TFC - Tuesday 7 September 2010 - DBS / Ognir

Started by Helphand, September 20, 2010, 04:42:16 PM

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TFC - Tuesday 7 September 2010 - DBS / Ognir

Freeman on the land, natural rights -vs.- equity rights. Judge genuflected to defendant in Canadian case on YouTube {don't think so, the judges always bow to the court when they order a recess}.
Ognir: always settle out of court! Lawyers serve the court not their client.

DBS: the Elite can use techniques in Republics to avoid taxes e.g. by use of trusts.
Is an implosion of gold and/or silver prices in the offing through manipulation of respective futures contracts?

Inflation is the hidden tax. Shorting of silver positions on CBT.
Ognir: a contact bought gold from Alex Jones, now over ebay {WTF!... watch out for the scams there and deal face to face using a Fisch gauge :) } California State passed law AD1506 on 23 August 2010 which provided for California's State IOU's to be accepted by it in payment of State taxes - competition for Federal Reserve Notes!

Tony Blair's {NB: kosher-mom Lipsett, sc.: Lipschitz} Dublin autobiography {A Journey} book signing and the demo. Former PM Bertie O'Hearne presided over the Celtic Tiger years, now reviled. "Once you look for them you see the Jews everywhere." Newspapers; Radio Shows; TV; Hollywood; top guys, directors producers, are all The Chosen. {Check out the BBC; A.H. Lane was documenting their zio-anarcho-judeo-subversion bias pre-WW2, e.g. Chapter "Aliens and the BBC" 1934.}
Ireland's toll roads, health, pensions and the austerity measures.

DBS: Irish waking up to fact that political party leaders are being approached by Common Purpose to participate in seminars on securing leadership, Sinn Fein always infiltrated by MI6, Jews of CP et al.? {Ask 'Tony Cliff' aka Ygael Gluckstein! LOL} Bobby Sands' hunger strike {Don't tell me he was related to Schlomo Sand!?!}
Ognir: Political wing of IRA infiltrated and status quo secretly accepted by Irish Nationalist leaders? Whispers circulating of Gerry {Adams} and McGuinness maybe having worked for the Brits. Mary McDonald - mention Common Purpose and she is off the phone pronto.
DBS: Jewish influence in Ireland and UK reminds him of Hal Turner who was ostensibly some sort of Patriot / White Separatist while in reality he was run by the FBI. {NB: Turner was convicted in August and sentenced, check out with the Zionists at, show of August 19, 2010}. Adam Austin an agent provocateur like HT, working with John Alan Martinson Jr. {yeah but J.A.M. DID produce 911 Missing Links which DOES have generally accepted standing and J.A.M. reportedly since alienated from Delaney & co. so lay off him guys unless there's something bad corroborated!}. DBS's scepticism of Mike Rivero.

Stay away from people proposing radical solutions, Jew pogroms etc.
Ognir: JoeBlow is on the AA bandwagon. {is he an Iranian Jew, of the Dja-did-ul-Islam?*}
DBS: no mention by Rivero of the Roman Catholic Church being infiltrated by Jews or Rothschild being the Vatican's banker since 1827 and the Jewish Popes or worldwide cardinals being marranos and other crypto Jews.*
Ognir: Rivero seems to have the hots for DBS/Ognir in the culture of critique stakes. TiU Forum has lost some mods in August but they will be replaced, upcoming guests from Ireland and hopefully a former US Presidential campaign candidate...

Adam Austin's {Austerlitz?} photo stance holding a handgun with finger placement. Indicates police background? {or he's a gun nut who just watches lots of cop TV shows? Beware the marrano.}
DBS: rising foodstuff prices. AA's tactic of saying all anti-Zionists are themselves Jews - sounds like Eric Hufschmid's drumbeat.
AA, J.A.M., Hufschill etc etc etc: x is a Jew, y is a Jew, z is a Jew - these are kind of distractions. {Good! Someone noticed at last!} Gilad Atzmon a Jew but has given it up, he is agitating against the Zios}.
Ognir: but many rank and file Jews ARE supporting Israel with donations etc.
DBS: Zionist Jews, media, bankers, corporations are at the top. Unrealistic to say ordinary Jews involved unless knowingly so, but if they knowingly assist, they too are culpable....

Ognir: need to explore the freeman on the land issue as one defensive strategy but watch out for the nutcase proponents, tie the enforcers up in knots. Embargo Israeli-produced fruits, embargo Zionist newspapers; to explore paedophile influence in Washington DC etc.**, the banking scam. {Dr. Carley seems up on Ritual Murder, even wackjob Sherry Shriner cautions to watch your kids around Passover, Purim, Hannukah... plenty of material for a show in the second footnote below marked **} Need actions not just rants about "Jews". {Alex Linder's definition of Jew (Yahoo?) = "A Node On An International Criminal Network."}

*< <<The Jewish Encyclopaedia which we mentioned cites examples under the word "criptojudios"
(= Christians who secretly admit to Judaism): "This phenomenon (criptojudaismo) is still not very old. It appeared in 1838, when the Shah of Persia compelled the Jewish community of Meshed
to admit to Islam. Several hundred Jews then formed a community, which was known under the name
Dja-did-ul-Islam. The new Musulmans seemingly followed the Mohammedan rites and undertook the
usual pilgrimages to Mecca. In secret, however, they practised the religious customs of their forefathers.
The members of the community of Dja-did-ul-lslam held religious gatherings in underground synagogues,
circumcised their sons, observed the Sabbath, respected the laws of diet and survived the danger to
which they exposed themselves. However, later many of them left Meshed and founded two settlements
of the sect in Herat, Afghanistan, Merv and Samarkand, Turkestan, Bombay, Jerusalem and even
in Europe (London).>>>

"More unmarked babies graves found at Bethany House
More than 200 infants born at a Protestant residential home in Dublin were buried in unmarked graves, new reseach
has found.
The children were born between 1922 and 1949 at Bethany House, an evangelical institution for unmarried women and their
Earlier this year, 40 infants from the home were discovered in unmarked graves in the nearby Mount Jerome cemetery."

  Evidence of Jewish ritual murder or maybe just upper level Freemasonic antics? Freemasonry being Judaism for the Goyim, not much difference? Be interesting to know if the autopsies reveal any signs of knife cuts on bones and if so, if a pattern of wound placements occurs...