TiURadio Thursday 28 October, 2010. Ognir / Daryl Bradford Smith

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TiURadio Thursday 28 October, 2010. Ognir / Daryl Bradford Smith

http://theinfounderground.com/archives/ ... ankers.mp3

Ognir: 24 October report says the Vatican is laying the blame squarely on Israel for Mid-East conflict (activistpost.com); also report today Jews claiming on Vatican Bank for $2billion more Holocaust money.
DBS: Rothschild managing Vatican as asset manager since 1827, strange connection there. Most organised religions are corrupt; centralised RC patrimony never used by recent Popes for alleviation of poverty. Contrast local church charities. According to James Condit II destruction of RC Church has accelerated since Vatican II {Nostra Aetate, 1964: check out "Judaism and the Vatican" by Vicomte Leon de Poncins (1967) http://www.4shared.com/dir/4TFesXeu/Public.html     }.
Ognir: Islamophobia everywhere.
DBS: Cui bono, who's benefiting from this hate raking? Pitting Christianity against Islam in a final decisive Middle East conflict has been on the cards since 1990s {or earlier: Albert Pike, originally 'Pikel', perhaps?, "Morals and Dogma" and other c19 writings including his correspondence in 1871 with Giuseppe Mazzini envisaging clash of political Zionists and Islam from which final global conflict the conspirators will snatch control?}  {1} Jews hate Jesus Christ, Talmudic hate; but Islam venerates him and his mother as most important prophet and the awaited messiah. {2} Wahhabism influenced it seems by Jewish influence at the top e.g. in Saudi Arabia who have radicalised a segment of Islam via the madrasas in Pakistan, Afghanistan etc. Taking religion to extent of it requiring hatred of all others.
Ognir: Sephardic Rabbi {Ovadia} Yosef reported as saying publicly that Gentiles are donkeys and created to serve Jews. Endorsed by 18 prominent rabbis including Chief Rabbi {Samuel} Eliyahu; calling on embargo of renting of Israeli property to non-Jews. Trying to kick out 400 foreign workers, children from Israel. ADL

DBS: Palestinian Christian community had 10s of 1000s of people in it, the Jewish hate was originally against Christians.
Ognir: On the lighter side UN is recognising Palestine as a an independent state and member of UN from August 2011.
DBS: Current day Israelis are mainly Ashkenazis and have no blood links to the original inhabitants of Israel/Palestine. Judaism's main allegiance is to Talmud, the rabbinical/pharisaic teachings that Jesus Christ attacked. All based on murder, hate, group exclusivity, child sexual abuse; Kol Nidre prayer of nullification of oaths, promises etc. made to non-Jews.
Ognir: Judaism not a religion just a front for a criminal organisation! {Alex Linder of VNN memorably defined a Jew as a node on an international criminal network and called Judaism a pea under a shell game; when it suited the Jews' purpose Judaism was a religion; or as circumstances demanded, an ethnicity; a nation; or a race.}
DBS: it IS a religion - a religion of hate! Shlomo Sand's book {The Invention Of The Jewish People (2009)} - a Jewish Tel Aviv University professor - says he could not find supporting evidence for 90% of the claims made in Judaism on e.g. racial origins, patriarchs etc. It's being made up as they go along... even cheating over accolades like Nobel prizes etc. Their claims of intellectual superiority are hyperbole and not borne out in personal experience. {3}

Ognir: their historic persecution (retribution) has been due to their parasitical activity across many nation states. Adopt the Byzantine rule of keeping them out of education, medicine, banking, state officialdom... Usury, blood libel etc have been major reasons for expulsions of Jewish populations. Israeli manual for handling criticism on internet forums etc has been circulated { The Israel Project's 2009 Global Language Dictionary [www.fugaziquo.com]}. Many Jews not only in mainstream media but in the alternative too. {check out Jew (pen name) Michael Bradley's commentary on the publication of the revised version of his "The Iceman Inheritance" (first published 1978) http://www.lust-for-life.org/Lust-For-L ... itance.pdf and his observations that the media are controlled by Jews and that Jewish neurotic, aggressive behaviour points to the Neanderthal / Caucasoid origins of Ashkenazi Jews, even down to body shape, facial features and hair colour. His piece even extends to noting the above statistical average degree of homosexuality in Jewish communities.} OK for Jews to send money to Israel but go to jail if you send money to Hamas.
DBS: Jeff Rense pushing Islamophobia and notably Devvy Kidd's hit pieces {Debowah sounds a Jewy kinda gall if you can stand to listen to any of her hystewical podcasts. She sounded like a spoilt 60s brat who needed a good paddling. More than evens that she is J.} DBS attacked Rense 6 years ago for mixing good info with garbage like crop circles, alien visitations, etc. Recent contretemps between Rense and Mark Glenn of The Ugly Truth. Falling out long ago of DBS/Bollyn/Hufschmid with Glenn/Piper/AFP - DBS alleged MG was an Israeli agent which allegation DBS has withdrawn but seems MG has not accepted the retraction. Rense currently pushing oddballs Schwartz, Livergood, Drockton {but Drockton did do some good by publicising the Scottish Holly Greig officialdom / paedophilia case this year}.

Rense is making himself by his actions appear an agent, an obfuscator. Mother is chief editor of Sam Newhouse's largest publication. Newhouse brothers own world's biggest journal publishing house.
Ognir: "Accidental" attack by the Jews on the USS Liberty - link to an article so described put up by Rense. Unforgivable, it was no accident. DBS offered Rense months ago to cease hostilities if Rense dropped Bigfoot, aliens and other junk; no reply. {Gordon} Duff interviewed by DBS recently has seven Jews on his staff - for... a website!?! Brother Nathaniel: first interview of him Ognir did he was of the Greek Orthodox Church, second interview he was of the Russian Orthodox Church; story changes, not the same thing. Off interviewing any Jews unless compelling reasons particularly any in the truth movement.
DBS: asked Jews to stay out 3 years ago. Believes Eric Hufschmid is Jewish, not just that his sister is half Jewish.
Ognir: Both his parents remarried to Jews.
DBS: whether for money or to destroy opponents' reputations it all points to a psy-op, not coincidence. Mark Glenn's work on the USS Liberty matter sound; Phil Tourney's work a different take from Ennis's but they were there and suffered. Rense's publication on his site of Paul Drockton's article asserting the "Accidental" attack on the USS Liberty brands Rense as disinfo.

Lots of Rense's advertisers from Jewish community.
Ognir: Finance: USA's Quantitative Easing II coming up for announcement November 3rd.
DBS: each borrowing by Federal Reserve is necessarily larger than the last. Mike Montagne {Ognir: should have him on soon} but his program on TNS Radio{?} was not effective communication although the information was good dating back to 2004 onwards: terminal nature of fiat money system. Usury is the means by which the middleman takes his cut from transactions. Once US Congressional elections over the fireworks will follow. If QE II money is given to the banks it will drive stock market prices up. Purely inflationary reflecting debasement of the currency. 50% drop in value of US Dollar in last decade.
Ognir: Euro being supported by ECB purchases of Irish bonds too.
DBS: new Congressional term will also see appropriation of private pension funds. Pusillanimous Americans not kicking off like the French.

President Sarkozy less and less popular, doubtful if even 28% support him as claimed. Jews placed in government departments as he was coming into office to ease the enactment of the Zionist policy agenda. Centralisation of courts, police, administration in France. Fluoride in water in Ireland since 1960 so hoi polloi docile.
Ognir: Dail (Parliament) entrance blocked by cement mixer trunk as protest. Euro 1 trillion owed by Ireland, cannot pay. 7.2% interest applied to new borrowings. Euro15bn of potential spending cuts in the offing in Ireland. Jews like Cowen in Irish Govt. saying senior bondholders will not lose - one is Roman Abramovich, Chelsea FC owner (Russian Jewish oligarch}. No banker arrests. 1300 zombie housing projects of maybe 100-200 homes each built in flood prone areas, planning zoning rules massaged to facilitate real estate investment of the cheap credit formerly available...
DBS: replacement politicians in Iceland are being criticised for not moving fast enough against their predecessors. Why should the Irish public be held responsible for public credit binge?
Ognir: consider simple debt repudiation, let the leveraged banking ponzi scheme fail and get rid of the banksters once and for all. 'Guaranteed Irish' products scheme {heh, look at the 'I'm Backing Britain' movement in the early 1970s - pity the initiative taken by the typing pool girls who (allegedly) dreamt up the idea didn't have the political support of the various UK Governments since then who instead pursued their globalist policies just as now when in the UK noise is being made about capping immigration while meantime secret talks on an agreement with India for letting in lots of IT sector workers are near finalisation??!?!}   {4}

Eastern Europeans arrived in droves and did all the work in the expanding economy fueled by the credit binge. Need to buy Irish again and repudiate debts to Abramovich and other foreign creditors, a 90% haircut on repayments. Accusations current again against JP Morgan for manipulating silver market.
DBS: silver industrial metal as well as monetary. Price should be USD80-90/oz. now? gold:silver ratio 61 currently, historically it is about 16:1. 2 class action suits filed against regulator CFTC. Use of naked shorts and futures to depress the current market price. The courts are so corrupt now maybe there will still be no recourse. {Check out Eustace Mullins' 'The Rape of Justice' (1989)} Will it bring JP Morgan down? DBS asked Muhammad Rafeeq and he thinks physical silver hard to find in London {old currency coins having silver content fairly hard to find but Britannias etc. are available, unattractive because silver is still not a dense store of value. Older generation in poorer inner suburbs particularly often saved sovereigns when they were currency and with the rise in gold prices a lot of these are finding their way to jewellers for smelting... or repurchase by investors ;) }

Ognir: Wikileaks release of 400,000 documents about the Iraq war.
DBS: Mossadileaks. Initial releases were to raise credibility.
Ognir: displacement of blame for wars onto America as the proxy of Israel.
DBS: public spending cuts will lead to personal safety issues. No defections from CIA to whistleblow on Israeli wrongdoing. Time to get as self-sufficient as possible.

   *   *   *   *

  Andrew Carrington Hitchcock: 'The Synagogue of Satan' (2008):

  "1871: An American General named, Albert Pike, who had been enticed into the 'Illuminati' by Giuseppe Mazzini, completes his military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world, culminating into moving this great conspiracy into its final stage. These details are as follows:

  The First World War is to be fought for the purpose of destroying the Tsar in Russia, as promised by Nathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815. The Tsar is to be replaced with communism which is to be used to attack religions, predominantly Christianity. The differences between the British and German empires are to be used to foment this war.

  The Second World War is to be used to foment the controversy between fascism and political Zionism, with the oppression of Jews in Germany a lynchpin in bringing hatred against the German people. This is designed to destroy fascism (which the Rothschilds created) and increase the power of political Zionism. This war is also designed to increase the power of communism to the level that it equalled that of united Christendom.

  The Third World War is to be played out by stirring up hatred of the Muslim world for the purposes of playing the Islamic world and the political Zionists off against one another. Whilst this is going on, the remaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual and economic exhaustion.

  On August 15th of this year, Albert Pike writes a letter (now catalogued in the British Museum) to Giuseppe Mazzini in which he states the following,

    "We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism, the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal; but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view.
    A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

   *   *   *   *

  {2} I find much attractive the idea that ALL THREE Abrahamic religions were crafted by the Elite Pig Jews ((c) Charles Giuliani Truth Hertz) in order

(a) to disempower personal autonomy by imposing numerous rules which through their emphasis on the inevitability of sin impose a deadweight of disabling guilt and constant mental double de-clutching, even for "thought crimes" where there is no physical victim,
(b) to control the population through fear of eternal damnation and relentless horror and the need to secure forgiveness (later developed into the commercial racket of buying forgiveness/penances, a phenomenon not restricted to the Roman Catholic Church); and
(c) to inspire divide-and-rule dissension between adherents of the three rival factions thereby distracting attention from the puppet masters.

  I also find attractive the notion espoused by Cherep-Spiridovich (below) that Islam was itself a rearguard action of the Jewish octopus against Christianity. Cherep-Spiridovich cites Jewish authors on this but at the outset it is important to bear in mind that a fundamental tenet of Islam is that whilst JC was the leading prophet he was not god and was not brought back from the dead - in other words, Islam DENIES that JC was KILLED by the Jews and therefore EXONERATES the Jews. The importance of this cannot be understated.
"Cui bono" indeed...

   *   *   *   *

  General Count A. Cherep-Spiridovich -- The Gentiles' Review. Number 1, July 1, 1923.

  ..."Mahomet's mother, a rich Jewess; Emina, and the rabbis, formed his dogmas."

  As the Jews alone could not kill the Christians, they fomented gigantic movements--Pan-Asiatism (the invasions of Attila in 451, of Baty in 1224, of an " X " in 1924). Pan-Islamism, Pan-Britainism, Pan-Germanism, Pan-Slavism, Pan-Americanism, etc.
  Pan-Judaism is leading them all. The "Hidden Hand" is its Executive.
For 2000 years history must be looked upon as a Jewish assault on Christ--a Pan-Asiatism. The Jews are genuine Asiatics and have never become part of the White race,
  • which they hate. The Jews transplanted to Japan by the "Hidden Hand," are teaching the worship of Satan, and turning the Japanese against the United States, as they did against Russia, before 1904.
 Since the Jews, Rufus Isaacs (of Marconi Co.) is ruling India, and Herbert Samuel is the "uncrowned king of Palestine," the power of Pan-Judaism over Pan-Asiaism is overwhelming and practically irresistible.
The ex-Secretary of India, Montague, is a Jew, as is the Ambassador of India to England, W. Meyer.
  A Jew, Joffe of Moscow, is inflaming Japan against the White race.
Pan-Islamism is now ruled by the Jews through the so-called "young Turks," who are Jews (Enver), of Salonica. The Koran is similar to the Jewish Talmud, but demoniacal and adapted for the nomadic life of the Arabians, who are Semites also, but hate the Jews.
Pan-Islamism, inflamed by Pan-Judaism, caused the Ottomans to invade Europe and to attempt to "bleed it white."
  But the Poles saved Christendom in 1683, when the Turks' cavalry was already near Munich. Mahomet's mother, a rich Jewess; Emina, and the rabbis, formed his dogmas.
  Bernard Lazare, a Jew, in his "L'Antisemitisme," states: "Mahomet was nourished by the Jewish spirit."
  Daste in "Les Societes, Les Juifs," proves Islamism was a Jewish creation to kill us. Israel Zangwill confessed: "The Jews had impregnated Mahomet with the ideas of Islam."
  Pan-Germanism; the Jews speak German. Frankfort is their Mecca.

   *   *   *   *

  Research & Education Foundation: Dr Robert A. Morey.

  Dr Robert A. Morey's book: "Islamic Invasion" in The Secret Teachings of Muhammad. Citations from the 9 volume 5,000 page translation of the Hadith made by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan entitled "The Translation of the Meaning of Sahih, Al-Bukhari (Kazi Publications, Lahore, Pakistan). "Introduction to Islam" by Dr. Muhammad Hamid Dulah, a translation of the French language text published by Islamic Cultural Centre in Paris. Page 23 "the teachings of Islam are based primarily on the Koran and the Hadith and ... both are based on divine inspiration. Thus the Hadith is the record of what the prophet said but did not order to incorporate in the Koran; also what he did."

  Al Bukhari collected 3,000 Hadith and reduced them to 7,200 as the most authentic and inspired.

  Written source in Koran comprised of 114 suras put together by Caliph Usman after Muhammad died. Extra-canonic teachings in the Hadith or "traditions". The second source of teaching concerning the religion of Islam; the basis of all Islamic law. Note the clear parallel with the Bible Old Testament - the law written on stone - and the Rabbinic traditions of the elders which were an oral tradition firstly and which IN MANY RESPECTS CONTRADICT THE WRITTEN LAW.

  This guy looks a bit like a younger Russell Pine a.k.a. Jordan Maxwell (Blavatskyist name) and sounds a bit spooky like Vincent Price. He is not a clear case, I assume he is of Lebanese extraction or perhaps Spanish (marrano?) origin.  During the more excited passages he sounds slightly whiny. Also note at http://sites.google.com/a/jewishjesuits.com/www/  (Jesuits of Jewish Ancestry.
A Biographical Dictionary) there appears an old quotation: "We Jesuits take pleasure in admitting those of Jewish ancestry." (Jerónimo Nadal Morey).
So the possibility he is Jewish certainly cannot be discounted. But if the hadith he quotes are correct, does it matter?

  Founder of the Nation of Islam was a white Caucasian Wallace Fard Jew?
"Fard's real identity is not definitively known."
Oh dear, perhaps he was ultimately descended from the crypto-Jews (Heb. anusim), the

'Chuetas' of Majorca;
'Daggatun' of the Sahara, Almohads in North Africa and Spain;
'Dja-did-ul-lslam' / Jadid al-Islam of Persia/Iran;
'Donmeh' of Salonica and Turkey;
'Marranos' / Conversos / 'los Cristianos Nuevos' of Spain and Latin America;
'Neofiti' in southern Italy;
'Shobatnik' in Russia.

  Miscellaneous points from the Hadith:

  1) Muhammad was a white man (Caucasoid Neanderthal Jew perhaps?): vol. 1 hadith #63. Whiteness of his armpits and legs; colour of the skin of his private parts distinctively white!!
Vol. 9, Hadith #242: in Muhammad's dream he described Jesus Christ as a white man with long straight hair.
A religion of racism - just like Judaism.

  2) Blacks referred to as "raisin heads" by Muhammad in the Hadith: vol. 1 hadith # 662; vol. 9, hadith #256, vol.9 hadith #162, #163. Usually referred to as slaves owned by their Muslim Arab masters - Louis Farrakhan cry your heart out!

  3)  Muhammad practised shamanic arts and said on dream interpretation: if you dream of a black woman it is an evil omen of a coming disaster / pestilence. (vol.9 hadith #162, #163 above).

  4) Muhammad's personality type: easily angered, short tempered:  reddened in the face, vol.1 hadiths #90, #91 in which the prophet was seen furious, his cheeks red with rage. Vol.2 hadith #555, vol. 3 hadith #591: "Allah has hated you for asking too many questions."

  5) He consummated his marriage to Ayesha when she was 9 years old. Nine is a popular age in the Jewish Talmud world.

  6) At times Muhammad was under the spell of witches: vol. 7 hadith #636.  Al-Bukhari's Hadith collection Vol. 7 hadith #656-664 - magic, soothsayers, superstition.

  7) He ordained a special prayer for when defecating as he feared being entered by evil spirits in the privy. This is a direct parallel of the Rabbinic demon of the toilet protective prayer rubbish in the Talmud.

  8) Worship and kissing of the black stone at Mecca, the pagan relic the q'aba, is treated in vol. 2 hadith #173, #667. Dirt on the forehead to show you have bowed to the ground and are holy and righteous - like the Bible NT where JC refers to the rabbis praying ostentatiously on the streets.

  9) Muhammad was not without sin, the doctrine was never taught in early Islam. Vol. 1 hadith #711 refers to Muhammud asking Allah for forgiveness of his sins - 70 times a day, vol.1 hadith #19. Vol. 4 hadith #506 says Jesus Christ was the only sinless man who ever lived not Muhammad.

  10) He had 20 women in his harem, 11 or 12 wives, slaves, concubines and female devotees; and had the virility of 30 men. Vol. 1 hadith #267, 268, 270. Vain about his appearance. He also dyed his hair reddish with henna: vol.1 hadith #167.

  11) The belief there was a physical sign identifying someone was a prophet of Allah - the Seal of Muhammad - a fatty tumour or lump ( like a partridge egg!) between the shoulder blades upon the neck: vol.1, hadith #189, vol.4 hadith #741

  The prohibition of riba or usury is as with Judaism's prohibition on interest,  FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE IN-GROUP ONLY.
  He came to build an earthly kingdom - just as in Judaism's expected Messiah which shall be the king and champion of the Jews - not the saviour of humanity.

  Any Islamists here who have access to the Hadith please confirm or deny.

   *   *   *   *

  {3} The late Dr. William Pierce of VNN: 2000 radio show : "The Rubes and the Carnies". 30mins.

  @22:20 "Now I'll state a fundamental truth, which is basic to an understanding of the nature of the Jews and of the Jewish role in our civilisation. That truth is that the Jews as a whole are myth-makers, illusion-builders or to put it less politely, they are tricksters. Their whole existence among us is based on deception and illusion and misdirection. Some of them are very clever, some of them are creative, but they ARE quite alien in their nature. It is almost as if they had landed here from another planet. They disguise their alienness with a remarkable talent for deception. We are like a bunch of Rubes at a circus, at a carnival; and they are the Carnies. And where the Rubes are concerned, the Carnies stick together. Certainly not every Jew is involved in slave dealing or child prostitution or welfare fraud or is a member of the Organisazia or, in the case of older Jews, belonged to the Communist party. But whenever the call "Hey, Rube" goes out, ALL of the Carnies do their part to assure that the Carnies win the fight, which is why you didn't hear about the Israeli Consulate in Rio de Janeiro being a centre for child prostitution until _I_ told you about it today. The nice, non-Communist, non-Gangster Jews who control your media thought that it would be better for the Rubes not to know about it."

   *   *   *   *

  {4} Nesta Helen Webster: Secret Societies and Subversive Movements (1926)
Chapter 14.: Pan-Germanism.

"We have only to follow point by point the policy of the British Labour Party since the war to recognize that whilst the measures it advocated might be of doubtful benefit to the workers, there could be no doubt whatever of the benefit they would confer on Germany. With a million and a quarter unemployed and large numbers of the working classes unable to find homes, the professed representatives of Labour have persistently clamoured for the removal of restrictions on alien immigration and alien imports. So although through the Trade Unions the British worker was to be rigorously protected against competition from his fellow-Briton, no obstacles were to be placed in the way of competition by foreign, and frequently underpaid, labour. That this glaring betrayal of their interests should not have raised a storm of resentment amongst the working classes is surely evidence that the Marxian doctrine "the emancipation of the working classes must be brought about by the working classes themselves" has so far led to no great results. Emerson truly observed: "So far as a man thinks, he is free." The working classes can never be free until they learn to think for themselves instead of allowing their thinking to be done for them by the middle-class exploiters of Labour."

  Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose...


Superb summary of the show, Helphand, and I particularly enjoyed reading the supplemental information you include.  

"Raisin Heads"....."physical sign identifying someone was a prophet of Allah - the Seal of Muhammad -...lump ( like a partridge egg!) between the shoulder blades upon the neck: vol.1, hadith #189, vol.4 hadith #741"....These trinkets of information are great!
I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a Hamburger today.


Yo Wimpy! yeah one or two are intriguing but we're all waiting on some informed comment contrariwise, based on the Hadith themselves, from anyone in the know. This is this fellow's take so far. Maybe some points to add to DBS's next TFC with Muhammad Rafiq or David Pidcock? Or James Dickie, who hasn't been on for ages and IMHO who should be up again soon. In the latter case he performs best I think if given a topic list beforehand first, 'cos he's of an academic turn of mind, and second, 'cos he's getting on a bit; so the old subconscious mind can recall the plentiful infos he has rather than shooting relatively banal stuff from the hip.