Book Blurb: Captain A.H.M. (Archibald Maule) Ramsay: "The Nameless War" (1952)

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Book Blurb: Captain A.H.M. (Archibald Maule) Ramsay: "The Nameless War" (1952)

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From Epilogue: Conclusion

Quote"--When things reach a stage wherein a Lord of Appeal, whose papers are
suspected of relating to the plans of Organized Jewry, can be
"politically burgled".

--When a white Paper containing vital passages on Jewish World-Bolshevism
can be immediately withdrawn, and reprinted omitting the vital passages.

--When a leading British Industrialist can be blackmailed by Organized
Jewry, and coerced into submission by boycott, strikes, acts of sabotage
and arson.

--When a Member of Parliament, who dares to try and warn the country
against this menace of Organized Jewry and their help-mates (the only
Fifth Column that really exists in this country) is thereupon imprisoned
for three years on false charges.

--When these things can happen in Britain, then there must surely be
something wrong somewhere.

At a time when Britain and the Empire are engaged in a life-and-death
struggle, surely there can be no room for the foul teachings and
activities which I have touched upon.

While our sailors, soldiers and airmen are winning victories over the
external enemies, surely it is the duty of every patriot to fight this
internal enemy at home."

Captain A.H.M. Ramsay was MP for for Midlothian and Peeblesshire from
1931-1945 and one might think, a scion of the British Elite. In World
War I he served in the British Army and was severely wounded.

The book "The Nameless War" was published in 1952 after Ramsay's
incarceration without charge or trial from 1940-1944 under the notorious
Regulation 18B of the Defence Regulations.

Although a slim 120 pages, it is an iconoclastic tour de force of the
principal world revolutions that have occurred in the last 400 years
and embodies some original detective work in fingering the puppet
masters. It also revives the memory of previously forgotten earlier
research such as that contained in Sir Walter Scott's "Life of

The controlling powers behind these revolutions Ramsay identifies as
owing their origin to the age-old Messianic dream of International
Jewry: dominion over the entire world and all its peoples.

Quote[* "One other observation should be made here; it is that this
important work by Sir Walter Scott in 9 volumes, revealing so
much of the real truth, is practically unknown, is never
reprinted with his other works, and is almost unobtainable.
Those familiar with Jewish technique will appreciate the full
significance of this fact; and the added importance it lends to
Sir Walter Scott's evidence regarding the powers behind the
French Revolution." Chapter 2: The French Revolution.]

The book is a worthy successor to Cherep-Spiridovich's The
Hidden Hand: The Secret World Government (1926). It also brings
the survey up to the late 1940s and provides an interesting focus
on British political and historical evolution - or rather,

Today, Ramsay, to the extent he is recalled at all, is often
derided by his critics' invoking the pavlovian thought
double-declutch:  "Anti-Semitic"; claiming that he is alleged
to have been a secret collaborator with the Hitler regime;
and so on.

However the overwhelming impression gained from the book, other
than its candid deconstruction of numerous historical "myths",
is not of Ramsay as shallow nationalist, cipher of the privileged
elite, but of a man of original intelligence, perception, courage
and great HUMANITY who had battled against the flow of convention
and at considerable personal cost took every step possible to
warn of and head off the disaster for humanity that was
World War II.

Additionally, he has some interesting apercus about the coming
European Federation and the actors promoting it. Although it
is fashionable today to claim the origins of the EU/EEC lie
in Nazi Germany, Ramsay perceptively assigns its origin to
the "Protocols" and he names the names.

The book is immensely readable, a true eye opener and should
be widely distributed. Next stop: inclusion in the UK schools
curriculum ;)

Chapter 1: The British Revolution.


"Calvin, who came to Geneva from France, where his name was
spelt Cauin,* possibly a French effort to spell Cohen,
organized great numbers of revolutionary orators, not a
few of whom were inflicted upon England and Scotland. Thus
was laid the groundwork for revolution under a cloak
of religious fervour.

On both sides of the Tweed these demagogues contracted all
religion into rigid observance of the "Sabbath." To use
the words of Isaac Disraeli, "The nation was artfully
divided into Sabbatarians and Sabbath breakers."

*Note. At a B'nai B'rith meeting in Paris reported in
'Catholic Gazette' in Feb 1936 he was claimed to be
of Jewish extraction."

"The real objective of the "Glorious Revolution" was achieved
a few years later in 1694, when the Royal consent was given
for the setting up of the "Bank of England" and the
institution of the National Debt. This charter handed over
to an anonymous committee the Royal prerogative of minting
money; converted the basis of wealth to gold; and enabled
the international money lenders to secure their loans on
the taxes of the country, instead of the doubtful
undertaking of some ruler or potentate which was all the
security they could previously obtain.

From that time economic machinery was set in motion which
ultimately reduced all wealth to the fictitious terms of
gold which the Jews control; and drained away the life
blood of the land, the real wealth which was the
birthright of the British peoples.  The political and
economic union of England and Scotland was shortly
afterwards forced upon Scotland with wholesale corruption,
and in defiance of formal protests from every county
and borough. The main objects of the Union were to
suppress the Royal Mint in Scotland, and to force upon
her, too, responsibility for the "National Debt." "


"And who were the potentates of the new debt machine;
these manipulators of gold and silver, who had succeeded
in turning upside down the finances of Europe, and
replacing real wealth by millions upon millions
of usurious loans?

The late Lady Queenborough, in her important work
Occult Theocracy gives us certain outstanding names,
taking her facts from L'Anti-Semitisme by the Jew
Bernard Lazare, 1894. In London she gives the names
of Benjamin Goldsmid and his brother Abraham Goldsmid,
Moses Mocatta their partner, and his nephew
Sir Moses Montifiore, as being directly concerned in
financing the French Revolution, along with Daniel Itsig
of Berlin and his son-in-law David Friedlander, and
Herz Cerfbeer of Alsace.

These names recall the Protocols of Zion, and turning up
Number 20 we read:--

"The gold standard has been the ruin of States which
adopted it, for it has not been able to satisfy the
demands for money, the more so as we have removed
gold from circulation as far as possible." "

Chapter 2: The French Revolution.
"Debt, particularly international debt, is the first
and over-mastering grip. Through it men in high places
are suborned, and alien powers and influences are
introduced into the body politic. When the debt grip
has been firmly established, control of every form of
publicity and political activity soon follows, together
with a full grip on industrialists. The stage for
the revolutionary blow is then set. "

Chapter 4: The Development of Revolutionary Technique.

"A second revolution, the so-called "Glorious Revolution"
of 1689, was necessary. This again was financed by Jews,
notably Solomon Medina, Suasso, Moses Machado and others.

By the French revolution of 1789 the technique had been
notably improved. Secret societies had been developed
throughout France on a grand scale in the preceding
years. The plans for the liquidation of the former
regime are by this time far more drastic. The judicial
murder of a kindly and well intentioned King and a
few nobles is replaced by mass murders in prisons
and in private houses of the whole of the nobility,
clergy, gentry and bourgeoisie, regardless of sex.

The Cromwellian damage and desecration of a few
churches by their temporary use as stables is
developed into a general wrecking of Christian
churches, or their conversion into public lavatories,
brothels, and markets; and the banning of the
practice of the Christian religion and even the
ringing of church bells."

Chapter 6: 1993: Jewry Declares WAr.

"One feature about the Versailles Conference has been
kept secret by those who possess the power to keep
things from the public or to proclaim things from
the house tops. It is this:

All important decisions were taken by the "Big
Four"--Britain, France, Italy and the U.S.A.,
represented respectively by Mr. Lloyd George,
M. Clemenceau, Baron Sonino and President Wilson.
So much is known. What is not known is that the
secretary of Mr. Lloyd George was the Jew Sassoon;
of M. Clemenceau the Jew Mandel Rothschild, now
known as Mandel; Baron Sonino was himself half
a Jew: and President Wilson had the Jew Brandeis;
the interpreter was another Jew named Mantoux;
and the Military Adviser yet another Jew called Kish."

Chapter 7: "Phoney War" Ended by Civilian Bombing.

"Inside the House of Commons, the pro-Jewish war
mongers were now becoming more and more intransigent;
and more and more set on sabotaging the chances of
turning the "phoney war" into a negotiated peace.
This in spite of the fact that Britain had nothing
to gain by further and total war, and everything to
lose. The Jews, of course, had everything to lose
by a peace which left the German gold-free money
system and Jew-free Government intact, and nothing
to gain.

It seemed clearer to me every day that this struggle
over the question of civilian bombing was the crux
of the whole matter; and that by this method of
warfare alone could the Jews and their allies cut
the Gordian knot of stalemate leading to peace;
and probably later on to a joint attack on
Jewish Bolshevism in Russia."

Chapter 8: Dunkirk And After.

"The Jew Karl Marx laid it down, that Bolshevism
could never really succeed till the British Empire
had been utterly destroyed.


"The "Jew-wise" know that we have in Britain a
Jewish "Imperium in Imperio," which, in spite of all
protestations and camouflage, is Jewish first and
foremost, and in complete unison with the remainder
of World Jewry. If any doubt this they need only
read Unity in Dispersion, issued in 1948 by the
World Jewish Congress, which proclaims Jewry to
be one nation.

By January 1940, I had details of nearly thirty
subversive societies working on various revolutionary
and corrosive lines, and had completed a very large
chart, showing the principal members of each.

Six names stood out clearly, as a sort of interlocking
directorate. They were Prof. H. Laski, Mr. Israel Moses Sieff,
Prof. Herman Levy, Mr. Victor Gollancz, Mr. D.N. Pritt, M.P.,
and Mr. G.R. Strauss, M.P.

In February 1940, on my arrival in London, I was handed
the literature of a new group, who were advocating
FEDERAL UNION. The list of supporters' names was
startling. It might have been copied from the chart
I had just completed. There could be no mistake as
to the source of this scheme. Later, when this group
became active, I put down the following questions:--

Captain Ramsay asked the Prime Minister whether
he could assure the House that the creation of
a Federal Union of the European States is not
one of the war aims of H.M.'s Government.

Mr. Butler (on May 9th) gave a non-committal reply.
To this I asked the following supplementary:--

Captain Ramsey: Is my right Hon. Friend aware that
this plan, if adopted, will arouse hostility against
us in almost the whole of Europe, who look upon it
as the setting up of a Judeo-Masonic super-State?

(Note.--The Protocols of the Elders of Zion make
it clear that World Jewry and Orient Masonry will
set up just such a regime after the Gentile States
have been reduced by War and Revolutions to
hewers of wood and drawers of water.) "

3.--I was aware that Federal Union was the
complement in international affairs of the scheme
of Political and Economic Planning (P.E.P.).
The Chairman of P.E.P. is Mr. Israel Moses Sieff,
who is also Vice-Chairman of the Zionist Federation
and Grand Commander of the Order of Maccabeans)
designed to bring about Bolshevism by stealth in
the sphere of industry and commerce, and that
it must be regarded as the Super-State, which
is one of the principal objectives of
International Jewry. "