For Want of a Brace

Started by holyland, December 17, 2009, 09:09:34 PM

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For Want of a Brace

Nasser is a little Palestinian boy, 5 years old, who lives with his family in a refugee camp on the West Bank.  They live in what amounts to a cement warehouse, small, 2 rooms 8 by 10 ft.² or so.  Seven people live in this building.  There isn't any heat.  There's not even any form of ventilation.  There are few pieces of furniture, but very few.

Nasser was born with an inverted foot.  This is not a severe medical condition and with a minimal amount of cost and intervention.  It can be dealt with, so that Nasser could grow up to be a normal adult and to be able to walk like a normal adult when he gets older.

Anyway, his father petitioned the Israeli authorities for the right to go into Israel and see a doctor that could take care of his son.  After months he was granted permission and so they went in and started a treatment.  Then, of course, they had to return to the West Bank.  And so his father petitioned again.  The Israeli authorities never granted him the right to take Nasser in to get a brace and footwear that would cure is fairly minor medical problem so he will be crippled for life.

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