or sex with prostitutes. Failure to engage in immoral, and or illegal acts will usually disqualify that person from seeking higher office.

If any decent person runs for President, and he attracts a large following, that person will be attacked by the corporate press as a "racist" or "extremist". Ron Paul, Pat Buchanan, and Ross Perot are examples of such treatment. Such men may be allowed to win seats in Congress without being attacked, but the Jews will never allow patriots to become a majority.

And the worse things become in America, the more the Jewish elite will need to engage in oppressive and criminal acts in order to remain in power, and therefore will need over the course of time people with less morals and ethics to be the puppet President; a President who would be willing to support more cruel and repressive laws on behalf of his masters.

Consider the following men in terms of morality, honesty, and criminality as America has gotten worse: Reagan worse than Carter, Bush Sr. worse than Reagan, Clinton worse than Bush Sr., Bush Jr worse than Clinton. Who's next? It doesn't matter because one thing is certain, the person elected will be worse than the last one, he has to be because he will be called on to do worse things by those that got him elected

3. The Authoritarians are not guided by any ideology, but they do have a strong authoritarian instinct (much more than the average person) to obey orders, and respect those in authority. Luckily for us, this type of person is of limited intelligence, and not very capable of independent action. The globalists (Jewish and non Jewish) need them in order to stay in power, and have been for many years putting them in positions throughout the government - mostly in law enforcement. Just like in the former Soviet Union where true patriots who loved their country were weeded out of government, military, and police positions, today in the U.S. and in the rest of the Western world, true patriots are being replaced with authoritarians when it comes to jobs and promotions in these areas.

Patriots are a diverse bunch of people, there a patriots that talk or write about corruption and tyranny in government, the Constitution and inalienable rights, and Jewish supremacy and racial matters, but rarely, if ever, all three at once. Some patriots get upset at this diversity and say that we should speak with one voice or create one organization to represent our views. But we don't use the word tyranny when describing our government for nothing, many of us know that if we do unite, the government will send or pay agent provocateurs to infiltrate and destroy that organization. They did it before and they will do it again.

Patriots don't need, and shouldn't want one organization at this time. All we need is to follow an unwritten rule that says as long as a patriot is successfully using the truth to discredit our common enemy, then we will support him, or at least not attack him. It is okay to disagree, but not okay to use ad hominem attacks or name calling. Anyone that goes against this rule should be considered a traitor or useful idiot, and therefore not helpful to the patriotic cause.

As the economy breaks down, it will become more apparent to everyone that nearly all people regardless of race think along racial lines. The more desperate people become due to a lack of food or money, the more they will revert to their original nature, which is a tribal or racial nature. While it is possible for people of different races to work together for their mutual benefit, such cooperation is only possible from racially exclusionary groups.

To following definitions have been provided to help prevent any misunderstanding of the material on this website.

Patriot - One whose primary loyalty is to his people.

Authoritarian - One whose primary loyalty is to whoever is in power.

Lemming - 1. A person that is born with little or no sense of responsibility for his race or nation. 2. One who blindly follows the will of his authority figures. 3. A person who will believe whatever he thinks the majority believes regardless of the facts. 4. One who would choose a life of comfort and oppression over a life of hardship and freedom.

Racialist - A person who believes in the Racialist Philosophy. 2. One who believes that ones race is ones extended family and that insuring its preservation and progress is the primary purpose in life.

Globalist - One who believes in a one world government.

Jewish Supremacist - A Jew who believes that Jews are racially superior, and or Gods chosen people, and therefore entitled to govern all the peoples of the world.

Useful Idiot - A person that is ignorant of the facts to the extent that they end up unwittingly advancing an adverse cause that they might not otherwise support.

Gentile - Any non-Jewish person
After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring some $400 million in cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J.P.Morgan Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number of shares in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for the stock with the Czar\'s sequestered funds. In November 1917,  Red Guards drove a truck to the Imperial Bank and removed the Romanoff gold and jewels. The gold was later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York.-- Curse of Canaan