
Started by Anonymous, June 08, 2008, 01:57:24 PM

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I hope everyone has seen this movie, I currently paused the movie to write this up upon having some insight and thoughts about the movie.  I will use the term "we" in a generalized definition to encompass all of us, I am not specifically saying we are all exactly like this.

What can we learn from it?

William Wallace, returns to his homeland after being raised by his uncle abroad in many lands of Europe.  He desires to live a peaceful life in the aspect of raising a family and farming the land, despite the tyranny and injustice that surrounds his Scottish land and countryman.  Today many have the same desire.  We want to be left alone and live in peace, not doing harm to others or receive any harm. We, like Wallace, choose to remain unaffected and uninvolved by the corruption and evil that surrounds us.  Scotsman had evils committed upon them by soldiers and officials of the English crown, but Wallace wanted to live his life, as we today want to live our lives despite police, government, and military evils.

Only when an evil event affected Wallace directly -- the murder of his newly-wed wife -- did he have the motivation to stand up, confront and do away with the evils oppressing his land.

We may not be living under an occupational tyranny as the Scots did under English rule, but we have a similar system.  For in those days, -- as is portrayed in the movie -- to assault or kill a soldier was as if you were to assault or kill the King himself.  As though the life of a solider who represents the crown is worth more than any other person.  Today, instead of an overt occupation, we have a covert one in the form of a policing system (to a certain extent, notice I say covertly as it is not in your face occupation).  For, to assault or kill an "officer of the law" (policeman) as they somewhat like to be referred to (as, no doubt, the occupying English soldiers saw themselves as) who is now a representative of the state/government (as opposed to being a representative of the King/crown) is much seen as an affront or criminal act against the state itself, and is treated with greater indignation than the assault or murder upon a regular person.  The media will treat it as such, and many fellow police officers will also treat it in this manner.  A cop-killer is much more hated in our semi-decadent society than a plain-old person-killer.  So as you can see, the times have changed, but many of the systems of control have not.  Things have gotten much better -- and I certainly am not advocating that police are all like this in their perceptions nor that killing is advocated for anyone -- but we still live in a society where a special group is held above others, where an ideology of supremacy is subliminally and subtly advocated and disseminated, where the state and its representatives are held above the rest.

Bringing us back to the issue of tyranny and injustice.  We like to live our lives in peace and although we see the injustice that is inflicted upon many, we choose to let it be because we do not want to get involved in others affairs, we do not want to choose sides in actually doing something and acting upon an injustice.  The ones who have injustice and evil committed upon them are left to their own devices, while we continue to live our lives.  Until the day where one of the "we" will become another Wallace as those before us who we chose not to help.

Going off topic a bit:  It is true we do not live in a perfect world where everyone understands the truly fundamental and only necessary laws in order to live in a just and ideal world - that is of doing unto other and you would have them do unto you, of doing no harm, of not deceiving, of not stealing, of not damaging the property of others.  These fews fundamental laws encompass the hundreds of laws that exist.  This is how I define being a human.  If you cannot live according to these logical and ethical principles then I do not consider you to be a true human being.  You may be human in appearance and are made up of the biological evolutionary characteristics that make you part of the same species, but for me, this is not enough to make you a human being.  To be human requires something more than just being classified as an animal that belongs to this particular group we call Homo sapien sapien.  The soul/spirit/consciousness factor must be taken into account to determine who is truly a fellow human being who respects life.  When one of these fundamental laws is broken, is it permissible to just let it slide?  I think not!

Back to begin a "Wallace".  When something does happen to us (as happened to Wallace or many others), are we not entitled to be courageous, to be honorable, to be self-respecting and take up a retributional form of action to right the wrongs committed against us?  After all, we have a supposed "justice" system that is in place to help us enact such retribution.  But, as most of us are aware, this system is in effect an injustice system (at least more so now than in the recent past) when it comes to righting wrongs against those with money or power.  The uphill battle to expose corruption or crimes of any kind is truly a time and energy consuming endeavor, let alone a massively monetarily consuming farce.  So how is a poor person supposed to get justice, as William Wallace was a poor person?  How do you get justice when most of the judges and attorneys are part of this secretive system of alternative language that is designed to only be interpreted by those select few who go through the years of training to interpret the convoluted machinations we call the legal system?  They cannot.  The system has become too complex and distorted so as to prevent a regular person from being able to navigate it.  Maybe it was designed this way, I don't quite know for sure, but as it stands now, it is a complete joke.

We do not quite live in the 13th century Scottish tyrannical society under an oppressive occupier, but in time the similarities may converge into a near identical system where the state employs unethical criminals to carry out its wishes, allowing them free reign.  We already see the weak ethically minded to be in police, to be in the army, to be in politics, and I will submit that these types of people are now more desired to be put in such positions of the state control apparatus.  

When the time comes, when it will not just be a few of our fellow brethren in our country or many oppressed people in another country like Palestine or anywhere else being treated unethically, when more and more Wallaces have the basic laws I mentioned above infringed upon, we will see a shift in consciousness to be more so against tyranny and unethical treatment as never before in our recent history.  When this time comes, more will be on our side in fighting the evil of the world.

People have to realize things for themselves.  The path of knowledge and desire for truth has to be taken upon by each individual.  It is each our responsibilities to seek our knowledge.  We must continue to pursue and disseminate the actuality of history and of current events, but all the yelling and pleading with others to wake up will not do anything until they are ready to do it themselves.  We cannot spoon feed everyone to wake up and realize the evil machinations that are driving toward a new order control grid.  Only when things get worse, will they get better.  Only when the evil is blatantly in the face of the majority, will they throw off apathy, throw off ignorance, and choose to join the fight for true knowledge and destroy the evil ones amongst us.

We can either wait for things to get worse while trying to educate people, or we can actively become Wallaces (after his own waking up proceeding the murder of his wife) and rid evil early on.  The former is the only option I see working right now. If we attempt to do the latter in our current apathetic and brainwashed societies, we will be the evil ones in their eyes, we will be the murderers and unjust.  The only possible positive accomplishment that I can envision in attempting to destroy the evil now as Wallace did in Braveheart, would be that the laws would get tighter and more unjust on the majority of the populace thereby quickening the possibility of them waking up to the tyranny being formed around them due to the homegrown terrorist threat they are made to believe exists.  But then this will likely fail, as many will honestly believe that those who are ridding the world of evil in Western society are actually terrorists and want to kill everyone and take away our freedoms.  They already bought it with the al Qaeda and Afghan/Iraq bullshit, so I do not think an early proactive assault/attack on the evil people and systems will work right now.  We must bide our time and wait.

These are my views alone and I have to be clear that I am not advocating hatred or violence against any group as a whole, be it the police, government, etc.

I hope you enjoyed my little rant.  Please share your thoughts.
