Rats like their tunnels & underground bases

Started by sirbadman, December 28, 2010, 01:23:04 AM

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I found this podcast quite interesting: http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/11nov/RIR-101102-rsauder.mp3

Richard Sauder is interviewed on his knowledge of secret underground bases and tunnels around the world and complains about a "schneider" putting out false info in this field.

He doesn't mention the word 'jew' but you can tell tribe members are behind these underground developments.

The podcast also looks into the possibility a food crisis could be created and how the elites etc could head underground for a couple of years then resurface to a control a more sparsely populated world.

From my underground mining knowledge, these UG bases would have to be in certain areas of geology where there is plenty of hard rock and no major gas issues. The deepest underground mining, say in China for coal, would be around 800m depth of cover so some of the depths mentioned in the interview are pretty out there.

Should be possible to find likely areas for them if we get some geos to look into it.