Benjamin Fulford : 1.000.000 Satanic Jews worshippers in the US

Started by /tab, May 09, 2010, 03:33:39 PM

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Yes, yes, I know, 6 millions Ninjas and so on  :lol:

However, let's take a look to this part 1 of the interview. Fulford begin to talk at min 06.00.
Well, as a the matter of fact he is talking at minute 09.00 about 1.000.000 Satanic worshippers in the US hiding behind the Jews.
Later, again at part 1 at minute 09.49 he gives away this clue: he said "truth is stranger than fiction" (by the way © Lord Byron  8-)  ) , then, couldn't it be that they are now sending Agent Fulford to clean up a lá "Damage control" because of the last awaking on the 911 movement to the Zion question: James Fetzer ? Or maybe Fulford is just ½ crazy/delusional and jealous of Fetzer taking away the spotlight on this very issue?  :)

Yes I know maybe Fetzer is a Agent himself, I was just freestyling a little here and thinking about this deception game in a deconstructive way. I also notized that Fulford always minimizes the role of the  House of Rothschild in all of this imperial business.
Later, in part 5, minute 04.25 he is talking about 1 million satanic Jews wanna prepare to fly the US, because the truth is been discover of their actions in the past, human sacrifies, the deceptions, but they have nowhere to run. Here I see this concept of preparing the public to take revenge against the gatekeepers of the Zion elites, like plaing the role that Oswald played by then at the 60's, by in other scale, taking the blame and the anger, good protection according to Josephus solutions:

According to Concrete Mathematics, section 1.3, Josephus had an accomplice; the problem was then to find the places of the two last remaining survivors (whose conspiracy would ensure their survival).

In any case all this is very positive, because all points to the fact that people is waking up to a higher level of this deception and the message is reaching out. I don't know, what do you think ?

LiquidMetalBand — 08 maj, 2010 — Benjamin Fulford joins GoldRing radio

