Here's latest (today) by "operation chaos" w. my extended commentary

Started by apollonian, June 20, 2015, 09:43:09 PM

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And here's the comment I left at the u-tube site--see what u think in comparison:

"Great work once again, operator--ur sort of sardonic, satiric treatment of this subject, sandy hoax, is much appreciated after all the dozens and dozens, even hundreds of more prosaic and matter-of-fact -type vids I've been studying in straight-forward manner.  And u do it in such excellent fashion, never too long or too much, always just right.

"I came to ur site here, not knowing if u'd put up another, and was elated to find u had indeed--I knew it was going to be good.

"One of ur talents un-questionably is juxtaposition by which u bring-out the absurdity of the over-wrought crisis-actors--esp. like w. the four teachers upon which u cut to the three stooges, ho ho ho ho--great and highly effective technique, I'd say.

"Here's what I get most of all fm ur vids--the over-wrought crisis-acting, always for the purpose of prejudice against the perfidy of gun-owners, the crisis-actor "victims" always pretending to this holier-than-thou, much put-upon attitude--and then the LIE to effect, "we're not trying to take the guns"--ur satiric attitude is actually then the best way to take it all fm these scum--who do they think they're kidding?

"And there's NO DOUBT this sandy hoax is a contrived production--how do we know?--by the consistent, constant, overwhelming, single-minded anti-gun attitude and overtone--there's no let-up or break fm this long-playing theme they put on, always soooo aggrieved, as if, "aw gee, one of our kiddoes had to go and get offed, and all because u clowns out there have to have ur guns, guns, guns--can't ya give us a break, for goodness sakes?"--ho ho ho.

"An undertone then is the patronizing sort of attitude of the masterminds behind it all, expressed by the actors too, as they insist "after all, we're not trying to take the guns"--which u don't fail to catch in ur artistic manner.  Great work, again; keep it up."

Michael K.

Why don't you keep beating a dead horse, you fairy.

What do you get paid by the word?


Quote from: Michael K. on June 21, 2015, 12:11:21 AM
Why don't you keep beating a dead horse, you fairy.

What do you get paid by the word?

Ho ho hoho ho ho ho--do u get paid by word?--waste of money, eh?  Ho ho ho ho ho