"Zionist Sheikh" Palazzi Visits Jerusalem

Started by mgt23, December 31, 2009, 06:55:14 PM

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Well I wouldn't call him a sheikh, he is just another sell out. I wouldn't be surprized if he turns out to be an Ismaili or some similar sect which is just another cabalistic Jewish makeover, especially that he comes from Italy, if you ever read what Nesta Webster and William Cooper said about it you'd know that it is the seat of power for Freemasonry P2 didn't just vanish its still strong and its target audiance are the Islamic countries around it, they started with Turkey, Egypt also had a "Sheikh" similar to that who assasinated the Khedivee (King) his name was Jamal A-dinn Al Afghani (Grand Master) and his disciple Mohamed Abdu was also a mason ending with Saad Zaghloul (Mason) who had a failed revolution in 1919, there is also some rumors regarding Orabi the only General in the Egyptian army to fight off the British invasion until his defeat was surrounded with Masons but he himself was not. The Thessalonika lodge was started by an Italian Jew from the P2 lodge.

On a side note that lisp/Jew Khabron accent is funny I just couldn't finish the video I'm still laughing.
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londongeezar (2 hours ago) Show Hide +1   Marked as spam Reply | Spam
scotch fuck israel then go and fuck your mother u long nose dirty auszwitz escaping terrorist cunt u  (the funniest comment I read on youtube)