Book Blurb: "Judaism and the Vatican" by Vicomte Leon de Poncins (1967)

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Book Blurb: "Judaism and the Vatican" by Vicomte Leon de Poncins (1967)

This is a commentary on the events which preceded "Vatican II" in 1964/5 ("Nostra Aetate") and the restatement of the Roman Catholic Church's position on the Jews.  De Poncins' theme is that the restatement was obtained through the exertions of secular Jewish interests, ignorance on the part of the Church Fathers as to what constitutes the very essence of Judaism, and the collaboration of Vatican insiders...

BBC TV recently screened a documentary, "Are Christians Being Persecuted?" (BBC TV Manchester 2010, Executive Producer Jean Claude Bragard) presented by Nicky Campbell in which there was discussion of why all religions in the UK, not just Christianity, are being sidelined to secular interests (or as a more dispassionate observer might state: queers trump Christians). It's interesting to note that this so called documentary omitted all mention of books like de Poncins', any discussion of Vatican II and its aftermath, and of the notably Jewish participation in the shaping of subsequent effects on society. (c.f. Frankfurt School subversion through promoting feminism, minority rights etc etc).

It bears remarking that BBC TV Manchester was also responsible for the July 2009 documentary "Fern Britton Meets Tony Blair" in which the impression was created that Tony Blair is a committed Roman Catholic motivated in his political decisions by religious dogma whereas the unacknowledged truth of the matter is that on his mother's side at least he has Jewish inheritance which indicates that under halakah law he is Jewish...

[Chapter 1:]

Of the Jewish personalities mentioned above, there was one who
played a vital role: the writer, Jules Isaac, of Aix-en-Provence, who
died recently. He was at one time Inspector-General of Public Education
in France and the author of academic books on history.
...This is the gist of his thesis:
We must have done with anti-Semitism, the logical outcome of
which was the liquidation of European Jews at Auschwitz and other
death camps during the Second World War.
According to him, the most dangerous form of anti-Semitism is
Christian anti-Semitism, which is fundamentally theological. Indeed,
the Christian attitude to Judaism has always been based on the
account of the Passion as described by the four Evangelists and as
commented on by the Fathers of the Church...

[Chapter 2:]

...Jules Isaac frigidly denies that the account given by the Evangelists
has any historical value:

"The historian has the right and the duty, an absolute duty,
to regard the Gospel accounts as witnesses for the prosecution
(against the Jews), with the aggravating drawback that they are
the sole witnesses and that all four of them write from the same
angle: we have no Jewish or pagan evidence for comparison or
with which to weigh one against the other.
...Moreover, they are not equally biased: in this
respect Matthew is far and away the worst, not only worse than
Mark or Luke but perhaps even worse than John. Is this so surprising?
There are no more bitter opponents than brothers in
enmity: now Matthew was a Jew, fundamentally a Jew, the most
Jewish of the Evangelists...
It is not at all surprising that of the three Synoptic
writers Matthew is the most biased, his account of the Passion
being the most tendentious, while the most impartial in the circumstances--
or the least biased--is Luke, the only non-Jewish Gospel
writer, the only one of Gentile origin."
(Jules Isaac: Jésus et Israel, pp. 428-9)

[Chapter 3:]

...In other words, according to Jules Isaac, the Evangelists were liars,
St. John Chrysostom is a delirious theologian and a scurrilous pamphleteer,
St. Augustine uses his sharp, subtle mind to falsify the
facts, Pope St. Gregory the Great invented the "formidable theme
of the 'carnal people', which has unleashed the savagery of the
Beast against the Jews throughout history", and St. Agobard, the celebrated
Primate of Gaul, hurled " from the roof-tops to flocks of the
faithful a teaching which leads to the most odious consequences,
to crimes of genocide, to massive assassinations and to monstrous

...While on the subject of Judaeo-Christian friendship it is instructive
to note the haughty and contemptuous irony with which Joshua
Jehouda, one of the spiritual leaders of contemporary Judaism, refers
to it:
"The current expression 'judaeo-Christian' is an error which has
altered the course of universal history by the confusion it has
sown in men's minds, if by it one is meant to understand the
Jewish origin of Christianity; for by abolishing the fundamental
distinctions between Jewish and Christian messianism, it seeks to
bring together two ideas that are radically in opposition. ...
It is based on a 'contradictio in adjecto'
which has set the path of history on the wrong track. It links in
one breath two ideas which are completely irreconcileable, it
seeks to demonstrate that there is no difference between day and
night or hot and cold or black and white, and thus introduces a
fatal element of confusion to a basis on which some, nevertheless,
are endeavouring to construct a civilisation. ...

...However, when Jules Isaac and his associates went to Rome, they
were careful not to mention these passages in their books; they
spoke of Christian charity, of ecumenical unity, of common biblical
filiations, of Judaeo-Christian friendship, of the struggle against racism,
of the martyrdom of the Jewish people, and their efforts met
with success, since 1,651 bishops, cardinals, archbishops and Council
Fathers voted to reform Catholic teaching according to the desires
of Jules Isaac, the B'nai B'rith and the World Jewish Congress.

...They did not say in company with Memmi:
"Your religion is a blasphemy and a subversion in the eyes
of the Jews. Your God is to us the Devil, that is to say, the
symbol and essence of all evil on earth."
(A. Memmi: Portrait of a Jew, pp. 188-9)

They did not say in company with Rabi:
"The conversion of the Jews to Christianity is treason and
idolatry since it involves the supreme blasphemy, the belief in
the divinity of a man."
(Rabi: Anatomic du Judaisme français, p. 188)

...Although he does not say so in as many words, it is quite plain,
as several extracts will serve to make abundantly clear, that what
Jehouda finds so admirable in these three great movements is the
work of dechristianisation to which each, in different ways, made a
powerful contribution.
"The Renaissance, the Reformation and the Revolution constitute
three attempts to rectify Christian mentality by bringing
it into tune with the progressive development of reason and science
. . . and as and when dogmatic Christianity relaxes, the Jews
gradually free themselves from control."
Speaking of the Renaissance, he informs us that:
(Joshua Jehouda: L'Antisémitisme, Miroir du Monde,
p. 168)

[Chapter 4:]

...The Jews are not only the adherents of a religion; despite the dispersion
they belong to a distinct community in which the factors of
race, religion and nationality are so closely interwoven that it is
impossible to separate them.
...But one must beware of misunderstanding these terms, for with
the Jews they bear a completely different meaning from that
attributed to them in ordinary language.
...Furthermore, the Jews confuse the realities of the problem by
adopting ambiguous arguments, and at the same time many Jewish
people occupy prominent positions of responsibility among the
societies of the nations they have entered.
This explains why the Jews are obstinately and fanatically opposed
to the Jewish question being discussed in broad daylight.

...But if religion and nationality are perfectly
distinct with the Jews, as they are with others, how can
one explain this strange nationality unattached to any land? To
the exception of all others, it is based on a common past, on
common traditions which are religious in origin."
(J. Madaule: Les Juifs et le Monde Actuel, p. 155)
If further proof were wanted of the complexity of the Jewish
problem, it is to be seen in the difficulty involved in the definition
of a Jewish person in law.
One does not even have to be a believer:
"Present day Judaism is not identical with religious practice.
One can be Jewish, and one can be considered as such . . . without
as much as sharing the Jewish faith, and notably Jewish
monotheism." (J. Madaule, ibid., p. 107)

[Chapter 5:]

...In his book Le Malheur d'lsrael, Doctor A . Roudinesco shows how
the Judaism of the prophets, universal in spirit, was to end in Christianity,
and how the Judaism of the Law, founded on the Talmud,
was to deviate and finally break from it:
"Modern orthodoxy is not the religion of the Bible and of the
Prophets. It is a post-Biblical or Talmudic religion built up by
the Pharisees and doctors of the Law between the second and fifth
centuries after Jesus Christ, to preserve the small minority of Jews
who had not followed Christ, and to consummate the definite
break from triumphant Christianity.
"The universal, messianic, finalist Judaism of the Prophets ended
with Jesus, and conquered the world in the Christian form.
"Legal, national Judaism kept its God exclusively in the community
of its choice, which it has striven to protect from the
dangers that constantly threaten it.

... "The idea of sharing God with others was inadmissible to you.
... And then there sprang up in your soul, from the depths of
your collective conscience, that quarter where no man dares to
venture once the night has fallen, this unutterable, monstrous
dream, to make him disappear in one way or another and to substitute
yourselves for him, to become like him, to be God.
(F. Fejtö: Dieu et son Juif, pp. 104-109)

... "Israel is placed under the very eye of Jehovah; it is the Eternal's
favoured son who has the sole right to his love, to his goodwill,
to his special protection; other men are placed beneath the Hebrews,
and it is by mere mercy that they are entitled to divine
munificence, since the souls of the Jews alone are descended from
the first man. The wealth which has come to the nations, in
truth belongs to Israel." ...
(Bernard Lazare: Anti-Semitism, pp. 13-14)

... "Christianity cannot be called a little Jewish sect which had
some success, as the rabbis claim. Christianity in all its true
purity and grandeur fulfilled Judaism and, by denationalising it,
made it universal and human, according to the expectations of the
prophets. ...
"Paradoxical though it may seem to both Jews and Christians,
it is in Christianity that the true religion of Israel was realised.
The modern Jew practises a religion which is posterior to the
evangelical contribution established by the doctors of the Law, on
a Bible interpreted on the edge of the Revelation. Whereas the
Judaism of the prophets was enriched by the message of Jesus,
the Judaism of the rabbis was engulfed in the Talmud."
(Dr. A. Roudinesco: Le Malheur d'Israel, p. 140)

... "The Judaism of the Diaspora, hellenic Judaism as it was called,
which represented nine-tenths of the Jews of the Empire, liberated
from the constraint of the circumcision, denationalised, openminded
and receptive, disappeared in about the fifth century,
probably as a result of fusion with Christianity. Far removed from
Jerusalem, it was not greatly affected by the catastrophes in the
years 70 and 133. After the official creed of Jerusalem had passed
away, the Palestine Jews looked upon the Jews of the dispersion
as suspect from the point of view of strict orthodoxy. The rupture
between the Judaism of the Diaspora and rabbinical Judaism was
the work of the scribes, the doctors and the pharisees of the Law.

[Chapter 6:]

..."Protestantism had its Marranos, too. Secret Jews were numerous
among the Protestant refugees of the seventeenth century at
the time of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, as Werner
Sombart tells us. In Germany for instance, we can rate the famous
poet, Henry Heine, as a Protestant Marrano....
"They were divorced from Judaism only superficially, like
fighting men who put on the armour and colours of their enemy
in order to strike him down and destroy him with greater certainty
and vigour. (L. Massoutié, ibid., pp. 103-105)

..."In my opinion, if Israel wants to avoid the worst catastrophes,
it is in her interest to work in the open. Unfortunately, dissimulation
is an age-old habit of hers and even the most pro-Semitic
writers, such as Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu, find themselves obliged
to admit it."
(L. Massoutié, ibid., pp. 114-15)

[Chapter 7:]

...All the specialists who have
studied this aspect of the problem, whether Jewish or not are unanimous
about this, at least when they are in good faith, for the attitude
of the leaders of Judaism is full of ambiguity. On the one hand
they demand for their own people the full rights of citizenship, but
at the same time they make the utmost efforts to preserve their own
specific Jewish traits and integrity.

...The American Jewish writer, Ludwig Lewisohn, is, if possible,
even more precise:

"The French revolution came and gradually, very gradually
and sporadically, the gates of the Ghetto were opened. Contempt,
servitude, restrictive laws, special taxes remained. Citizenship was
not granted the Jews of England until 1832 nor the Jews of Prussia
until 1847. But this gesture and similar gestures elsewhere earlier
and later, more or less sincere, were supposed capable of obliterating
the historic existence, consciousness, experience of a people
that had been a people for three thousand years. ..."

...To claim the H o l y Land as their real fatherland is even
more illogical, since history tells us that hardly one out of ten
Jews can claim to be descended from Palestinian Jews, and that
from the remotest ages the Promised Land has only sheltered a
small fraction of the Jewish population of the world. Had it been
a question of a purely spiritual home, Jerusalem could have represented
for the faithful what Vatican Rome represents for Catholics.

...The Cross and the Crescent have confronted each
other there for centuries. The crusaders came and left their bones
and only the Venetian traders profited from it. The greatest
powers in the world have got their eyes on this strip of land, on
which the most important commercial and strategic routes in the
world converge, across the most hotly disputed oil-fields.
(Dr. A . Roudinesco, ibid., p. 185)

[Chapter 8:]

...The Jew often retains only the purely temporal aspect of the
promises of the Covenant and the Prophets on which, even as an
agnostic, he has been brought up, and which encourage him to
pursue earthly happiness for immediate enjoyment. This is what
the Church has called the "carnal" character of Israel and it is
opposed to the spiritual character of Christianity. ...
"The oldest form of Judaism knows nothing of another world.
So, weal and woe can come only in this world. If God desires to
punish or to reward, He must do so during man's lifetime. The
righteous therefore is prosperous here, and the wicked here suffer
(W. Sombart: The Jews and Modern Capitalism, pp. 214-15)
..."The ideal of Hebrew monotheism is the happiness of men on
earth. The Bible never speaks of future life and we know what
little value Homer's heroes attached to 'Hades'. Both want to
achieve happiness on earth: the former through justice and fraternity,
the latter through beauty and liberty. . . ."
(Dr. Pasmanik: Qu'est-ce que le Judaisme, pp. 18-29)

"The beyond does not exist for it," Elie Faure tells us. "Whatever
may have been said, Israel has never believed in the beyond,
except just at its decline, and except perhaps also in the bosom
of esoteric Cabbalism reserved to a few initiates. Did Israel even
ever think about it? Everything is natural in the world, including
God, who ends in becoming the Spirit.

..."The Jews' international dream is to unite the world with the
Jewish law, under the direction and domination of the priestly
people . . . in a general form of imperialism, which does not prevent
Loeb, Darmesteter, Reinach or Lazare and so many others
calling this conception universal fraternity."
(G. Batault, ibid., pp. 133-5)

..."From Maimonides to Charlie Chaplin the trail is easy to
follow, although the circulation of the Jewish spirit was so to
speak ethereal and its power of disintegration was not perceived
until after its passage. . . .
"Freud, Einstein, Marcel Proust and Charlie Chaplin have
opened in us, in every sense, prodigious avenues which overthrow
the dividing-walls in the classical, Greco-Latin, catholic edifice, in
the bosom of which the ardent doubt of the Jewish soul has been
waiting for five or six centuries for an opportunity to unsettle it.
...Lost in the depths of the masses of Western Christian societies, what
could the Jew have done, reduced, moreover, to silence for fifteen
centuries, but deny, within the frontiers and the hierarchy imposed
by these societies--Christianity for Montaigne, cartesianism
for Spinoza, capitalism for Marx, newtonianism for Einstein and
if you like, kantism for Freud--waiting until from this very negation
there began to appear little by little a new edifice profoundly
stamped by an intellect for ever bent on driving away the supernatural
from man's horizon and on searching, amid the ruins of
morality and immortality, for the materials and means for a new
spiritualism? Despite reasons for hope which he accumulated in
silence, could the Jew be regarded as anything other than a
destroyer armed with the corrosive doubt with which Israel has
always opposed the sentimental idealism of Europe since the time
of the Greeks? . . .

[Chapter 9:]

...It cannot be without reason that poor
Israel has spent its life as a people in being massacred. When all
nations and all ages have persecuted you, there must be some
motive behind it all. ...
It is not fair to claim family rights in a
house which one has not built, like those birds which come and
take up their quarters in a nest which does not belong to
them, or like the crustaceans which steal the shell of another
(E. Renan: The Antichrist, pp. 126-7)

...Anti-Semitism--and it should be noted that the term "anti-
Semitism" is, properly speaking, incorrect in itself, since many Semite
peoples, such as the Arabs or Egyptians, are or have been "anti-
Semitic" in the customary use of the word--anti-Semitism, as we
have shown, has existed for more than 3,000 years under many
different forms:
[in Egypt / in Persia / in Greece / in Alexandria / at Rome]

...The Jewish people tend to think of themselves as the innocent
victims of the hatred of the world, but most of the defensive
measures against them in the West--regarded by them as manifestations
of prejudice, intolerance, hatred and anti-Semitism--have been
borrowed from Jewish legislation and turned against its authors.
..."Intolerance, proceeding directly from the religious
exclusiveness of the Israelites, is a purely Jewish invention,
which was inherited by Christianity and so transmitted to the
modern world."...
(G. Batault: Le Problème Juif, pp. 60, 63, 64, 65, 85)

..."Some of the laws enacted against the Jews in these centuries
were not new. They were, in fact, patterned after Old Testament
and Talmudic laws against non-Jews. Old Jewish laws forbade a
non-Jew being appointed king of Israel, or holding a post from
which he could govern Jews. To prevent too great an intermixing
between Jews and Greeks, Palestinian law forbade a Jew to sell
land to a non-Jew. The Christians enacted like laws against the
Jews. These cannot be judged as good or bad in terms of today's
society. They were an expression of society in those days."
(M. I. Dimont: Jews, God and History, pp. 218-19)

...Again, it was the Synagogue which was the first to impose on
Jews the duty of wearing a distinctive badge; and yet among the
different measures which the Church has taken against the Jews to
thwart their policy of infiltration and corruption, there is one against
which they have always violently protested, considering it particularly
defamatory, namely, the obligation to wear a distinctive badge,
such as a spur, a hat or a star.
This measure, which was imposed by the 4th Lateran Council in
1215, and renewed by the bulls of Honorius III (1221), Martin V
(1425), Paul IV (1555), St. Pius V (1566) and Clement VIII (1593),
was only reviving an old Jewish custom, which laid down that the
Jews should distinguish themselves from other peoples by their dress.
...St. Thomas Aquinas, writing to the Duchess of Brabant, makes
the same comment on the decision:
"It is what they are commanded in their own law, that is to
say, to wear fringes on the four corners of their cloaks so that
they may be distinguished from other peoples."
(Quoted by Lovsky in Antisémitisme et Mystère d'Israel, p. 199)

[Chapter 10:]

...As one can see from the above, the Jews furiously repudiate the
very idea of collective responsibility as far as they are concerned,
but do not hesitate to hold the German people collectively responsible
for the wrongs done to Israel under the Hitler régime.
However, it now appears that we cannot accept this figure of six million.

...At the outbreak of war there were about 300,000 French Jews and
170,000 foreign Jews in France. Rather less than 100,000 were deported,
of whom the majority were foreign Jews. We recognise that
this is a very great number but we are far away from the legendary
six million figure.
On the other hand, at the Liberation about 105,000 Frenchmen
were assassinated by other Frenchmen in the name of the Resistance;
95 per cent of these were good men whose only fault was that they
were anti-Communist and not pro-Gaullist. No one seems to care
about this. The universal conscience is only interested in Jewish victims.

...At the outset of the invasion of Russia by the German army in
1941, many thousands of Russian officers and soldiers deserted and
threw in their lot with the Germans in order to fight with them
against the tyranny of Stalin. One of them, General Wlassow,
former Commander of the 2nd Soviet Army, a national hero of
the U.S.S.R. and very popular in the army, was put in command
by German officers of various Russian units which had been formed
to fight to liberate their country from the Soviet yoke.

...The cavalry units under Wlassow formed an autonomous corps
and were in Italy at the time of the German collapse. Moving up
to Bavaria to rejoin Wlassow, they were halted at Linz by the
British authorities, who invited the Cossack leaders to dine with
them. Among them were General Prince Bekovitch Tcherkassy,
General Krasnov, his nephew Colonel Semione Krasnov and others.
When they arrived in full evening-dress they were arrested by the
British, who took them to Berlin and handed them over to the
Soviets. They were all hanged.
General Wlassow himself was captured by a Soviet unit and
hanged at Moscow.

...The first death camp was not organised by the Germans but
by the Soviets; it came into operation in 1921 at Holmogor near
Archangel. It worked 'successfully' for years.
"Recalling the terror in the first years after the revolution and
the execution without trial in Crimea, 1920-1, of 120,000 prisoners,
Mr. Mihajlov states that a certain Vera Grebnjakov, known under
the alias of Dora, is still remembered there. She did her 'work'
at Odessa and with her own hand is said to have killed and
tortured 700 prisoners.
"Hitler was not the first to commit the crime of genocide, says
the writer. On the eve of the Second World War, the peoples
along the frontiers of Turkey and Iraq were deported to northernmost
Siberia where, being unaccustomed to the cold, they died
like flies. (Le Monde, 7th February 1965, front page)

...A further 12,000 officers of the 1939 Polish army were massacred to
a man by the Russians; 4,000 of their corpses were identified in
the Katyn Forest graves.
Of the 100,000 German prisoners captured at Stalingrad only
5,000 came back alive, the others died in the camps.
Between 1st July 1945 and 1st January 1947, approximately
7,300,000 people were sent back from Silesia to Germany by the
Russians, according to Rassinier (ibid., p. 107). Jammed into cattletrucks,
they were left without food on a journey of four to five days.
In the Revue des Deux Mondes on 15th May 1952, Mr. Jean de
Pange stated that more than four million of these unfortunate people
Hideous scenes of massacre and violence accompanied the capture
of Berlin and the invasion of Germany by the Soviet armies, for on
the Eastern Front it was a veritable war of extermination, conducted
on both sides with atrocious savagery.
Finally, one must not forget the bloody repression of the popular
uprising in Hungary in 1956.

...In a letter to the Dutch Social-Democrat, Domela
Nieuwenhuys, Marx wrote on 22nd February 1881:
"A socialist government cannot put itself at the head of a
country if adequate conditions do not exist to enable it immediately
to take the requisite measures to terrify the bourgeoisie and
so achieve the first step for the unfolding of its policy."
(Pravda, 14th March 1928; quoted by Leon de Poncins in
Le Plan Communiste d'lnsurrection armée, p. 17)

...When the Soviet armies began to invade Eastern Germany in
their march upon Berlin, the celebrated Jewish journalist Ilya
Ehrenburg proclaimed to the winds:
" 'Kill! Kill! In the German race there is nothing but evil;
not one among the living, not one among the yet unborn but is
evil! Follow the precepts of Comrade Stalin. Stamp out the Fascist
beast once and for all in its lair! Use force and break the racial
pride of the Germanic women. Take them as your lawful booty.
Kill! as you storm onwards kill, you gallant soldiers of the Red
Army!' " (Quoted by Admiral Doenitz in:
Memoirs, Forty Years and Twenty Days, p. 431)

They were not only the theorists of the Red Terror; they were the
principal agents in carrying it out.
"Unfortunately, not only have men belonging to the Jewish
race played a very large part both in the beginning and in the
development of the Bolshevist Revolution, but they have also
been the chief participators in some of the worst crimes of that
Revolution. In the annals of terrorism there are four names which
stand out in sinister isolation--Jankel Yourowski, the monster
who shot down the twelve members of the Imperial family in the
cellars of the Elpatinski House in Yekaterinburg, including the
four young daughters of the Tsar; Moses Uritski, the first executioner-
in-chief of the Tcheka; Bela Kun, the butcher of Budapest
and of the Crimea; Djerdjinski, the present Inquisitor-General of
One of the four is a Pole; the three others happen to be Jews."
(C. Sarolea, Impressions of Soviet Russia, pp. 160-1)

...Finally, the heads of the Soviet regimes installed by Moscow in
the satellite countries after the war were Jewish: Rakosi in Hungary,
Anna Pauker in Roumania, Slansky in Czecho-Slovakia and Jacob
Berman in Poland.

...Between 1905 and 1917 in Russia there was a continuous series of
violent political crimes to which some of the highest dignitaries of
the Czarist régime fell victim ... Meyer Genoch
Moisevitch Wallach, alias Finkelstein was arrested in Paris charged
with being concerned in the theft of 250,000 roubles from the Tiflis
Bank. He was deported from France and came to England where he
lived under the aliases of Buchmann and Harrison, and on the outbreak
of the First World War he was active in stopping recruiting
among the Jews of the East End of London. With the assistance of
two other Jewish revolutionaries from Moscow, Holtzmann and
Fineberg he was concerned with the circulation of seditious literature
on behalf of Germany. After the Bolshevik revolution in 1917 he
subsequently became Soviet Ambassador to the Court of St. James
in London, assuming the name of Maxim Litvinoff. Later he became
President of the Council of the League of Nations.

...When terrorism is exerted in the revolutionary sense, described
in school text books as "the sense of history", and when it is directed
by Jews, it is a social experience "broad, human and generous",
despite the millions of deaths it involves.
When revolutionary violence turns against its instigators and the
victims are Jewish, then it becomes a "morbid cancer of civilisation",
a "sadistic form of anti-Jewish hatred" and a "retrogression by humanity
towards the dark ages of medieval obscurantism". The Jews
become the innocent victims of anti-Semite barbarity and the martyrs
of humanity.

[Chapter 11:]

THE irreducible antagonism with which Judaism has opposed
Christianity for 2,000 years is the key and mainspring of modern
subversion--a position which, as we have attempted to show by
quotations from learned and respected Jewish doctors and scholars,
far from being preposterous, as it may at first appear, is quite understandable
when one grasps that it flows naturally from the Judaic
mind and spirit.

...In his Genèse de L'Antisémitisme, Jules Isaac describes what the
Greeks and Romans thought about Israel.
After a time:
"The Greek world became more heedful of the Israelite nation,
which it had hitherto regarded as insignificant . . . a singular,
incomprehensible people, lacking everything which, in the eyes
of the Greeks, gave human life meaning, light and beauty; lacking
any visible civilisation or works of art; fanatically pious, but in an
obscure faith whose abstract gods could not be formed by the
sculptor's chisel and worshipped as images."...

"Christianity is essentially preoccupied with the individual
salvation of man. Judaism only contemplates the salvation of the
House of Israel, which alone can permit the salvation of the
seventy nations of the universe. For centuries this has been the
constant objective of the talmudists and cabbalists. They have one
fundamental aim: to maintain one community on which the
salvation of the whole world depends. Only by virtue of his rite
is the Jew allowed to integrate with his community."
(Rabi: Anatomie du Judaisme français, pp. 203-204)

...Then, with the Renaissance and the Reformation, the unity of the
Faith was broken. Judaism advanced through the breach which had
thus been opened and thenceforward threw its weight behind every
movement which weakened and unsettled Christianity--the Renaissance,
the Reformation, the Revolution of 1789 and Marxism.
Throughout the whole of this period, Darmesteter tells us:

"The Jew championed reason against the mythical world of the
spirit. It was with him that thought took refuge during the intellectual
night of the Middle Ages. ...It was he who forged all that deadly arsenal
of reasoning and irony which he bequeathed to the sceptics of
the Renaissance and the libertines of the grand siècle (the reign
of Louis XIV); Voltaire's sarcasm, for example, was nothing more
than the resounding echo of a word murmured six centuries previously
in the shadow of the ghetto, and even earlier (in the
Counter-Evangelists of the first and second centuries) at the time
of Celsus and Origen at the very cradle of the Christian religion."
(Quoted by A . Spire in Quelques Juifs. p. 233)

...According to Jehouda:
"The Renaissance, the Reformation and the Revolution (of 1789)
constitute three attempts to rectify Christian mentality by bringing
it into tune with the progressive development of reason and
"As dogmatic theology began to yield its oppressive control
over man's conscience, the Jews began to breathe more freely. . . .
The three breaches opened in the decrepit fortress of Christian
obscurantism extend over roughly five centuries, in the course
of which the Jews were still considered as the pariahs of
history. . . ." ...

..."It was in the princely house of Pico de Mirandola that the
Jewish scholars used to meet. . . . The discovery of the Jewish
Cabbala, which he imparted to various enlightened Christians
contributed far more than the return to Greek sources to the extraordinary
spiritual blossoming which is known as the Renaissance.
About half a century later, the rehabilitation of the Talmud was
to lead to the Reformation . . . Pico de Mirandola had understood
that the indispensable purification of Christian dogma could only
be effected after a profound study of the authentic Jewish Cabbala."
. . . (Joshua Jehouda, ibid., p. 164)

..."The Reformation itself submitted to the irresistible attraction
of the 'Greek miracle', which splits thought by separating it from
faith and by adopting, albeit it imperceptibly, the pagan laicism
which prepares the ground for atheism. The French Revolution
marked the beginning of atheism in the history of Christian
peoples and, declaredly anti-religious, it continues, through the
influence of Russian Communism, to make a powerful contribution
to the dechristianisation of the Christian world. . . .
"The third attempt to amend the Christian position, after the
failure of reformed Christianity to unite, took place under the
impetus of the French Revolution." ...
(Joshua Jehouda, ibid., pp. 169, 170, 172-4)

[Chapter 12:]

..."I have written elsewhere that as adolescents and later as young
men we refused to take seriously the persistence of nations. We
lived in enthusiastic expectation of a new age...
Certainly the impatient and generous
nature of adolescents which drives them to free themselves, and
the whole world, of all shackles, is particularly suited to revolutionary
ideologies. "

(A. Memmi, ibid., pp. 195-6)

...But it is quite inadmissible that they should be allowed to profit
from this tolerant attitude in order to undermine, disintegrate and
finally destroy our own religious, national and cultural traditions.
They style the reactions against them "anti-Semitism", but they are
in reality measures of defence to protect the community from a
foreign influence, all the more dangerous since it is at work in the
heart of our institutions, protected by fraudulent abuse of the term
citizenship, calling itself French in France, English in England, German
in Germany, and so on. . . .

[Chapter 13:]

...The 1965 text formally recognises the responsibility
of the Jewish leaders and their followers for the death
of Christ but does not extend this responsibility to the whole Jewish
people living in Christ's time, still less to the Jewish people of today.

...In the final version, therefore, in 1965, the Council did not follow
Jules Isaac on this point, for Jules Isaac denies the responsibility of
the leaders of Judaism and throws it all upon the Romans, but it
yields on another point by absolving the Jewish people of any responsibility
for the decision of their leaders.
The 1965 motion before the Council absolutely conforms with
historical truth such as it appears from the accounts of the Evangelists--
it is the leaders of Judaism and their followers who are
responsible for the death of Christ. Strictly speaking, one can say
that the whole of the Jewish people was not consulted and does not
carry the direct responsibility for it, but the question of collective
responsibility is very complex.
In fact, the decisions of leaders always involve the collective responsibility
of peoples, even if the latter have taken no part in the
decision, and in the last resort it is the peoples who undergo its consequences.
History is full of examples of this sort. Take the last war,
for example. Hitler's leaders did not consult the German people as
far as the outbreak and conduct of the war is concerned, but it led
finally to murderous bombardments, the destruction of whole towns,
the invasion of their country, the violation of millions of their
women, massive deportations and millions of deaths. Similarly,
Churchill did not consult the British people before involving his
country in war with Germany.
Do the legal principles accepted by the Western peoples recognise
collective responsibility in law? Yes, to a certain extent they do,
if one is to judge by the Nuremberg trial.

But on the subject of collective responsibility, the Jews place
themselves in a false position which renders them very vulnerable.
They furiously repulse any suggestion of collective responsibility
when they themselves risk being found guilty of it but vehemently
insist on it when it is to their advantage to do so.
In chapter ten of this work we have quoted a typical article by
Vladimir Jankélévitch, an important personality in Israel. In Le
Monde, 3rd January 1965, speaking of Hitler's Jewish victims, he
"This crime without name is a crime that is truly infinite . . .
of which one is compelled to say that only Germanic sadism
could be guilty. . . . The methodical, scientific and administrative
massacre of six million Jews is not a wrong per se, it is a crime for
which a whole people is accountable."

Indeed, the German people was declared collectively responsible at
Nuremberg for Hitler's anti-Jewish measures and every taxpayer in
Federal Germany (except those in Eastern Germany under the Soviet
regime) pays considerable sums every year to the State of Israel by
way of indemnification for the wrongs undergone by international
Judaism at the hands of Hitler.

...In Jewish eyes, every measure of defence and protection against
the penetration of Jewish ideas and conceptions, against anti-
Christian Jewish heresies, against Jewish control of the national
economy, and in general every measure in defence of national
Christian traditions, is a manifestation of anti-Semitism. Furthermore,
many Jews consider that the very fact of the recognition
of the existence of a Jewish question constitutes a declaration
of anti-Semitism. "Their ideal", says Wickham Steed, in his remarkable
work, The Hapsburg Monarchy, "seems to be the maintenance
of Jewish international influence as a veritable imperium in imperiis.
Dissimulation of their real objects has become to them a second
nature, and they deplore and tenaciously combat every effort to
place the Jewish question frankly on its merits before the world."
(p. 179)

...Finally, since we are concerned with persecution, we must also
mention those for which Jewish people are responsible, for they,
who always set themselves up as innocent, crucified victims, are
terrible persecutors when they have the upper hand. This subject
is dealt with in chapter ten of this work, and we will not repeat
again what we have said there.

[Chapter 14:]

...In a word, then, the accusations against me in the Osservatore
della Domenica are completely false, and can only be accounted for
by the ignorance or bad faith of the author of this article. All who
struggle against the forces of subversion in the modern world encounter
this procedure. Nesta Webster, who specialised in the study
of revolutionary movements, relates her own experiences in her
Secret Societies and Subversive Movements (preface, v):

"When I first began to write on revolution a well-known London
publisher said to me, 'Remember that if you take an antirevolutionary
line you will have the whole literary world against
you.' This appears to me extraordinary. . . . If I was wrong either
in my conclusions or facts I was prepared to be challenged. Should
not years of laborious historical research meet either with recognition
or with reasoned and scholarly refutation? But although my
book received a great many generous and appreciative reviews in
the Press, criticisms which were hostile took a form which I had
never anticipated. Not a single honest attempt was made to
refute either my French Revolution or World Revolution by the
usual methods of controversy; statements founded on documentary
evidence were met with flat contradiction unsupported by a shred
of counter-evidence. In general the plan adopted was not to disprove,
but to discredit by means of flagrant misquotations, by
attributing to me views I had never expressed, or even by means
of offensive personalities. It will surely be admitted that this
method of attack is unparalleled in any other spheres of literary
"It is interesting to note that precisely the same line was
adopted a hundred years ago with regard to Professor Robison
and the Abbe Barruel, whose works on the secret causes of the
French Revolution created an immense sensation in their day."

[Chapter 15:]

......on 25th January 1966... the magazine Look, which numbers
7,500,000 readers, published a leading article entitled "How the
Jews changed Catholic Thinking"--written by their senior editor,
Joseph Roddy--which gave many details of the secret negotiations
held in New York and Rome by Cardinal Bea with the leaders of
the great world Jewish organisations, such as the B'nai B'rith, the
American Jewish Committee, and others.

...This article is of the utmost interest for it gives us numerous
details of Cardinal Bea's secret negotiations with the leaders of the
great American Jewish organisations, and in particular with the
B'nai B'rith.

...In these circumstances we would be glad to read at least a reasoned
reply from the Vatican, failing which we are obliged to conclude
that Cardinal Bea came to a secret understanding with the leaders
of the great American Jewish organisations, and in particular with
the B'nai B'rith, to work for the triumph of the Jewish cause, despite
the opposition of the conservatives in the Curia and elsewhere.
However that may be, the spectacle of a cardinal in one of the
highest posts of the Catholic Hierarchy offering excuses to American
Jews because the Pope had read from and commented on the Gospel
account of the Passion in Holy Week, is something which had never
yet been seen in the whole two thousand years of the history of
...This claim of the Jews to have the Gospels censored has spread
since the new attitude adopted by the Council.

[Appendix I: Appeal to Heads of State]

...If the problem with which we are concerned has till now appeared
insoluble, it seems to us that this is largely due to the fact that it
has never been studied in a spirit of rigorous and scientific impartiality.
And doubtless this is because, blinded by passion, neither
side have really wanted to study it, because, for various reasons,
neither side have really wanted to solve it.
Violence, curses and complaints are none of them valid arguments
bringing a solution to the problem.

[Appendix II: Six Million Innocent Victims]

Six million dead, such is the fearful figure with which the organisations
of Jewry ceaselessly confront the world; it is the unanswered
argument of which they availed themselves at the Council in order
to obtain a revision of the Catholic Liturgy.

This figure of six million, to which the Jewish organisations testified,
was neither verified nor checked in any way whatsoever, and
it served as the foundation for the prosecution at the time of the
Nuremberg Trial, and was widely disseminated by the Press of the
whole world.

... Mr. Paul Rassinier, has made a prolonged and extremely
detailed study of this question, which he published in four large
volumes, summarised in this chapter.
Rassinier reached the conclusion that the number of Jews who
died after deportation is approximately 1,200,000, and this figure,
he tells us, has finally been accepted as valid by the Centre Mondial
de Documentation Juive Contemporaine. Likewise he notes that Paul
Hilberg, in his study of the same problem, reached a total of
896,292 victims.

... The notes which follow are taken from the two most recent works
of Rassinier: Le Véritable Procès Eichmann ou les Vainqueurs Incorrigibles
and Le Drame des Juifs européens.

... Jackson declared that of 9,500,000 Jews who had been living in
Germany-occupied Europe, 4,500,000 had disappeared.
This figure was not retained by the court, but was nevertheless
soon transformed by the Press to ten millions, and then reduced
to an average of six million, where it scored a resounding success,
and was definitely accepted by the whole world.
It had been approximately established by specialists in Jewish
demography by two methods:
Either, as was done by the World Jewish Congress, by comparing
the data of, respectively, the pre-war and post-war figures of
the Jewish population of the various European occupied countries,
resulting in a loss of six million. Unfortunately these statistics
do not take into account important emmigration movements by
the Jewish population of Europe between 1933-45, particularly
towards Palestine and the United States, which meant that they
were established on completely false foundations;
Or by means of the oral or written declarations of "witnesses"
which for the most part have proved, after serious investigation,
to be full of contradictions, exaggerations and falsehoods, and
which cannot therefore any longer be taken into consideration.

... But the palm, Rassinier tells us, is undoubtedly awarded to the
unbelievable work of the Jewish Hungarian Doctor, Miklos Nyizli:
Médecin à Auschwitz.
By its falsification of facts, the evident contradictions and shameless
lies, this book seems to show that Dr. Nyizli is speaking of
places which it is transparent he has never visited, not to mention
that it is a document of extremely doubtful authenticity, as Rassinier
has shown. (Le Drame des Juifs européens, p. 52).
If one is to believe the distinguished "Doctor of Auschwitz",
25,000 victims were exterminated each day for four and a half years.
This amounts to 1,642 days which, at 25,000 a day, produces a
total of forty-one million victims, in other words, two and a half
times the total pre-war Jewish population of the world.
When Rassinier attempted to discover the identity of this strange
"witness", he was told that "he had died some time before the
publication of the book".

... Between 1933 and 1945 large numbers of Jews from Central
Europe emigrated to other countries in order to avoid first the interference
and later the persecution of the Germans. Recent statistics
confirm this. In his book Le Drame des Juifs européens, Rassinier
deals with this point in the light of extremely precise information.
We recommend the reader who is interested to consult the work

This is the gist of what he says:

Taking into account the constant flow of emigration, Mr. Arthur
Ruppin, the most authoritative of the Jewish statisticians, estimates
the population at that time at 5,710,000; the Centre de Documentation
Juive of Paris and Doctor Korherr put it as respectively
5,294,000 and 5,500,000, and the latter would appear to be the
closest to reality. Thus, omitting this calculation, the statistics of
survivors established in 1945 are found to be completely false and
the margin of error in relation to them represents about 40 per cent
of the real figure. The number of survivors, therefore, was not
1,651,000 as was claimed at that time, but something in the order of
4,200,000 or more, which reduces the figure of the missing to between
one and one and a half million, and represents a large percentage
of the victims.

Another source of error in the calculation of the number of
victims stems from the fact that as the Russian troops advanced,
deportees were brought back from Poland to the western camps of
Buchenwald, Dora, Dachau, and others (J. Rassinier: Le Véritable
Procès Eichmann, pp. 94-95). These men, who had been registered
upon their arrival at Auschwitz or elsewhere, were not to be found
when these camps were liberated, and were put down as missing or
exterminated in the gas-chambers if they were Jews. In reality they
were alive and kicking in the German camps further west, but the
timing of their arrival had rendered their subsequent registration
impossible and no real record of it had been kept.

... According to Rassinier, the number of missing evaluated above
is corroborated today by the statistical studies of the Centre Mondial
de Documentation Juive Contemporaine, which gives a figure of
1,485,292 Jewish victims. As we have noted, Paul Hilberg accounts
for 896,292 victims.
But of one fact, he tells us, and it is the most explosive to emerge
from his books, there is now no doubt at all. Very serious investigations
carried out on the sites themselves have revealed with irrefutable
proof that contrary to the declarations of the above-named
"witnesses", whether it is a question of Buchenwald, Dora, Mathausen,
Bergen-Belsen or Dachau, not one of the camps throughout the
whole of German territory was fitted with gas-chambers. This fact
has been recognised and attested by the Institute of Contemporary
History at Munich, a model of hostility to National Socialist Germany.
At Dachau the construction of a gas-chamber had in fact been
begun but it was only completed at the end of the war by SS men
who had taken the place of the deportees.

... It is probable that there was a gas-chamber in existence at Belzec.
At Auschwitz, on the other hand, it seems to have been established
that there was one in existence and functioning; a great deal of
evidence exists, but it is so often divergent and contradictory that
it is difficult to disentangle the truth. If any such chambers were in
operation at Auschwitz, it can only have been from the 20th February
1943, when they were completed, until the 17th November
1944--in other words, for seventeen to eighteen months, from
which a certain number of months must be deducted since, according
to the report of Dr. Rezso Kasztner, president of the Committee
for the Salvation of the Jews of Budapest from 1942 to 1945, these
chambers were out of operation from the autumn of 1943 to May

... The promulgation of the racial laws after the Congress of Nuremberg
in September 1935 led the German Government into negotiations
seeking to transfer the Jews to Palestine on the basis of the
Balfour Declaration. When this failed, the government asked other
countries to take charge of them. They refused.

... It was only in November 1938, after the assassination of von
Rath, the Councillor of the German Embassy in Paris, by Grynspan,
who was Jewish--a crime which provoked violent anti-Jewish
reaction in Germany--that the leaders of the Third Reich proposed
the introduction of an over-all solution to the Jewish problem and
re-launched the idea of transferring them to Palestine. The project,
which had dragged on since 1933. broke down because Germany
could not negotiate their departure on the basis of 3,000,000 marks,
as demanded by Britain, without some agreement for compensation.
... France likewise, at the end of 1940,
did not agree to their transfer to Madagascar:...

... It was only after successive rebuffs, and for several other reasons,
As we shall see, that Germany's attitude in relation to the Jews
First of all, there was the letter sent by Chaim Weizmann, President
of the Jewish Agency, to Chamberlain, Prime Minister of Great
Britain, in which he informed him that "we Jews are on the side
Of Great Britain and will fight for democracy". It was published in
The Jewish Chronicle of the 8th September 1939 and constituted a
Veritable declaration of war by World Jewry against Germany.

... As events developed the
European Jews found themselves in the same boat as their brethren
in Germany, and when there was no longer any hope of their
emigrating outside Europe--and the last chance vanished with
the failure of the Madagascar plan at the end of 1940--it was
decided to regroup them and to put them to work in one immense
ghetto which, after the successful invasion of Russia, was situated
towards the end of 1941 in the so-called Eastern territories near
the former frontier between Russia and Poland: at Auschwitz,
Chelmno, Belzec, Maulaneck, Treblinka, etc.... There they
were to wait until the end of the war for the re-opening of international
discussions which would decide their fate. This decision
was finally reached at the famous interministerial Berlin-Wannsee
conference which was held on the 20th January 1942, and the
transfer had commenced in March."
(P. Rassinier, Le Véritable Procès Eichmann, p.20)

Then came the declaration of war against Russia, the massive bombardment
of Dresden, Leipzig and Hamburg, and lastly the publication of a book
by an American Jew, Theodor N. Kaufman, called Germany Must Perish:

"In his book, Kaufman flatly states that Germans, solely because
they are Germans, do not deserve to live... and that after
the war 25,000 doctors will be mobilised and each will be given 25
German men or women to sterilise every day, so that in three months
there would not be a single German alive in Europe capable of
reproduction and in sixty years the German race would be totally
eliminated from the continent. He said, moreover, that the German
Jews shared his view.

"Hitler ordered this book to be broadcast over all German radio
stations, and one can imagine the effect it produced on the German
(P. Rassinier pp.108-109)

To bring this chapter to a conclusion, we wish to quote the evidence
of a Jewish witness, the importance of which will not escape
the reader. In the issue of 15th December 1960 of La Terre Retrouvée,
Doctor Kubovy, director of the Centre Mondial de Documentation
Juive Contemporaine at Tel-Aviv, recognised that no
order for extermination exists from Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich or
Goering (Rassinier: Le Drame des Juifs Européens, pp. 31, 39). It
would seem then that the exterminations by gas were the work of
regional authorities and a few sadistic Germans.
