Started by superzebra, July 25, 2010, 06:03:05 PM

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[size=150]Turning Point 2012[/size]


i can't download the file at all ,, was looking forward to it as well




DBS intro: health problems and strain of isolation and carrying on the fight; Mexican Gulf Oil "spill" - evidence of oil blobs suspended in red coloured liquid - is the "spill" really large scale/actually as portrayed?

@4.58 M. Rafeeq's recent presentation on monetary reform, link on TFC website to video. [url please] Massive monetary resources and potential to use for influence needs to be taken from the entrenched bankers.

@7:15 M. Rafeeq: give me control of a nation's currency and I care not who makes the laws (Mayer Amschel Rothschild) is the key. D. Martin and new Bank of England Act. MR sceptical this would take us back to utopia as it does not address how control of the money supply got lost in the first case and stop it reverting to the criminals.

@8.55 president Lincoln's greenback debt free issue in the Civil War spelt end of his life likewise with John Kennedy {but NOTE the Stadtmiller info on Lincoln in January/February 2009 series: 'Who Is Behind the New World Order Agenda' and also the two RBN/national Intel talks 21 and 14 July -- see Forum Zionist Personalities We Should Know About}.

@11:00 M. Rafeeq: look at how to counter the risk of the banksters taking back the assets if removed from them. If not done, monetary reform doomed to failure. {But what was that about a 1000 mile (?) journey begins with the first step (OK communo-BS). But don't chuck out the baby with the bathwater!!!!}

@12:30 DBS says anyone who gained billions in wealth must have created suffering and imbalance in the process of getting. {This figures, St Thomas Aquinas posited the model of equivalence of exchange in commercial dealings. In this respect see also the Great Red Dragon.} Their amassed wealth is ill gotten and should be taken away.

@16:57 DBS says Bloom at MR's presentation made good point on Rothschild using mercenaries to take control of money system. Napoleon was going to be victorious till Belgian mercenaries brought into the balance on behalf of London banking hegemony. M. Rafeeq's presentation said it was at this point privately owned central banks were established in various countries.

Present day use of mercenaries. Desensitisation of soldiery who become inured to remote killing. Heavyweight weaponry used by the private military. The threat to liberty by mercenary armies. The crime group as mass murderers {Cherep-Spiridovich: The Secret World Government, quoting John 8:44}.

@30:50 Communist China government has tried to stamp out opium addiction, in only 300 of last 1000 years did China not have the largest estimated GDP and that was when its population's opium addiction was highest.

@34:37 the cookie cutter sameness of US towns; the shekel the leading light. Disconnection from the past, atomisation of society {Harold Sherwood Spencer: Shylocracy or Democracy}.

@39:25 1,000 hours of mp3 files on TFC website need cataloguing, DBS needs help in managing the website resources.

{Gloomy talk about resistance needing backing and previous attempts to break the hold coming to nothing eg Father Coughlin US radio talks in the 1930s.}

Remove them from the money but they will fight back using bribery, fraud and if they fail, murder. Next steps could be mass murder on major scale.

@45:10 M Rafeeq remarks per Daily Telegraph reports, photos of Deep Water Horizon had PhotoShopped images of cleanup up put out by BP. The newspapers did not expose this fraud, it was people on the internet investigating for no payment. @47:13 The Times newspaper website traffic has dropped 90% since Murdoch introduced pay per access. His paper sales also way down. The newspapers are not trusted and they just took the story from the internet. DBS: Does this explain why photographers are banned from the cleanup area? Corexit ostensibly being used to clean up but does it have other intended effects? Neuro-toxic component - potential mass poisoning.

@56:20 - M. Rafeeq saying corexit for oil treatment but the hole is pumping out red stuff!
DBS: More people need to become actively involved in the struggle.

@1:01: M. Rafeeq: need to lose the naivety in the monetary reform movement; @1:03:35 numbers for TFC website down somewhat so tell your friends to come to the website and note there is no sponsoring or advertising or technical support teams so resources are limited.

{David and Goliath!!!!!!!!}