WTF - Dear White Witches/Wiccans/Pagans...

Started by Ognir, June 10, 2015, 11:57:42 AM

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Most zionists don't believe that God exists, but they do believe he promised them Palestine

- Ilan Pappe

Michael K.

I have a bit of a response, and I had this epiphany sometime last week.  The point of producing a freak show in the media and courts is not ultimately about getting special rights for homosexual individuals who are politically organized.  Transsexual sugical mutilation, and the active campaign to invoke this image in the group psyche is an attempt to alienate man from his natural abhorrence of the perverse.  The whole thing is driven to break down our humanity, our human dignity and our sense of what constitutes a valid picture of those things which are typically human.  The long range goal of all the gray money supporting this qeerist agitprop and the made up imaginary idolatry to go with it, is the ultimate subversion of the human being's self image so that he can see himself as philosophically of equal human rights with a dismembered torso of a hundred fifty year old man still alive and encased in a fluid and attached to a computer where it virtually lives just to toment the living with its huge bank accounts and legal rights.  And lastly, the mark of the beast, a symbiotic computer uplink on every living human being from a baby on up.  All connecting to a diembodied spirit in a quantum computer.  Demonic, ultimately.
