AIPAC & Jewish Supremacists pushing US into a war

Started by Ruddy, October 08, 2012, 09:59:10 PM

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It seems that Jew president of Israel Netenyahoo isn't getting his way yet.The feakin Jew kikes are relentlessly pushing for the US to fight Iran. The Zionist parasitic lobbyists are pushing hard.
You know when I hear the Iranian president speak at the UN he makes sense.He questions the holocaust which is taboo in alot of western countries. The Jews have been milking the holocaust for alot of money.
The Zionist Jews only use the US to line there pockets while they influence our government. Open multiracial immigration Jew sponsored. They are for a policy of immigration that would let any dick head in as long as thier not White. They are anti White &
put Iraels interests above the USA. :^)