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TFC: Wednesday, 8 December, 2010 - DBS / M. Rafiq

Started by Helphand, December 23, 2010, 01:55:55 PM

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TFC: Wednesday, 8 December, 2010 - DBS / M. Rafiq

http://iamthewitness.com/audio/Muhammad ... 8-2010.mp3

DBS: Financial Times says Ireland should leave the Euro--DBS agrees but they should repudiate their loan agreements first and revert to the Irish pound, take a devaluation and restart manufacturing and tourism. Propaganda the Mighty Wurlitzer Edward L. Bernays the Father of Spin and PR company Burson-Marsteller  involved with whitewashing nation states' crimes; Argentina's use in 1970s of Hill & Knowlton who also spun the lie of Iraqis taking incubators out of Kuwaiti hospitals leaving children to die on the floor; the press conference for that was staged. George W. Bush used among excuses to invade Iraq. The propaganda machine.
MR: for its success propaganda does depend in part on a docile non-inquisitive population; more unemployed, more looking on the internet and finding alternative information; also the consistent message of sites like TFC brings credibility especially when corroborated from other sources springing up. Bernays renamed propaganda as public relations to make it palatable. Techniques developed up to WW2 and perfected thereafter. Access to reality was more difficult before the internet and BBSs, digital media and so on. Intel services still behind the curve in controlling spreading information and concentrating on control techniques like DoS.

Julian Assange/wikileaks is a cointelpro matter--the info released is not new or classified.
DBS: Guardian, New York Times, Der Spiegel received the leaked information who have cherry picked their stories. Who leads the selection of stories? Bin Laden dead. But intel minions feel compelled to think he is still alive?
MR: the establishment minions have evidently decided it is necessary to fight back in the information war in the mainstream media and not just stymie the dissemination of information from alternative sources. Mixing some truth to make the lie plausible. Re-selling 911, 7/7 and a few other scams.
DBS: their information is being disseminated by mainstream organs which have no track record of putting out real information so not credible. They didn't pick up stuff from TFC and others so why suddenly picking it up from wikileaks??
MR: also the wikileaks op must have been a huge job to set up, sifting the info to release and so on - a year more or less in the making?
DBS: you were on a TV show with Iranian presstv on 3 December {give us the link}, Max Keiser also on the show; he put out 90% accurate info but threw out a line about "Bin Laden flying into your airport" as a reinforcer of the "Arabs did 911" line by insinuation. He's appeared on Alex Jones shows without mentioning the Zionist element in the banking elite or media. {Of course not. Surely he's a Jew. Even disregarding his appearance, his mannerisms, verbal plays and delivery bear the signs; as with Karl Denninger (a more difficult case) the giveaway is in the intonation and delivery.}
MR: I was invited before the show to challenge anything said by others with which I disagreed. But left me in the fork as to whether to spend time challenging and substantiating my challenges or using my allotted time in getting my own points across.

Keiser's comment about 911 irked but I decided to stick with the money issue in the time allowed. MK sounds like he's anti bankster but then about-turns with a quip or throwaway.
DBS: they'd had George Galloway on and he said recently in Montreal the hijackers were from Islamic community.
MR: the links you put up on TFC to the 77 bombings quoting the official reports which said clearly there were 2/3 bomb holes in the carriage floors and people were afraid of falling through them; yet none of the bomb holes marked as evidence were near where the supposed Pakistani was allegedly seated and those in the carriage who survived did not mention they had seen him there. Evidence does not support the official analysis.
DBS: three months before 7/7 London Underground had a new executive appointed--a former CIA operative!
MR: evidence compelling against the official line. {Also of course the initial BBC radio report on the day and the South London Press report on Friday, the following day, each stating that one or more assumed bombers had been gunned down by police in the afternoon of Thursday 7/7 at Canary Wharf outside the HSBC building.} Max Keiser appears to have credibility but he is either ignorant or he is controlled opposition and is knowingly disseminating disinformation; either way the effect is the same.
DBS: suspect he is controlled opposition. There were 5 invited on the presstv show 2 of whom were ineffective in discussion. Another topic was JP Morgan and its shorting silver. But JPM is an arm of the US federal government and will not be allowed to go down. Also COMEX rules confer the right to settle in cash not by delivering metal.
MR: correct that's in what's called the contract specification. {So Max Keiser's call to arms for Americans to buy a silver dollar each and cause a shortage of deliverable silver on COMEX is a meaningless gesture.} Cash settlement right may have come from the 1980s Bunker Hunt attempt to corner the silver market so it will not collapse COMEX; also, of the US9billion bailout cash, US2billion was given to JPM to make them solvent--so the US Govt. is not going to let JPM go down in a short squeeze as JPM would argue it is supporting the USD by shorting silver and entitled to government support.
DBS: major USD devaluation coming and an upsurge in inflation. In France in six months there's been a ~25% increase in gas oil from 90c./litre to 1.25Eur. {Cash given to bailed out banks not lent to business but a wall of money has flooded into commodities; prices driven up and the consumer suffers the higher costs. So not only does the taxpayer foot the bailout bill but also pays higher commodity costs...} Foodstuffs up in price. Grains up 60-70%.

The finished products made from these commodities will also be costing more. Meantime wage deflation.
MR: strike action demo outside Croydon Council offices following job layoffs and the Council taking on much cheaper unemployed people from work experience schemes for the long term unemployed. In business, increased costs are exceeding profit margins and must be passed on.
DBS: in the US food stamps continue for those who qualify--and have an address--but unemployment support has stopped for many notably in Tennessee and Ohio in former steel manufacturing etc.
MR: end of November, those with no eligibility to benefits is 2mio.
DBS: each month will see more reaching end of unemployment support.
MR: so start planting a garden or begin taking other steps before you're at the end of the line.
DBS: bond arbitrageurs will be active in Portuguese, Spanish bonds etc. after the Christmas break. Ireland paying nearly 10% on sovereign debt.
MR: 1989/94 levels of interest--also inflationary.
DBS: not enough money existing to bail out the banks. The collapse is inevitable and already under way.
MR: noted from the audience at the presstv show that they were getting notably angry about UK student fees going up. They missed his explanation which pointed out the fees were going up because the borrowings incurred by Government have to be serviced by UK taxpayer which means more taxes or cutting expenditure on services. Instead should go back to the model of letting the banks fail. His concern is that people still do not focus on what they should be directing their anger to.

DBS: but more are coming up to speed, the books at <http://iamthewitness.com/books> are spread far and wide. DBS been in touch with Matthias Chang deputy of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and others expert in the financial dimension. Lots of religious fanatics writing to DBS, one claiming (a) "Purgatory was not designed in the middle ages" and (b) that "the Christian Church wasn't started by Jesus Christ, it was the Roman Catholic Church"--no, JC's instruction to go out and preach was not the founding of the RC {Babylonian/pagan/Mithra} Church! {Alexander Hislop: "The Two Babylons" (1853/1862)}. People with agendas constrained by their own paradigms from re-evaluating the scene on the basis of established facts. {for the mindset of reliance on belief rather than rational evaluation of empirical evidence, see chapters 3/4: Psychological Structure of Cultism; Critiquing Cult Mind-Control Model) in Walter Martin: "The Kingdom of the Cults" (1965/1997).}  The students MR mentioned are stuck in this mindset, being told that in America these fee levels have been endemic for ever.
MR: also the Americans pay less tax than say in the UK where higher taxes were accepted since they subsidised other people's education, medical treatment etc. and this was implemented post WW2 when 250,000 families had lost the male head of the household/breadwinner. But UK income tax has gone up to 50% in April Budget on top of these cuts and people ignore this!
DBS: they also don't tell you that London banks were financing IG Farben and Rothschild had major shareholding in it and it was never bombed, Harriman Bank in NYC was transferring money to the Nazis, etc etc. All this being repeated in Iraq and elsewhere; Greater Israel's designs on the Sinai peninsula.
MR: religious faith has to be consistent with external reality which after all is God's creation. Cannot deny reality, you might as well deny the texts of your own belief/religion--you're a disbeliever.
DBS: people are being controlled through fear.

Zionism trying to obscure its role and someone suggesting Templar gold is at the heart of financing the world's woes.
MR: again it's the question of objective reality: look at the names of those involved, look at their links through common faith or being drawn in through personal financial or power gain. Saying it's the Knights Templar is itself historically fallacious. Scots Templar churches, headstones marked with skull and bones {is this the link with Yale University Skull & Bones Society? Also has it not been stated/proven that the Templars in Scotland included/were comprised of many Sephardic Jews after they were expelled from Spain by Queen Isabella?} The Templars were not behind the financing of Cromwell or the Bank of England/UK National Debt, funding of the African slave trade--but check out who WAS involved in those.
DBS: the connections continue to the present day, intermarriage of the main families. The vastness and complexity of their structure are creating its own disequilibrium. {Emerson: Universe's law of Compensation, perhaps?} They wanted to bleed out the economy and did not want to destroy the financial system but both things have happened.
MR: they have taken over many assets and other resources but the edifice is so huge it requires the involvement of many including non-insiders. Compare the use by Rothschild of Cecil Rhodes in relation to the running of South Africa/gold and diamond mines. The USD9trillion was sorely needed by them to prop up the enormous layer of trusted middlemen and minions.
DBS: people are resourceful as Adrian Salbuchi has shown with the Argentine experience and local currencies but those developments were neutralised by the banks and government and their importance was not appreciated by the population as a potential defence. In the USA the imposition of the police state is being accelerated to uphold the tyrannous empire.

MR: the old style of consensus policing has faded, disputes being sorted before legal intervention. Police look like Robocop, more law enforcers than peace keepers. Tasers bring to mind electric fences to keep cattle enclosed; OK to use on cattle but no thought of being used on human beings. now no compunction in police using them on women, the disabled and so on. Out of control with a them and us mentality.
DBS: the model has been exported to Europe like with the gardai' in Ireland. Food sharing in rural France.  Learning curve in growing your own food so don't leave it till too late when you have no alternative from conventional sources.

MR: the presstv show was called The Link and went out 3 December, there is a section of the same name on presstv's website so don't be confused.
DBS: very slow download or it's been messed with, will try and copy it to YouTube. Consider donations to TFC at http://iamthewitness.com (NB rich philanthropists). Heavy snowfalls followed by local flooding, domestic effects.

{"... what I see instead is a glorious future. I've said to people for years that America is at the dawn of its Republic now, because we never had a Republic. We've been under control of the bankers the whole time. We'll get our own government and America will begin to have a history. We have no history. All we have is a history of Zionist intrigue. "
  An Afternoon With Eustace Mullins--19 July, 2003. (James Dyer)
  http://educate-yourself.org/cn/eustacem ... ul03.shtml }