Maj.-Gen. Count Cherep-Spiridovich: Addenda to "The Secret World Government or 'The Hidden Hand'"

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Maj.-Gen. Count Cherep-Spiridovich: "The Secret World Government or 'The Hidden Hand'" - the Addenda.

Author of among others,
-- "The Science of Political Foresight";
-- "The Secret World Government or 'The Hidden Hand' - The Unrevealed in History. 100 Historical "Mysteries" Explained." (1926); and
-- "Towards Disaster; Dangers and Remedies" (1913).

I was going to post a Book-Blurb (Reader's Digest?) of this little gem but I think I'd just end up copying the entire book! So instead of that, for those so far unacquainted with it, here for easy reference are current url's to download it:

Unfortunately, the images are nearly illegible as regards Addendum No.1 and Addendum No.2 on pages 194-5. The text of those Addenda is set out below for easier reading together with the eulogy to Cherep-Spiridovich at the back of the book:


  In his "Rotten to the Core" Mr. Hugh Bauerlein, of Denver, has well pictured a story involving Mr. Lloyd George in the dirty "Marconi business" by the Jews Rufus and Godfrey Isaacs, who like Franks, were kept out of prison. Rufus was even made Lord Chief Justice, Vice-Roy of India, and Earl Reading.
  The two greatest cases of treason in France were committed by Jews: Dreyfus in the Army and Ulmo in the Navy.  The Jew Zangwill in his "The Problem of the Jewish Race," p. 10 wrote:
  "If Germany had no Dreyfus case it is because no Jew is permitted to a military rank." Yes! Germany could endure a 4-year war without betrayal because, as Zangwill confirms, she avoided the race, which gave Dreyfus, Ulmo, Franks, etc. What was the role of the Franks in the war? They helped the British to kill as many Americans as possible and vice-versa, and plundered both nations. That is all. They have their own mission as satanists, i. e., as mankillers, according to CHRIST. This mission, they accomplished with the greatest ardor and joy.*
  Rev. D.J. Brouse, Pastor of Grace Episcopal Church, stated: "The Jew never was a real true American. In this war the Central Powers were financed by the Jews with money from America, and this money was used to fight against our own homeland" (Jewish World, July 13, 1921).
  Rev. William S. Mitchell, D.D. (Philadelphia) rightly said:
  "If there is an ingrate in history, it is the Jew.  In this land which befriended him he has conspired, plotted, undermined, prostituted and corrupted, and (hiding to this hour behind the braver screen of other folks), dares to contrive and scheme the death of every Christian principle which has protected him."
  "Assimilation of nations in America was condemned by Louis Marshall," a Jewish leader (New York Times, March 2, 1025).
  "Religion for Pupils opposed by rabbi S. Schulman of New York" (New York Times, March 2, 1925).
  "Rabbi N. Krath of New York denounced censorship of the theatre" (New York Times, March 2, 1925).
  This means "white slavery" for the American girl.
  "The part which Jews all over the world play in white slavery is one of the foulest blots on our people" (Jewish World, March 18, 1914).
  Wherever the Jews are, there a revolt is being staged.
  "They only simulated to separate from Judaism, just like fighters who adopt the armour and the flag of the enemy only to strike more surely and annihilate with more strength," ("History of the Jews," by a Jew, Graetz).
  The well known Professors Ph. Marshall Brown, of Princeton and A.B. Hart, of Harvard, confirmed the words of E. Renan:
  "The Jews do not give wholehearted allegiance to any one land!"

  * General Percin revealed that the Jews, who served as artillery officers in the French army, were purposely directing their guns in such a way that the shells killed an enormous number of French soldiers.



  "What happened in Russia is briefly this: the few, educated in literature and in commerce, taking advantage of the mismanagement of the war, procured the abdication of the Czar. They were, however, utterly unable to establish a functioning government. They were soon forcibly dispossessed by the present gang of cut-throats, who adopted the methods of wholesale slaughter. Lenin and Trotsky are neither of them Russians, nor either of them Communists."
  Such was the puerile statement given as an explanation of the revolution in Russia by Robert McCormick, the editor of The Chicago Tribune, in May, 1922.
  Mr. McCormick completely ignores history. He believes that "few men educated in literature" could upset the Czar and dissolve into thin air his 17,000,000 soldiers. As his Chicago Tribune is read by millions of Americans, one can understand how fitting were the remarks of the eminent Ambassador of Great Britain, Sir Aukland Geddes, when he told the delegates to the Pan-American Conference of Women in Washington, that "the trouble with you--women, is, you are too ignorant. Unless you get out of this ignorance you are a positive menace." How much greater a menace is an editor who believes that a revolution in a country of 180 million souls could be brought about by a "few men educated in literature."
  "A few years ago some very stupid men set the world on fire. The men, who ostensibly did this, were the Czar Nicholas, the Kaiser Franz Joseph, the Kaiser Wilhelm, the King of Great Britain, etc. These men were all tools in the hands of more cunning men" declared Mr. Philip Francis, ex-Editor of The New York American, who, as he says, "was in a position to see behind the scenes and to watch the secret workings," in his otherwise clever booklet "The Poison in America's Cup."
  When he states, that the King of Great Britain was a "tool" of "more cunning men," that means, that these could not be Britishers, as one would understand from his writing. Who were these "super-cunning men?" The same "300" of the Hidden Hand who are now staging the Second World War against the United States, perhaps in 1926, unless the Americans open their eyes by spreading the message of this book, which exposes this Hidden Hand.
  There are numberless proofs, that the Jews never sought the improvement of any nation, but that their aims were to murder and de-Christianize.  They are like worms In the finest apple.
  "We Jews have spoiled the blood of all the races. We have tarnished and broken their power. We have made everything foul, rotten, decomposed, decayed" (Dr. Kurth Munzer, a Jew, in his "The Way to Zion.")
  "Triumph of Jews is voiced by rabbi Israel Goldstein (New York). He referred to the great growth of Jewish influence" (N.Y. World, Sept. 21, 1925).
  Alas! This influence means demoralization and "satanization!"


   [below photograph:]

  The "World Autocrat and Assassin," the Vicar of Satan on earth, the grandson of James Rothschild III, who, through his agent, a Mongol-talmudist, Judah P. Benjamin (the Secretary of State of the South), started the Civil War in America in 1861. Through his Mongol-talmudist, Benjamin Disraeli, he also arranged the landing in 1863 at Mexico of the troops of five powers in the hope of smashing the Northerners and annexing the South to his "Mexican" Empire, with Emperor Maximilian as the   Gentiles' front.
  It was also Edward's great grandfather, Amschel Rothschild I, who equipped and sent here 16,800 Hessian soldiers to crush the American patriots who started the War of Independence.
  The leaders of Bolshevism are Jews,--Edward's mere agents.
  "The only real experiment in the setting up of Communism had resulted in a tyranny being replaced by a tyranny ten thousand times more hideous" (Rev. D. Kennedy-Bell, Vicar of St. John's, London, The Daily Mail, Aug. 1925).

  15 East 128th Street, New York City


  General Cherep-Spiridovich Extolled as Prophet.


  "Spiridovich is the Slav Pope -- Spiridovich is the Slav Bismarck" -- acknowledged the "Russkoye Slovo," Russia's greatest paper.
  "Nothing has happened, nothing was told since 1914, that General Spiridovich did not foresee, foretell, and repeat a hundred times with the fiery, passionate stubborness, which is the distinguishing quality of the seers and prophets," ("L'Information," in Paris, on December 27, 1915).
  "So Count Spiridovich prophesied exactly ten years ago. Few prophets have been more thoroughly justified than he. Today is the tenth anniversary of an astounding prophecy of his, which appeared on our pages, Dec. 19, 1908," (The Editor of the "Daily Graphic" on Dec. 19, 1918).
  "General Cherep-Spiridovich has the credentials as a successful PROPHET" (the Editor of the "Financial News," on January 24, 1919).
  "The XXth Century Prophet," a "PROPHETIC GENIUS," ("The Christian Commonwealth" in February, 1919).
  "Count Spiridovich has a more intimate knowledge of the Russian problem than almost anyone who has visited this country. He has very definite ideas about what should be done to save the world from Bolshevism. The General should be consulted by those in authority. His profound and intimate knowledge should be at their service. His book, "Towards Disaster," published in 1913, predicted what would happen in Russia in the event of a European War and this, like his other predictions, has shown that he possesses an uncanny intuition," (the Editor of the "Daily Chronicle," the famous Mr. Robert Donald, President of the British Empire's Press, in his own "The Yorkshire Observer," on April 25th, 1919).
  "The accurate fulfilment of all the forecasts of Gen. Splridovich gives to his advice a great weight. His foresight approaches the MIRACULOUS. His detailed knowledge of affairs and men would not be "sufficient to explain this gift." (Mr. Urbain Gohier, the brilliant Editor of "La Vieille France," Paris, July 29, 1920).
  "Count Spiridovich may justly claim to be the possessor of a faculty for foreseeing events in the political world, which entitles him to be called a PROPHET in all seriousness. His book, "Towards Disaster; Dangers and Remedies" (1913), proved him to be possessed of a PRETERNATURAL intuition," (Lord Alfred Douglas, Editor of "Plain English" on Sept 25th, 1920).
  "Count Cherep-Spiridovich is one of the best informed world politicians, whose sincerity and devotion to the truth no one can doubt. He has taught me more political history in a year than I had previously learned in my whole life, 62 years," (the Editor of the "Asiatic Review," on Dec. 3rd, 1920).
  The late Ambassador of Italy, Baron Mayor de Planches, gave an interview in New York in April, 1907, when in "The New York Times," on April 17, 1907, appeared the General's letter (foretelling the 2 Balkan and the World Wars):
  "The United States had its Washington, the Italian Kingdoms were joined by Garibaldi; Bismarck gave lasting unity to the German people, and now the Slav nations may have their hero. The appearance of a Slav Bismarck is imminent. The prediction is on every Slav tongue. But the conditions which such a liberator must fulfill are very difficult. Such a leader must answer six requirements. The only man who can meet all the six conditions is General, Count Spiridovich." (The Town Topics, April, 1907).
  "The General's writings bear evidence of a faculty of prevision which amounts to PROPHETIC GENIUS, entities his utterances to the weightiest consideration," (the Editor of the "Asiatic Review" in Feb, 1919).
  "General Count Cherep-Spiridovich was thoroughly well acquainted in the most intimate manner with all the undercurrents and intrigues of European politics," (the "New York Staats Zeitung" on April 29, 1921).
  Some of Germany's newspapers implied that her failure was due to him.
  "General Spiridovich is the most inspired and fearless man alive today. And he has behind him the terrible record of prophetic warnings in the past, fulfilled." (the famous homeopath, Dr. John H. Clarke, Vice-Pres. of "The Britons," London).

  15 East 128th Street, New York City.  Tel. Harlem 4962.



  Every expert in world affairs foresees a war, perhaps in 1926.
  "A new war would be the cemetery of civilization" (Hon. H. Hoover).
  The "American Tribunal" (74 W. Washington St., Chicago) is spreading maps: "If Britain and Japan Conquer U. S. A."
  Every expert in domestic affairs foresees great troubles.
  "The menace of radicalism has become very grave" (Sen. G. Moses).
  The Scopes trial meant a wholesale assault upon CHRIST.*
  The foreign, domestic and religious assaults are co-ordinated by the Hidden Hand which controls $300 billion and the press.
  An exterior assault will provoke a revolt and Civil War here. And a revolt, general strike or Civil War will provoke an assault.
  "Girls should be trained in politics" (Mrs. M. Ferguson, Governor).
  But there is no "School of Politics." A School of Diplomacy is being created at Hopkins University, but nobody will dare tell the truth!
  A score of great Editors called me "Prophet" and the best informed man in Chicago thinks that I am the "man from the North," who "shall save civilization," as Tolstoy proclaimed.** We can save it thus:
  At every election each candidate must be required to: 1) "Speak about the Secret World Government, which (as Hon. Marshall said) will not permit peace;" 2) "Demand that Congress appoint a Committee of inquiry as to Who Started the First World War;" and 3) "Exact a monthly tax of 1 cent per capita to create an Honest Press."***
  These 3 simple measures will surely save our civilization.
  Aryans! You calmly contemplated the extermination in cold blood of 30,000,000 Russians by the foes of CHRIST. You ignore that in Austria 85% of the Christian girls are violated and infected before their marriage by the same foes of CHRIST, as officially proved (see "L'Autriche Juive" by P. Trocase). You let the "wave of crime" grow by permitting a steady influx of the foes of CHRIST. You are betraying your children, who must bear the consequences.
  All those who wish to prevent the otherwise IMMINENT catastrophe for the White Race are requested to join our League.
  THE LEAGUE'S OBJECTS: To unite anti-bolshevists to combat Bolshevism everywhere. To explain that the Soviets by enflaming 1,200,000,000 Colored and all the worst elements everywhere, are creating a deadly danger to the whole Aryan Race. To show that Semi-Mongolian Mexico is becoming a fortress of Bolshevism and a potential military base for Anti-American forces (as in 1861-65). To support an Inquiry as to "Who Started the First World War" and to prove that it was done by the Secret World Government, which is staging now a Second World War against America--and a Civil War in the United States, as it did in 1861-85. If Russia casts out the bolsheviks, she will prevent a Mongol onslaught upon the U.S. THE UPSETTING OF BOLSHEVISM MEANS LIFE OR DEATH TO AMERICA.
  OFFICIAL ORGANS: "THE GENTILES' REVTEW," ($1.00 a year or 10 cents a copy), and the "SLAVIA" (Slavdom) in Russian ($1.00 a year or 10 cts a copy). These are the only two publications in America, telling the whole Truth and revealing all political "Mysteries." They present the ONLY "School of World Affairs."
  THE MEMBERS' dues of the "Universal Anti-Bolshevist League" are as follows: World Benefactors (Life Members) $500.00; Perpetual (Life Members) $100.00; Active Members $10.00 yearly, and Associate Members $1.00 yearly.

  Headquarters: 15 East 128th Street, New York, N. Y.

  * Instead of boiling Bishops alive or flaying them, as the Hidden Hand is doing in Russia, it prefers to "kill CHRIST'S religion by ridiculing it." When W.J. Bryan promised to create a law to prohibit it, he "suddenly" died...
  ** Lenin could not be this "man from the North," because he was a Kalmuk talmudist (as confirmed by Capt. A. Proctor), i.e. "a man from the South."
  *** Such tax would yield $20,000,000 yearly with which could be started 20 truthful newspapers independent of Judeo-Mongol advertising.



Edition with retyped Appendices formerly illegible from bad scan at:

Nesta Websters's "World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilisation" edited and brought up to date by Anthony Gittens (7th edition 1994)  on page 275 contains the following footnote in relation to a book by General A.E. Spiridovich entitled "The History of Bolshevism":

   "* EDITOR'S NOTE: Not to be confused with a certain Major-General Count Cherep-Spiridovich whose emotional book "The Secret World Government" is grossly inaccurate."

Nesta  Webster was eulogised in "The Secret World Government" (1926) by Cherep-Spiridovich himself BUT he was reserved in his total acclamation of her, saying that she did not emphatically attribute the cause of World Unrest to its ultimate and verified source: the Messianic megalomaniacal dream for World Conquest and the total subjugation/annihilation of the Gentiles by organized Jewry and its orbital Shabbas/Shabbez Goyin. Cherep-Spiridovich summarised the whole issue in his reference to NT, John 8:44.

Having read "The Secret World Government" I was singularly impressed not only with numerous insights into the likely true complexion of accepted "historical events" but even more with the corroboration of those insights in the form of the manifold DOCUMENTED references it contains, many of them from self-proclaimed or crypto-Jews, which admissions were against interest and therefore highly prejudicial to their makers.

Nesta Webster was indeed "the foremost opponent of subversion"* but this cited footnote, for which absolutely no evidential support or further comment is provided, endangers the integrity of the book. One can only assume that Mr Gittens (reportedly one of her small team of researchers during her lifetime) or a later undisclosed hand was responsible for this footnote and one must ask what motivated its inclusion....

It is also historical fact that at least from the mid-1930s onwards if not earlier Nesta Webster was associated with the British Right-Wing (and arguably certain Fascist elements) including the notable Captain Archibald Maule Ramsay (author: "The Nameless War", 1952) who the Duke of Bedford openly described in his house of Lords speech on 25 January 1944 (reported in Hansard) as "anti-Semitic and anti-Communist".

Cherep-Spiridovich's book was published in 1926 and refers to Nesta Webster's "World Revolution" as will be seem from the numerous extracted quotations below. Given the mutual esteem that appaers to have existed between these two authors I can only assume that the cited footnote was introduced much later on, long after Cherep-Spiridovich's death [by assassination] in the 1920s, and possibly after the death of Nesta Webster herself. Was it intended to impugn not only Cherep-Spiridovich but also Nesta Webster herself?

From the book covers for "World Revolution":

*"After the First World War she was asked to give a lecture on the Origin and Progress of World Revolution to the officers of the Royal Artillery at Woolwich. By special request she repeated the lecture to the officers of the Brigade of Guards in Whitehall, and then she was asked to repeat it a third time to the officers of the Secret Service, and it was to their special request that she wrote "World Revolution", based on these lectures.

Comments on Nesta Webster from Cherep-Spiridovich in "The Secret World Government":

page 16:
"The Jews have always formed a rebellious element in every State, and
not more in those where they were persecuted than in those where they were
allowed to dwell at peace." (Mrs. Nesta Webster, "World Revolution," p. 163).

page 19:
"The Jew has persistently shown himself ungrateful" (N. Webster).

page 20:
"The French Revolution," "World Revolution, The Plot
Against Civilization," and "The Secret Societies," by the most
talented Mrs. Nesta Webster of London, the best historian of today,
are so important, that I will refer to them later. No student of
history, no politician or preacher, especially no woman should miss
reading them. Among the thousands of historians Mrs. Webster
stands as a colossus endowed with a rare erudition and courage.

page 32:
But all the above very best Jewish, American, Italian and English
historians are all wrong in data.
The 5 excellent authors (except Mrs. Webster) would die from
fear rather than reveal this "Mystery."
The great revolutionary movement began between the middle
and the end of the 18-th ccentury, when in 1770 Amschel Rothschild
became the manager of the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel.
Amschel hired all the "Miliukovs," "Kerenskies,"
"Lenins" et al. of the 18th century to start their subversive
agitation, just as E. Rothschild hired those of the 20th century in
order to stage bloodshed, as was foretold by OUR SAVIOR.

page 34:
Mrs. Nesta Webster in her 3 excellent books, The Morning
Post in its "Cause of World Unrest" and numberless authors ex-
posed in detail the history of the creation of Free-Masonry by the
Jews, and also how the Jews later invaded or re-educated nearly
all the Free-Masonic Lodges, opened by the Christians.

page 36:
Mrs. N. Webster suggested several answers (which practically
means none) and confessed, that she wandered into a "blind alley."
Everybody fears to speak of the Hidden power, the mischief
maker. The Jews maintain the greatest secrecy about their Occult
Government, but hundreds of writers, even Jewish, have confirmed
its existence.

page 43:
My criticism of Mrs. N. Webster's book, French Revolution
(1920) in Plain English of Aug. 28 and Sept. 4, 1920, inspired her.
In her wonderful World Revolution (1921) she already dares
to quote from Charles d'Hericault (La Revolution, p. 104)
"At Wilhelmsbad in 1782 it was decided to remove the headquarters of
`Illuminized' (i. e. re-judaized or re-satanized) Free-Masonry to Frankfurt-on-
Main, which `incidentally' was the stronghold of Jewish Finance, controlled
by such leading members of the race as Rothschild, Mayer Amschel.  At
this head lodge of Frankfurt the gigantic plan of world revolution (practically
murdering) was carried forward and it was there, that at a large Masonic
Congress in 1786, the deaths of Louis XVI and Gustavus III of Sweden were
definitely decreed." (And also of Emperor Joseph II. of Austria).
The absence of these eight lines in Mrs. Webster's book
French Revolution most visibly detracts from its great value.

page 44:
All the above "mysteries" and "forces of evil" and this
"something," which happened in the 18th century, and which L.
Stoddard, Ferrero, Webster, Zangwill, B. Shaw and Wells mention,
but do not reveal - will be uncovered in this book, and I shall
also explain the "mysteries", which puzzled the press concerning
Northcliffe, Rathenau, Venizelos and others.

page 56:
The striking resemblance between the Jewish ritual and of Free-
Masonry is exposed in the "Cause of the World Unrest" and in the
"World Revolution," which ought to be read by every intelligent
man, as also Mrs. Webster's "Secret Societies".

page 57:
We shall reveal all "the mysteries" and all that "The Morning
Post"; that talented historian of the French Revolution and World
Revolution, Mrs. Nesta Webster; that which the boldest of British
statesmen--Mr. Winston Churchill and the cleverest of the German
Generals--Ludendorff--ignored, or did not have the courage to

page 58:
Truth! Truth ! Truth ! Nothing else is needed to cheek Satan
and his delegates. The "Jewish Peril" is the "acid test" of intelligence
for every Christian. Who does not recognise the Jews as
Satanists, as CHRIST HIMSELF declared, is not a wise Christian.
This said, I would recommend that my readers peruse the books,
mentioned in the Introduction and especially the books of Mrs.
Nesta Webster and "The Cause of World Unrest" (Grant Richards,
London) by the "Morning Post," of London, England, one of only
a dozen publications in the whole world, which are not yet compelled
to lie by the satanists.

page 61:
Trying in vain to deny Mrs. Webster's correct statements, in her
magnificent "Secret Societies", Mr. Silas Bent wrote:
"But it is not so easy, even if one takes Mrs. Webster's side of the disputed
statement, that Mirabeau was a freemason and concedes that Adam
Weisshaupt was as wicked as Cagliostro, to conclude therefrom that Freemasonry
was the hothouse of the French Revolution. From what Pandora's box,
we begin to wonder, did our Colonial Revolution leap forth?"

page 61:
Bent adds :
"Mrs. Nesta Webster cannot escape the conclusion that international financiers
put up the money.* More it is Jewish financiers who supply the
funds; it is Jews who have been the agents-provocateur of revolution for
the last two thousand years*. It is the Jews who are the secret-inner council
of the five principal organized horrendous movements at work in the world
with which organized government has to contend:
"1) Grand Orient Freemasonry (centre in Paris); 2) Theosophy with its innumerable
ramifications; 3) Nationalism of an aggressive kind, now represented
by Pan-Germanism**; 4) International Finance; 5) Social Revolution".
"Taking these up in turn, to see where the money grows, Mrs. Webster
concludes that it is indigenous to international finance which is synonymous
with Jews. She agrees with Henry Ford : Put under control the fifty most
wealthy Jewish financiers, who produce wars for their own profit, and wars
will cease." (The New York Times, March 8, 1925).

page 64:
Practically the only author in England, who honestly tried to
throw real light on the French and World Revolutions is the talented
and learned Mrs. Nesta Webster. It may be that by her woman's
intuition she opened the door where male historians faltered. An
immense amount of credit is due to her, because of her courage, and
erudition. My articles ("Plain English", 1920) "created her!
All the books of the "Hundred Blind Authors" on the French
Revolution ought to be abandoned, or kept in libraries as examples
of how History ought not to be written.

page 107:
Many historians and the best of these, Mrs. Nesta Webster, describe,
that the Alta Vendita was led by a young "Italian" nobleman
with the pseudonym of Nubius. His right hand, if not his
"chieftain" was a "Piccolo Tigre," a Jew, who was always travelling
all over Europe and was masquerading as an itinerant money
lender, carrying instructions to the Carbonari and "returning laden
with gold for the money chests of Nubius."

page 141:
The best British historian, Mrs. Nesta Webster in her "World Revolution"
masterly describes all the insects and reptiles of the then
Political Zoo, which produced the Revolution of 1848. But like
other writers, she forgot the "Tigers" Rothschilds and wrote
"Organized by the Secret Societies, directed by the Socialists, executed by
the working men and aggravated by the intractable attitude of the King, the
second great outbreak of World Revolution took place" (p. 129) Yes!
But why not mention, who headed these Secret Societies and, that
the King was inspired by the same James, who led these societies
and who was the chief promoter of the Revolution of 1848, as of
all other bloodsheds, according to Disraeli!!! Mrs. Webster says
"But the working classes were not admitted to the inner councils of
the leaders: the place of the vanguard was on the barricades when the shooting
began, not in the meetings , where the plan of campaign was drawn up".
If admitted in the meetings, the workmen might have exclaimed
with Robespierre
'What are all these aliens (i.e. Jews) doing here.' "

page 151:
Was it one of the young Rothschilds, the youngest of whom
Jacob (James) was then 16 years old, his brother Karl, 20 years,
or the 31 years old Nathan, who constantly rushed from Frankfurt
to London through Paris - Dunkerk. Nathan personified the
type of an "itinerant jeweller and moneylender", described by
Mrs. Nesta Webster in her "World Revolution" (p. 87).

page 164:
"Mazzini, professing Christian and patriot though he was, had joined the
ranks of Carbonari, where his activities merely excited the derision of the
Alta Vendita, which held that the mind rather than the body should be the
point of attack." (Mrs. Nesta Webster, "World Revolution,'' p. 122)