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Started by kolnidre, October 20, 2009, 02:21:04 AM

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I submitted the following comment under the article Agenda 21: The Death Knell of Liberty on the Website: ... liberty-2/

QuoteWhy do so many idiots hijack the comments right from the start nearly every time?

This is a very topical issue. The Hegelian Dialectic of playing capitalism and communism against each other (both run by the same Zionist bankers) has entered into the synthesis stage. That synthesis is known as Communitarianism (AKA Tony B. Liar's "Third Way" and Common Purpose in Europe), whose leading exponent is Werner Falk. Falk, an Israeli known by the moniker Amitai Etzioni (Tree of Knowledge from Zion), leads the Communitarians from his institute at George Washington University.

Read all about the evils of Communitarianism at

It was removed four times in succession. I have screen shots of each post to prove their subsequent removal.

Communitarianism is the Big Secret, and once again it's the Zios like Werner Falk (AKA Amitai Etzioni) behind it.

Either that is supposed to remain hidden, or the infowhores system doesn't like posts from Internet cafes...
Take heed to yourself lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land whither you go, lest it become a snare in the midst of you.
-Exodus 34]


Yep, and you're not alone. Some of my best posts were removed after posting them. And I know that they could not post them because they contained too much truth and I do not say that out of arrogance or to be a wise guy. That kind of censorship only makes me work that much harder to expose them.


As a follow-up, not on my posts getting the mohel's cut from AJ's kosher nostra, but on Communitarianism's leading exponent, Werner Falk, AKA Amitai Etzioni, here's a video from the irrepressible Niki Raapana:
Take heed to yourself lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land whither you go, lest it become a snare in the midst of you.
-Exodus 34]