Jews & TinFoilHat Harassment

Started by WorldWarThree, April 30, 2008, 09:43:28 PM

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Respected award winning black author, Gloria Nayler, wrote a book which Oprah Winfrey later turned into a made-for-TV movie. A lesser known book which preceded that title is called 1996. In that text she speaks of spending some time at a vacation home at an island community. As chance would have it she ends up pissing off a neighbor who is supposedly connected to the government (NSA). What follows is typical "Targeted Individual" electronic harassment.

   Oddly, Ms. Nayler states that would unusual things would occur she would look outside and see a Jew drive by. When asked why she stated that, she responded by saying that she is from New York and can easily spot a Jew.

   Read the description and comments for 1996 at

   Note to Self & Fellow Researchers: I believe one of her later books praises Jews. Did Nayler cave in?