afghanistan after democracy

Started by Anonymous, July 14, 2008, 02:17:40 AM

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Dr Muhammed Milaki joins Rick to discuss the middle eastern conflicts and the road to the source. ... 220000.mp3



Very evil shit going on there.  I bought the book last year to support his efforts in helping the people of Afghanistan.


Yes, very evil shit.  Just like DEMONocracy itself.  Evil to the core.  Democracy is NO better than socialism, communism, Marxism, take your pick.  It's a jewish construct that is being used to DESTROY the USA.  How the hell could it be could to spread "democracy" to other countries?  How is it that a country such as the US is "spreading democracy" when we are clearly a constitutional republic?  

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.  

Jews know that if the US acts and functions like a democracy it will be SIMPLE for them to forward their objectives.  They use their media control to sway the opinions of the majority in whatever direction they like.  So democracy is GREAT for them, but BAD BAD news for us.  

There are ZERO individual rights in a democracy.  NONE.  Nada.  Nothing.  See, in a democracy, the majority can simply vote your rights away if they like.  The majority can vote to take everything you own.  The majority can vote to have you killed, but it's democracy, YOU get a vote too!!!  That's fair right?  

Plato said, democracies last on average 225 years and ALWAYS fail due to POOR FISCAL POLICY!  Sound familiar?  The US has been around for 232 years, and since it acts and functions like a democracy, with MOST of the people BELIEVING it IS a democracy, WE ARE SCREWED.  

Of course, our representative form of government always left the jew a way to gain control anyway by infiltration of all "representative" positions.  This is part of why there was so much arguing over the constitution (leaving out the issue of state's rights).  Some of the men who formed this country wanted to ensure that we wouldn't fall prey to domination by an outside force.  Some democratic processes made it through, and the rest is history.  

For the american patriots out there.  SLAP THE TAR out of anyone who DARES call this country a demonocracy.  We were formed as a republic, we just didn't get enough citizen oversight of govt SERVANTS, meaning DIRECT citizen oversight of ALL congressional proceedings and decisions.  Govt's should be watched VERY closely by citizens with guns.  First servant to step out of line catches a bullet on the floor of the senate, congress, or in the oval office.  No more protecting criminal SERVANTS who deem themselves dictators of our lives.  This would solve so many problems it's not funny.


All politics are p. stupid really.


Stupid?  If you like to view it that way, your own ignorance will also be your own demise.  These people are playing with YOUR life and the lives of everyone around you and your best answer is "politics are stupid"??  I see why you are banned repeatedly here.  Nobody here is trying to save you, and you refuse to save yourself.  I think it's likely your personas are that of an agent provacatuer rather than just that of the average random moron who prefers to keep his head firmly seated in his own ass.