Armaments scams - some historical tableaux

Started by Helphand, July 16, 2010, 06:18:00 PM

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Armaments scams and war mongering; two instances 70 years apart.

"There's nothing new under the Sun".
Another pattern emerges: wars are fomented, both sides funded by the banksters.
Munitions and war supplies are provided; and prove to be defective....

VNN GoyFire #55 of 22 May, 2008, topics list included:

Kwame Detriot, Eliot Spitzer, Record Forclosures, Oklahoma rids itself of Illegal aliens, Silverstein Sues for More 911 Cash, Rabbi Calls For the Hanging of Palestinian Children, NPD's Udo Voight Charged Over Pamphlet, Jew Caught Selling Defective Arms to Afghans, Bear Stearns Liquidates Holdings 8 Months Before Crash

Back in 1938 there appeared
"The Hidden Hand: A Plain Statment for the Man in the Street"
by A.H. Lane. In similar vein:

page 20:

  It would be interesting to know whether Edwin Montagu
the armament business to all intents and purposes into
the hands of Bernard Baruch, who became head of the War
Industries Board of the U.S.A., and probably even then the
most powerful man in the U.S.A. If not, who did? and whether
all the millions of British money spent in America were accounted
for to this country? But by far the worst part of the
business was the faulty Artillery ammunition supplied from the
U.S.A. which killed thousands of our men, these shells bursting
often over our own lines; and the defective ammunition for
rifles and machine guns which so often caused jams. The
writer has collected a mass of evidence on these matters. The
British Public were at that time never allowed to hear about
this and the full story has since been apparently suppressed.
The chief censor in France in the War was Lord Birkenhead
(who owed £42,000 Income Tax when he died).

page 21:

  Another question which would seem to bear is why were
the Income Declarations of certain very prominent members of
the War Industries Board of the U.S.A. destroyed or lost by
the Income Tax Bureau, when their production now would
throw light on the question of the amount of personal profit
made by these gentlemen from the supply of ammunition?
(Vide Senatorial Commission U.S.A.)
  Few people have realised that the greater part of the
money said to be due from the British Government to the U.S.A.
("War Debts") is not on account of anything bought by us but
in payment of munitions and other things ordered by Russia, and
which the U.S. Government refused to supply unless we backed
the bill. This Jewish gang in the U.S.A. probably then knew
that Russia would soon be in a state of revolution and would
never pay up.
  Most of the accounts for munitions supplied to the British
Government (direct) had already been settled.
Lord Reading was in Washington 1915-1919.

page 22:

  All ex-Servicemen will remember the casualties we
suffered in the Great War from bad fuses and short-burst shells!
Lord Bertie, British Ambassador at Paris during the War, notes
in his Diaries that the advisers and supporters to the Government
would experience "great losses to their businesses by the
exposure of the unconscionable profits that munition makers had
been receiving. We are paying 16s. for shell fuses, the equivalent
of which can be made here for 2 francs." That was one
result of our paying Jew conspirators to provide munitions.

And while we are doing the time-warp back in 1938, a small
selection of other scams and instances of infiltration by the
Kahal / Cahilla, the ruling council of World Jewry.

page 14:

  Since the time when Cromwell, in return for money and
"information," readmitted the Jews to this country, our Cabinets
have slowly and steadily been passing under the influence of the
Kahal. It is the power of the Kahal which has forced our
Government to admit Jews by thousands into this country,
especially since the Great War. From 1933 to 1937, it is computed
that between 40,000 and 50,000 Jews were brought into
this country under the aegis of the Jewish Board of Deputies,
aided by pro-Jewish Gentiles, and this invasion has lately
greatly increased, owing to the flight of Jews from Austria.
Most of these are revolutionaries. There are now some two
millions or more Jews in the British Isles, most of whom have
jobs, which accounts in a great measure for our millions
  In order to bring about Jewish World Domination, it is
necessary from time to time to engender wars, so that the most
virile and patriotic men are killed or crippled physically or
mentally. ...

page 8:

  The reader may recall the words of Hilaire Belloc who,
book "The Jews" (1922) wrote:
  "The Great War brought thousands upon thousands
of educated men (who took up public duties as temporary
officials) up against the staggering secret they had never
suspected—the complete control exercised over things
absolutely necessary to the nation's survival by half a
dozen Jews who were completely indifferent as to whether
we or the enemy should emerge alive from the struggle."

  An elementary safeguard is to don a new name, and this
is easy even when done by legal formality. So we find that
David Beidenkopf becomes David Cope; Mary Fasbender,
Mary Dawson; Yukiel Lichtenstein, Jack Stone! Surnames
like Bakon, Barlasoff, Dzwonkowski, Chapfleisch, Abramovitch,
homely English-looking names like Bacon, Barlow, Jack,
Barker, Butcher, Janes, Stanley, Gordon, Curzon, etc.
Verily, good British names hide many a miscreant, and
that clique of megalomancies who think they are destined to
impress their will on mankind, would not let a trifle like an
unfortunate name be a bar to their work, although some of
them have left it too late in their careers for any change of
name to be effective. ...

page 24:

  Our leading politicians seem to have been "fixed," to
use an American expression, by the Jew, i.e. bribed, bullied or
blackmailed; and many of our M.P.'s are so mixed up in business
with men of this race that their hands are tied. They are
not free agents! (Our senior Civil Servants retire and get
Directorships.) Thus it is that time is wasted in throwing dust
into the eyes of the public, to cover the misgovernment. ...